Cats And Territories

Cat And Territories

Tom Cats

Tom cats fight and bite each other to defend their territory. If an intruder comes into a family group of Tom cats, all family groups will ensure the intruder will never trespass again. They will beat up the young intruder to the point of misery with a bite or two out of his ears. Tom cats that do not know how to defend themselves will not last as long as outdoor cats. One time, my neutered cat Red slipped out of the house, and luckily, I was following him as I saw three of my Tom cat brothers chase him until Red hid in a section of hay bales. When I grabbed him out of the hay bales, he was ready to return to the house.

Cats Patrol Their Turf

My outdoor Toms would look in buildings and smell around to ensure no intruder had come onto the farm at night. Some of my Toms occasionally went to a neighbor’s house, but most returned home safely. By going to other farms, they could see if they had many Toms, look at the female cats, see if they had unfriendly dogs, and see if they wanted to return later.

Tom Cats And Female Cats And Putting Their Mark On Things

Tom’s cats will pee on trees or buildings to let other Toms know this territory is claimed and keep moving on. Sometimes, they will rub their chin on something as they have scent glands that other cats can smell quickly. Your house cat makes sure they rub the scent on your clothes to let other cats know that you are taken, and they better look for another owner as your cat has claimed you for himself. Cats will pee on a new person’s clothes that may come to live in your home. I knew someone who had just married, and her husband moved into her house. Her male cat peed all over his clothes as her cat was jealous that he was no longer the top male in the house. I had one female cat in my home for years, and I added another to my cat family that did not sit well at all with my female house cat as she started peeing on common everyday appliances. I had to find a new home for the newcomer, as the two female cats do not seem to get along very well. If female cats grow up together, they seem to get along fine.

Cats Sleeping In Your Bed Or A Place Of Their Own

My cats sleep in different sections of my bed. One sleeps by my side, one by my head, and another at my feet. Cats love to have lots of space to call their own. Sometimes, my cats want to sleep in a quiet, draft-free area where they will not be disturbed. Once in a while, my cat Conrad will sleep under a recliner that I do not use, in a heated cat bed, or by the heat register. Cali likes a heated bed occasionally, and Garfunkel loves to cuddle up on my lap while I am in my recliner or curl up in a ball in a cat bed.

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Blindness In Cats

Blindness In Cats

It Is Very Sad When your Cat Goes Blind

You may not notice it until your cat does not land right when he jumps down from the back of your recliner. He may scratch you by accident when he lands wrong. Help your cat by helping him find leftover nibbles of food on his plate. Do not rearrange furniture in your home, as he knows where everything is. If you have to move something in your house temporarily, set it next to the edge of the other furniture. Never leave something in the middle of the room that he could stumble on and hurt by it. Tell your cat that he is close to the edge of a chair or hold him back so he will not fall to the ground and break a bone, perhaps. You will notice that your cat puts out one of his paws, which helps him know if he will land on your furniture or fall to the floor. Be patient with your cat and think, how would I get around if I went blind suddenly?

What Causes Blindness In Cats

Your cat could have high blood pressure, glaucoma, or maybe he had a stroke that left him blind. They might have damage to their optic nerve. A  bad case of cataracts could cause blindness. Blindness in older cats is common after the age of six. Take your cat to your vet to see if they can correct the condition, as there are eye drops for glaucoma in cats.

When We Had Outdoor Cats, We Had Two That Went Blind

They were both black Tom cats. One had short hair, and one had longhair. I had the short-haired one for many years, and he was very wild, so I could not catch him. He got cataracts in his old age, and he went blind. He hunted the ditches for many years and would bring home the mice he had killed in our ditches by the house. He died of natural causes up by our house. I gave him lots of canned food, and I would call him, and he found the food every single time. He lived to be twenty years old. The longhaired tom also lived a long life.

The Other Senses In Your Cat Grow Stronger

Their hearing gets more keen, and their sense of perception increases. Your cat will rely on his memory of where things are and some things you must bring into your home now and then because they have worn out. I have noticed that blind cats use their whiskers to tell them how close they are to something. They know something or someone is in their way if they touch their whiskers when maneuvering around.

Other Cats And Your Blind Cat

Hopefully, your other cats will be kind and helpful to your blind cat. I have noticed other cats touch their foot very gently on the blind cat’s face. If you have cats that pick on your blind cat, separate them immediately, as your blind cat has enough worries and concerns without another cat picking on him when he has a disability. Be patient, kind, and loving to the feline companion and soul mate that you have had in your life for many years. Your cat has always been there for you on difficult days. Help your cat as he has helped you on sad and difficult days. I hope you and your cat live together in harmony for many years.

