Life On The Road

Life On The Road

Eating Out

Do not eat fast food while you are traveling on the road. Fast food has many more calories than a good meal from a restaurant. The fast will likely cost more than a good meal from the restaurant. Eating something good for you is worth a bit of wait time. I would rather have a salmon meal with vegetables, soup, or baked potato. Fast foods are very fattening; if you order a hamburger and fries, you hardly get any vegetables except one lettuce leaf and one tomato slice, and they generally throw in a large soda loaded with calories. Eat healthy, wiser, and better foods for a better and healthier life. I knew a person who ate fast food all of the time while on the road, and she could hardly move, and it led to an early death.

Give Yourself Time

If you tire of driving, take a coffee and take a break. Find an attraction in the area and check it out; you will most likely be glad you did. Give yourself at least two hours’ leeway, as there may be road construction and detours to your destination. Never show up late, as that says a lot about you. It tells the other person your time is important, but their time is not.

Finding Lodging

Always try to make reservations. Driving all night to find a place to rest will wear you out even more than driving in heavy traffic. Always plan, and then you will eliminate many problems. If you find your lodging unacceptable, tell them and find a better place to stay the night. I had excellent lodging at this cabin-like house.

Snacks While Driving

If you want chips, eat a healthy energy bar, almonds, walnuts, or baked potato chips. Avoid sugary foods and fried foods if you can. You might want to drink a healthy energy drink as many new ones do not have sugar except natural juice. I like natural juice drinks, vegetable drinks, and water.

Go For A Walk For A Break From Driving

I like to find a park to walk in or walk while looking at the stores in a town. After driving for three hours or more, walking relaxes the muscles in your legs and helps your back. Talk to other people walking, and they may tell you about a must-see attraction in their town.

Driving Everyday On Busy Roads

Always watch out for the other guy on the road. The other guy may do the unexpected. I had a lady do a U-turn at a one-way intersection. I honked at her, and she finally realized she was going the wrong way when another car and she met face to face. At least no one got killed or injured since they did not collide.

You Have Arrived At Your Destination

I hope you have a good and successful business trip and that your vacation is everything you want it to be. Ask people what you should see and find the top ten attractions by asking Alexa or Google. Read what travel bloggers have said about things to do and see where you are. Safe driving and safe travels.

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Blindness In Cats

Blindness In Cats

It Is Very Sad When your Cat Goes Blind

You may not notice it until your cat does not land right when he jumps down from the back of your recliner. He may scratch you by accident when he lands wrong. Help your cat by helping him find leftover nibbles of food on his plate. Do not rearrange furniture in your home, as he knows where everything is. If you have to move something in your house temporarily, set it next to the edge of the other furniture. Never leave something in the middle of the room that he could stumble on and hurt by it. Tell your cat that he is close to the edge of a chair or hold him back so he will not fall to the ground and break a bone, perhaps. You will notice that your cat puts out one of his paws, which helps him know if he will land on your furniture or fall to the floor. Be patient with your cat and think, how would I get around if I went blind suddenly?

What Causes Blindness In Cats

Your cat could have high blood pressure, glaucoma, or maybe he had a stroke that left him blind. They might have damage to their optic nerve. A  bad case of cataracts could cause blindness. Blindness in older cats is common after the age of six. Take your cat to your vet to see if they can correct the condition, as there are eye drops for glaucoma in cats.

When We Had Outdoor Cats, We Had Two That Went Blind

They were both black Tom cats. One had short hair, and one had longhair. I had the short-haired one for many years, and he was very wild, so I could not catch him. He got cataracts in his old age, and he went blind. He hunted the ditches for many years and would bring home the mice he had killed in our ditches by the house. He died of natural causes up by our house. I gave him lots of canned food, and I would call him, and he found the food every single time. He lived to be twenty years old. The longhaired tom also lived a long life.

The Other Senses In Your Cat Grow Stronger

Their hearing gets more keen, and their sense of perception increases. Your cat will rely on his memory of where things are and some things you must bring into your home now and then because they have worn out. I have noticed that blind cats use their whiskers to tell them how close they are to something. They know something or someone is in their way if they touch their whiskers when maneuvering around.