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Cats Defending Territories

Cats Defending Their Territories

Cats Fighting

Cats will get into very aggressive fights to defend their territory. Cats have bitten an ear, put out an eye, severely bit the intruder, and in the worst of cases, one of them has died trying to defend its territory. If one male cat enters your property and you have several toms, all of them will take on the intruder, and he will not return. Sometimes, cats will have a growling and hissing match, and the one that runs away is the loser. Female cats will attack a Tom that is getting too close to their kittens, as some Tom cats will kill kittens even if they are their own. Sometimes, cats will have a fight with their claws spread out, and then they can end up bloody. They may get an infection and must be taken to your vet for antibiotics. Try to discourage your house cats from getting into fights by having plenty of food, water, and litter boxes. Have areas in your home where they can be by themselves and rest and relax. Do not treat one of your cats better than the rest, as they will notice your favoritism and take out their aggression on that cat.

Cats Peeing On Things

If another cat uses your cat bed, your cat might pee on it, so no one will ever want to sleep in that cat bed again. Cats figure if they cannot use their bed, they might as well ruin it for every cat in your home. If your cat pees on a cat bed, burn it, and do not buy a new one right away, or they will think I want a new one, so I will pee on the old one and have a new one in a few days. If a new cat comes into your home, your cat might start peeing on things to show his displeasure to the new cat in the household.

Tormenting The New Comer

I had a female cat that would not let my male cat use the litterbox. She figured he would have to pee on something in the house eventually, which he did. I did not scold him. I watched her and saw her not letting him into the basement to use the litterbox. I put her in the basement for a while, and she never tried that again. My older female cat knocked over my Christmas tree, and she had never done anything like that before, so I figured my new cat did it. One day, I saw her trying to knock it over again, and she knew the jig was up immediately. My older cats must have told my young cat to eat one of the gold birds on my Christmas tree. He de-winged it, lying on the ground with no wings. He looked humiliated, and my other cats were laughing at him more or less. Cats are constantly vying to be the top cat in your household.

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My Cat Is Not Acting Like His Usual Self

My Cat Is Not Acting Like His Usual Self

Cats And Territorial Problems

A cat may start to urinate on your bedding to show the other cats that the bed belongs to him. Take your cat to your Vet to rule out a urinary problem. Sometimes, cats will attack a newcomer to your household until he starts to fight back, and he may become the head cat. Never have over three cats in your household unless you have a large home where they can escape and be alone. Make sure you have at least one litterbox per cat. The top experts suggest you have two litterboxes per cat. Humans like to be by themselves now and then for some alone time. Make sure you have plenty of cat beds, hammocks, windowsill beds, and towels in boxes for your cats to sleep in. Cats will urinate on beds to stake their claim on them. You will throw them out soon since they are hard to clean and will fall apart after the third washing.

Cats And Health Issues

If your cat is sleeping more than usual, acting differently, or has a different meow voice than they usually do, take them to your Vet ASAP. A cat with a mournful meow may not be able to urinate because he has a blockage, and he will die soon if he does not get treatment ASAP. Cats with vision problems start to put their paw out to judge distances when they jump, or they may plan to land on the furniture, but they fall to the ground after they jump. They can have optic problems or possibly a brain tumor. If their regular behavior changes, you may have to put them to sleep. A cat with breast cancer sleeps more than usual, and they are not very peppy. A cat with mild kidney failure can live many years with the proper treatment. As a cat ages, they will sleep more and be less interested in toys. If you bring a well-mannered younger cat into your household, your old cat will start to play again and be more outgoing and peppy. Never let a young cat stay in your home with your older cats if he wants to fight them or make their life unbearable. Please pay close attention to any changes in your cat’s behavior and take them to your Vet ASAP.

Cats Have Good And Bad Days

Somedays, your cat will want to play, be energetic, and knock your bookwork to the floor. He would rather sleep all day on dark, rainy days and be left alone. Let’s face it: we are not so ambitious on dark and dreary days. Cats like certain foods and do not care about some kinds whatsoever. We love some foods; other foods make us sick, and our feline friends are no different. Cats can be allergic to certain foods. Cats are allergic to pollen and dust. Sometimes, my cats sneeze, get over it as soon as it rains, and settle down the pollen count. As your cat ages, he will have more health issues. Take your cat to your Vet once or twice a year or whenever he acts out of the ordinary.

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Some Of My Cats Mouse Catching Techniques

Some Of My Cats Mouse Catching Techniques

The Pride Catch

Sometimes, my cats band together to catch that elusive mouse in the house. One of my cats will be in the middle of the piece of furniture, stove, or refrigerator they think the mouse is hiding under, and a cat on both ends. This method works out very well, as the mouse always gets caught. My cats will sit by the stove all night, and eventually, the hungry mouse runs right into the trap with the almond butter. Outdoor cats have routines similar to family groups, which will help catch the mouse. Outdoor cats play with the mouse before they go in for the kill.

Single Cat Mouse Hunting

My indoor cat Conrad prefers to drown them in his water dish. Cali will chase them into a trap or kill them and leave the head behind to show that she is earning her keep as a huntress. Garfunkel helps my other cats out, but he never learned mouse-hunting skills from his Mother, as he was given to me when he was very young. My outdoor cat Onyx, who died at age 18, caught many mice in the ditches by my house. I used to have a cat that would sleep in the bushes by my home in the summer months, and he could catch a lot of mice by doing that.

Mother Cats

Mother cats will generally teach their kittens how to catch and kill mice as it is a survival skill in the wild. Most Mother cats will catch and release the mouse in front of their kittens. They hope the kitten will eventually learn to kill the mouse and eat it for nutrition. Most young kittens play with the mouse, and then it gets away unless the Mother cat watches it constantly. They often repeat the mouse-hunting and killing skills until their kittens finally catch on. If the Mother cat is not a great huntress, the kittens will not be either.

If You Have Any Cracks In Your Home, A Mouse Will Get In Eventually

I caulked all of the cracks in my foundation and by my doors. Mice can run in your home when you open your door, coming and going. Mice can flatten down and get in the thinnest of cracks. I had a cat that loved to sleep with a small dog in her dog house that we had years ago. She could catch any mice that got next to my door, and the dog kept her and her cat family warm in the cold winter months. I keep mothballs in my vehicles as they do not like the smell of mothballs.

Cats Want To Please Their Human Family By Keeping Us Rodent Free

My cats are always on mouse patrol, even when I have not seen a mouse in my house all year. In frigid winters, mice will find a way to get into your home to stay cozy and warm. Never put out mouse poison when you have cats, as your cats may eat the poison and die. Let your hunters and huntresses keep your home rodent-free.

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Why Did My Cat Urinate On That?

Why Did My Cat Urinate On That?

Medical Issues

Cats will start peeing in different areas of your home if they have medical issues. If you have an older cat, she may no longer be able to get up and down your steps. Put a litterbox out that is easy for her to find on the main floor of your home and is easy to get in and out of. A cat with a bladder infection or kidney failure will also be unable to make it to the litterbox on time. Do not yell or scream at your cat; she dislikes the situation as much as you do. Take your cat to your vet ASAP, as kidney failure can kill your cat quickly without medical help. Buy a ramp for your cat to get into the litterbox quickly. We have medical issues now and then, and so do our feline friends.

Clean Litterbox Issue

If you do not clean your litterbox daily, your cat will start to hate that smelly place and avoid it like the plague. If we go to a restroom and it is dirty and nasty, we look for a clean toilet in the following location we go to, and our feline friends feel the same way about it. You must have at least one litterbox for every two cats in your house, and they recommend one per cat plus one extra one. Cats will use a house plant to do their business if the litterbox is filthy.

Workers In Your Home

Cats get stressed when people they have never seen come into your home and start a remodeling project. They don’t understand what is going to be happening to them. Because they are stressed out, they may pee on the painter’s tarp that covers your floor. If he does not take it home at night, your cat may pee on your clothing or the carpenter’s paint gear.

New Furniture In Your Home

When putting new furniture in your home, put a pillow on it from the piece of furniture you get rid of. That way, it will have its old familiar smell, and they won’t pee on the new invader in their home.

New Person Living In Your Home Or New Pet

If a man gets a new roommate to move in with him, his cat may disapprove. His cat will most likely pee all over the intruder’s clothes. They think of the new person as an intruder in their territory, as if they were still living in the wild as their ancestors did. Cats are very territorial, and no one better step on their turf uninvited, or they will suffer some repercussions. A new pet in the house can be very upsetting because their territories are already established, and now they must determine where the newcomer will fit in.

Cats Hate Change

If you are moving and your cat sees you packing up things, he will be stressed out of his mind with worry. Packing your suitcase will be highly upsetting as they know you will leave them for a while. Cats have been known to pee on things in the suitcase if you leave the room, and that is their way of telling you they do not want to leave their territory as you are part of the pride. Try always to put yourself in your cat’s place, and then you will understand each other more clearly.

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Sickly Cats

Sickly Cats

Runny Eyes

If your cat has runny or dirty eyes, they have some illness or disease that is causing that. It could be that another cat scratched them by their eye, or they have the human form of a cold. A healthy cat should have bright and clear eyes.


One of my cats keeps having sneezing fits, and they are allergic to pollen in the air and grass clippings. Some cats will sneeze if they are asthmatic or have an allergy or cold. If your cat keeps sneezing to the point of vomiting or can hardly breathe, take them to your local Vet ASAP.