Other Cats And Your Blind Cat

Hopefully, your other cats will be kind and helpful to your blind cat. I have noticed other cats touch their foot very gently on the blind cat’s face. If you have cats that pick on your blind cat, separate them immediately, as your blind cat has enough worries and concerns without another cat picking on him when he has a disability. Be patient, kind, and loving to the feline companion and soul mate that you have had in your life for many years. Your cat has always been there for you on difficult days. Help your cat as he has helped you on sad and difficult days. I hope you and your cat live together in harmony for many years.

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Do Not Put Off Things For Another Day

Do Not Put Off Things For Another Day

Do Not Procrastinate

Get things done right away, especially if you dread doing it. If you wait and wait, the dread will get worse, and you will be very stressed by doing it at the last minute. If you do not want to talk to someone about a business deal, speak to them anyway, and it may go much better than you ever dreamed of. Then, it will be out of your mind and crossed off your to-do list. If you keep procrastinating, the time will come when you can no longer function to accomplish what you wanted to get done in your lifetime. Some people do not want to plan their funeral or write their will. If you do not, someone will do it for you, which will most likely not be exactly how you wanted it to be. Tell people you love them, for the day will come when they are gone, and you wish you had told them how you feel and appreciated them being part of your life. Life waits for no man, and it continues, so make the most out of your life, live it to its fullest, and do not procrastinate.

Reach For Your Dreams As No One Can Do It For You

If you want to travel, do it and stop talking about it. You will never regret any of your travels, as they are a great learning experience and one of the joys in life. If you have your heart set on a particular career, put your heart and soul into it, along with college and late-night studying, and you will achieve your goals. Nothing in life is handed to you; you must work for it. A strong work ethic is what will get you far in life. You will not get far living on handouts, and you will not feel a great sense of satisfaction or self-worth. If one is unable to work because of health or a disability, you are entitled to handouts. If you do not reach for your dreams, you will have an unfulfilled feeling that will remain with you forever.

Have All Of Bussiness Papers Filled Away

Put your important papers in a file or lockbox. If they are filed and organized neatly, papers are easy to find. No one wants to search for important documents at the last minute. Ensure you can immediately find your birth certificate, social security information, work forms, insurance policies, and abstracts. Keep all necessary papers for at least seven years if you are audited.

God And Church

Praise God daily for the blessings he has given you, not just when tragedy knocks on your door. No one wants a rainy-day friend. Put God at the top of your priority list, and never procrastinate on your relationship with Him, or you will be lost. We are nothing without God in our life. Go to church or listen on Facebook as church brings you and others closer to God. Get things done ASAP.

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Easter Memories

Easter Memories

We would go to church on Easter Sunday and generally go to the sunrise service. We would eat breakfast with our church family. After breakfast, we would attend our church service. Our minister would always give an excellent sermon about Easter. I would have on a new dress and an Easter bonnet. My Mother would have a new dress on, and my Father would wear his Sunday suit.

Christ and Easter

Christ died for our sins on the cross. No one can have a greater love for one than to lay down their life for one. At Easter, let us reflect on how God has blessed us and the many prayers he has answered for us.  Christ is the reason we can know that our spirit or soul will be in heaven someday. Christ is risen. He has risen indeed. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Easter Gatherings

For lunch on Easter, we would generally eat with our relatives. We would have a ham dinner, potatoes, vegetables, sweet potatoes, and dessert. While the adults would visit, the kids would play board games. The youngest children would eat at the card table, while the main table was reserved for the adults.

Easter and Children

Easter eggs would be hidden in the house for us youngsters to find. We would eat the candy inside of the plastic eggs. My mother helped me decorate Easter eggs with various colors and designs. I had an Easter basket that my grandmother had given me for years. I recently gave it to my young cousin’s children. I hope they will enjoy it as much as I did during childhood. I had a stuffed Easter bunny and baby chick toys.

Easter is a Time of Renewal

I now eat out with friends or relatives after Easter Sunday worship. Easter is a time of renewal and new beginnings. I enjoy tulips, Easter lilies, and nature’s beauty every day. I hope you and your family will make many memorable and Happy Easter memories. God Bless you and yours.


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Cat Come Home

Cat Come Home

My New Cat Sneaked Out

You can be diligent, and your cat can still sneak past you and be out of your door. Cats are very determined creatures, and they aim to get their way one way or the other. If your cat sneaks out, do not panic. Your cat may not come back right away. Keep calling him. Sometimes, it may take up to three hours before he wishes to return to the comfort of his home. I had one cat that was gone for one week before she returned home. She had managed to get a large hole in the screen door and got out that way. To my surprise, I left the hole in the screen, and she was in the house one day after exploring her new area. I was elated to have her back home and safe again. The Siamese cat that I had years ago loved to go out and explore. It was going to rain one day while she was out, and I called and called, but she would not let me pick her up or would she enter the house. When I came home, she was wet, but it was 80 out, and she ran in the door the minute we opened it. My cat, Red, liked to go out and explore, and he would not let you catch him once he was out. One day, my three unneutered Toms saw him, and they tried to beat him up, but he hid in between bales of straw. After that ordeal, he was happy to let me put him back in the house. Put canned tuna in water in a trap, and you should be able to catch your missing cat if all else fails. I had a cat familiar with the sound of the lawn mower, so I drove it back and forth along the edge of the field. She came from the cornfield, and I returned her to the house.

Tom Cats And Female Cats

I have had many Tom cats take off for months during mating season. I always worried about them. Most of the time, they returned home with a few scratches. In the country, some people will shoot your Tom Cats if they set foot on their farm. Tom cats should not be shot unless they are brutal and mean to the female cats. We had a hunter years ago that killed our beautiful female cat right in front of my Father. She had kittens, but we gave them to another female cat with sickly and dying kittens. Her mother raised her healthy kittens. Some of my cats went to live with the neighbors after I had doctored them up. I guess they thought my Doctoring methods were torture even though I saved their lives with shots and pills. I had one cat that was gone for eight years before she returned home. She returned home to die as she only lived two months after her return. I hope your cat returns home safely and unharmed.

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Always Try To Be Compassionate And Understanding

Always Try To Be Compassionate And Understanding

Put Yourself In The Other Person’s Place

How would you feel if you did not feel well and someone was mean and uncaring of your situation? I would feel worse than I did, to begin with, and most of us would. Try to help someone who is not well. Call them and reach out to see if you could help them get groceries or take them to an appointment. Buy a book for them to read or candy or flowers for them to look at. Talk to them on the phone as another person’s voice can be calming and healing. Never tell someone I know how you feel because you have no idea how they feel until you have been in their situation.

Be Slow To Anger

Yelling or upsetting someone is always uncalled for. Talk out the situation after you have thought about it for a while. Remember, maybe some of the blame lies on your shoulders. Never write a letter to anyone until you have cooled down and thought over the situation entirely. Stay calm, relaxed, and collected, and you will be glad you did when everything is said and done. A person who can talk things out is much wiser than one who lets his serpent tongue go. Never go to bed being angry at anyone. All of us make mistakes or grievous errors now and then.

If You Do Not Get Your Way, Do Not Have A Hissy Fit

You do not always have the ride away in traffic, and you have to wait your turn. Some people start yelling because of a traffic jam. The traffic jams will not clear up any sooner if you lose your temper. Remember, all good things come to those who wait patiently and silently. Children may have a temper tantrum, but adults should know much better. In front of your children, act like you want them to behave as adults. After all, they learn by example.

God Is Always Compassionate And Understanding With Us

God is slow to anger. He forgives us for our sins if we truly repent. He is very compassionate with us when we are sick and frail. God understands our thoughts and tries to lead us in the right direction in our lives that will serve him and others. God loves every single hair on our heads. God answers all of our prayers in his timeframe. He does not want any of his children to suffer. With God by your side, you will not suffer for long as he will care for you. God understands you better than anyone ever can and is more compassionate than anyone else.

Lift People Up And Have Joy When They Have Accomplishments In Their Life

If someone writes a book, congratulate them on their accomplishment. If a young person graduates from college, compliment them on a job well done. Honor people who go the extra mile to make someone’s life better and more pleasant through caring deeds. Be a go-to person for others and lift them to the highest mountain top so they can get a bird’s eye view of their accomplishments while on earth. Bring joy into people’s hearts.

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Having Cats In My Life

Having Cats In My Life

Cats Are Our Furry Friends

I was introduced to my first cat when I was two years old and have loved them deeply ever since. My Grandfather found Flossie, a very young kitten, meowing in a section of our field near the house. We made a bed for them in the barn, and she flourished and grew and had many kittens in her lifetime. She would follow me around the farm and lay on the ground when I was on my swingset. She and her kittens would wait for me when I stood outdoors waiting for a ride on the school bus. She had one calico kitten that I named Blacknose, and she would come up to our door with a dead garter snake in her mouth. She was the only cat I ever had that killed snakes. She had other kittens, and some of their names were Snitzel, Sprite, Hoover, Blackie, etc,

Dressing Up Snitzel

I loved to dress up Snitzel in large doll clothes. He was tolerant and would fall asleep in the shoebox with his attire on. When he woke up from his catnap, he would look at me with those amber eyes as if to say I cannot face the other outdoor cats with this on. I removed his doll dress, and he returned to being an outdoor cat. Snitzel was a wonderful and loving cat.

Adopting Cats

I have adopted many cats throughout the years. I adopted a cat named Honey, which is part Siamese, Persian, and domestic Shorhair. She was a beautiful Black and white cat with many beautiful kittens. She went to live at a neighbor’s house one day as they had a little girl who loved her and took Honey with them when they moved. I missed her but let her pick where she wanted to live. The neighbors left their purebred Tom cat with us, and he was a beautiful Himalayan cat. My relatives gave me a purebred Maine Coon cat years ago. My cats are a combination of these lovely cats that I had over the years and that I still have through their offspring. A friend gave me a beautiful gray and white tabby cat. I adopted some cats that needed a home while I was in Wisconsin. I adopted four cats from a woman whose Mother had died, and she needed a home for her cats. All my born-on-the-farm or adopted cats have been loved and cared for by me.

Cats Are Good For Your Overall Health

Having cats is known to lower your blood pressure and relax you. Hearing a cat purr is very comforting and relaxing. Cats are always by your side when you feel sick or sad. You can talk to your cats; they will listen and answer you with loving purrs or meows. Cats will always be my all-time favorite pets. I had a pet goat that I loved dearly, along with some dogs, gerbils, and a parakeet. Treat your pets with respect, love, kindness, and compassion, take care of them with regular vet visits, and keep their shots current. God bless you and your pet friends.


Nature And Spring

Nature And Spring

New Born Farm Animals

I love to see newborn baby lambs frolicking around on the farm. I used to love playing with the kittens born in the spring. I would carry them all around the farm when they were big enough to take away from their Mother. I used to hold a dark-colored calico named Blacknose when I rode my trike at about three or four. When they were big enough, my cats would wait with me while I waited to ride on the school bus. The good old days of being a child growing up on the family farm. We raised piglets; our Sows generally have six to eight little piglets. When it was time to separate them from their Mother, the Mother did not like it, and she made a bit of a fuss naturally. I loved it when we got baby chicks from the hatchery, as they were beautiful and had yellow feathers. They lived in a brooder house with a heat lamp and grew quickly. There is nothing prettier or cuter than newborn babies.

Working  The Soil And Planting A Garden

Nothing is more rewarding than working up your garden soil, planting seeds or plants, and watching them grow. I love the smell of freshly worked-up soil. I put garden fertilizer on the soil and work] it into the ground before I plant anything in it. I put natural weed killer in my garden as I like an organic garden. I rotate where I grow things in my garden to prevent infestations and plant diseases.

I look forward to eating leafy green vegetables, tomatoes, potatoes, squash, green beans, and more.

Spring Is A Time Of Renewal

Everything comes back to life again after hibernation over the winter. When I work the garden soil, I will see frozen toads turned up out of the soil, and after the sun hits them for a while, they will jump around and find their spring home. Trees start to bud out, and leaves and blossoms soon follow, leaving the air with the smell of beautiful flowers. Tulips rise from the ground, and many different flower colors and shapes of tulips fill the landscape with beauty. Everything on earth needs a time of renewal. We have taken it easier in the winter months, and now is the time to work and enjoy the fruits of your harvest later in the year.

The Joy Of Springtime

I have a magnolia tree that is generally loaded with blossoms and has beautiful pink tulip-shaped petals. I also have a beautiful rhododendron bush that has beautiful blue-colored flowers. I have an apple, pear, and peach tree with lovely-smelling flowers and delicious apples at harvest time. The birds return from their winter homes, baby birds are born, and their parents are busy feeding them. They eat a lot of food from my bird feeders. Spring shows us that renewal is just around the corner after a long winter. Start your spring with joy in your heart. God has created many beautiful days to enjoy on earth before you go to your heavenly home.

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Cats That Are Happy

Cats That Are Happy

Cats Purr A Lot When They Are Happy

When my cats sit on my lap and purr away or lie next to me while I sleep, and they keep purring, I know that they are content and pleased. Cats purr when they receive new cat toys that they like or if they just received a lovely new heated cat bed. One of my cats with asthma loves to sleep in a heated bed; I think it helps his asthma to have lots of heat on his body. The minute I opened the door next door, 6 of my cats met me at the door, started purring away, and waited to be the first one to get my attention. My cats love to follow me, which usually pays off as they receive a pet treat.


The Great Outdoors

In the summer and early fall, my cats purr in their outdoor cat playpen, which is up high and next to my house. When some of my cats want to go outdoors, I follow them everywhere they go so no harm will come to them. You never know what animal could attack them if you left them unattended. Cats love to look at birds and watch the squirrels. I have a squirrel that comes next to my house every day at the same time, and he looks at the cats and watches TV for a while before he scampers away.

One On One Time With Your Cat

Cats vie to be the center of attention, and when you have a toy on a string filled with catnip and play with them, they are pleased indeed. Cats love to have you throw a toy mouse or singing bird in their direction. They will toss the toy around in the air and sometimes bring it back to you so you can toss it to them again. Cats get jealous quickly if you do not share the attention equally. My cats take turns sitting on my lap, which works well for us all.

Grooming Your Cat

My cats love to be combed out. Conrad will purr away loudly when I goom him with a special cat brush. Cali will arch up her back as if to say do not miss this part of my back. Mr. Gray, Faith, Hilford, Winchester, Addi, and Lizzie loved to be combed out with a cat brush. Addi would like it if I combed her out all day along with Faith. Grooming relaxes your cat and makes their coat nice, bright, and shiny at the same time.

Cats That Are Well Cared For Our Very Happy Cats

Anyone well cared for is happy and content, and so is your feline friend. Vet care keeps your cat in tip-top condition. If any disease or illness is treated quickly enough, it could save your cat’s life. Make sure your cat has fresh water and wet food every day. Cats are happy when their litter box and bedding are clean. I hope you and your cats are happy and healthy for at least nine lives.

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Lime Light

Lime Light

Do You Like Being The Center Of Attention?

I would rather blend in with people than be the center of attention. Some people want to be noticed constantly. They talk continually, so you cannot get a word in edge-wise. They ensure they are the last to enter a room, so all focus must be on them. They run late for many events, so everyone will ask where Jane Doe is. Sometimes, they like to complain about things to hear themselves complain over nothing relevant to anyone else.

Once You Are In The Lime Light, It Is Hard To Get Out Of  It

If you are famous, you are constantly in the limelight, whether you like it or not. Famous people sometimes go to remote islands so they can not be hounded by photographers and other well-meaning people who want an autograph. Famous people also try to protect their children from being watched and followed so they can try to live an everyday life. Everyone wants some alone time now and then to think, relax, and unwind.

Some People Are In The Lime Light For Bad Things They Have Done While On Earth

Sadly, famous bad people live on through horrible acts they have committed against humanity. People will say, “Did you hear that John Doe robbed another bank today? When Bonnie and Clyde robbed a bank, it was shown on the movie screen before the movie started years ago, and many people in the audience clapped for Bonnie and Clyde sadly. The people who have committed horrible acts while on earth will pay for them on judgment day, as no one can run away from their past Scott-free.

Heroes Among Us

Heroes deserve some limelight for their incredible acts to save people’s lives and protect them from things that would have most likely killed them if heroes had not stepped forward to save, serve, and protect. Military personnel, police officers, firefighters, medical personnel, and many more put their lives on the line to save ours. We should respect our soldiers and thank them for their years of service. Our heroes deserve to be in the limelight.

God And Lime Light

Always remember you would be nothing without God in your life. God is our great deemer, and he is there for us 24/7. God has saved my life many times through prayer and having the right person in my life at the right time. His hand can guide your surgeon’s hand, your friend’s hands, and many more. When I needed someone to help me, God provided the right person at the right time to help. God is a shining beacon in the night, and if you follow God’s compass for life, you will never be lost very long. God should be the number one being in your life. Love and honor God to your last dying breath and beyond, for without him, you would be nothing. God, I thank you daily for the many blessings you have given me. God will be in the limelight forever. Good always prevails over evil. God’s light shines all over the World.

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