Bad Hair Day

A cat’s hair will look mated and unkept when they are sick. Older cats are not agile enough to clean their rear very well, and the hair around their bottom might need a good cleaning by you. Try to brush out matted hair and bath cats that have dirty rears so they look, smell, and feel better.

Sleep All Day

If your cat is lethargic and wants to sleep constantly, they are not feeling well. If they do not perk up shortly, take them in for a complete checkup. Their diet may lack essential vitamins, minerals, and more. If your cat is tired all of the time, he may have a significant illness that is attacking his body. Take them to your Vet for a complete blood workup.

Vomiting Cat

Your cat may have eaten something wrong. Your cat may eat a poisonous plant or drink some toxic substance. Cats can vomit food if they eat it too fast. Some cats have trouble digesting their food and need special pills for that. Take your cat to your Vet if he vomits, as it is not normal unless he ate some spoiled food. He could be poisoned or have food poisoning from defective cat food.

Your Cat Starts Limping

Your cat may have been bitten in the leg by a wild animal or fallen off of something very high. Check your cat’s paw and see if you can spot a thorn or something in the pad that would cause him to limp. Your cat could have arthritis and need medicine to help alleviate his pain. Look your cat over and make sure he did not break his leg. If it broke, your cat had to get his leg set at your Vet.

Loss Of Weight Quickly

A sudden weight loss is a sign of a dangerous illness. My cat lost weight and was diagnosed with lung cancer in about six months. I had to have him put to sleep. I had another anemic cat that I had put to sleep. One of my cats had mouth, throat, and ear cancer, and I had to put him to sleep at 13.

Sudden Changes In Your Cats Behavior

Any sudden changes in how your cat acts typically cause concern and a visit to your Vet for a complete checkup and blood workup. I hope you and your cat have many blissful, healthy, and happy days ahead of you.

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Cat Food And Cat Litter

Cat Food And Cat Litter

 Cat Food

Cats can be very fussy when it comes to their cat food preference. My cats like only one brand of cat food. They like various kinds of cat treats. If your store runs out of your brand of cat food, put the new brand in a dish next to their favorite cat, and the transition should go smoothly. Some cats will refuse to eat if they cannot get their way to the food their heart desires. Give them some tuna canned in water or one of their favorite cat foods until your store gets their food in stock. Cats have a way of getting what they want in life. I buy cat food without many fillers, ash, or byproducts. Buy the best cat food that you can afford for your feline friend, as it will add to their nine lives. Poor cat food can cause cancer, your cat to vomit, and bad-looking fur. Give your cat treats that help clean the tartar off of their teeth. A healthy, well-fed cat will have a bright, shiny coat and sparkling clear eyes. Your cat will thank you for many years when she is fed the best and pampered.

Cat Litter

There are many brands of cat litter on the market to choose from. I used the old-fashioned clay litter in flat plastic litter boxes, which worked well. My favorite brand is Tidy Cats. I use the Tidy cats’ litter in my automatic litter boxes. If I use the heavy-weight one, I have to put half the litter in the litter box so as not to burn out the motor. The lightweight litter works best for automatic litter boxes. I also like Arm and Hammer litter as it has good solid clumps that do not fall apart. I have used various brands of lightweight kitty litter in the automatic litter boxes, but Tidy Cats gets a paw up every single time. My cat Conrad gets an asthmatic attack from the glade-scented tidy cats. My cats also like to use litter with crushed walnut hulls. I  have used cornlitter, wheat, newspaper, crystal, and others they did not care for. Cats like having a clean and fresh-smelling litter box, or some other area in your home could become a litter box, like your house plant or an empty box. When your cat gets older, you will need a litterbox on your main floor as your cat will not feel like going up and down the steps to the litter box. Get a litter box low to the ground so she can get in and out quickly with no trouble. The older your cat gets, the more often she will have to go, just like we do as we age. Do not scold a cat because it did not arrive at the litterbox on time. You will be in the same predicament sometime in your lifetime. Our cats want to please us, and we should try to please them with good food and a clean litter box. I hope you and your cat live in purrfect harmony.

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Cat Behavior

Cat Behavior

Your Cat May Get His Feelings, Hurt

If you do not give each of your cats the same amount of cat treats, they will gang up on the cat in your home that is getting the most goodies. Try to think how you would feel if your siblings got a big piece of Birthday cake and you only got a sliver. Sometimes you are the one that creates your cat’s bad behavior by not treating all of your cats alike. If you punish one of your cats and not the others for the same behavior, there will be animosity between them. If you buy cat toys, ensure each cat in your home has a new toy in about the same time frame. Groom all of your cats and not just one of them. Hold all of your cats, as the others will be watching. We do have favorite pets, but make time in your day for each pet.

Cat Fights

Males will fight to see who is the top Tom. Their fights can get very nasty and bloody quickly. Try to throw water on them to break up the battle if it is warm outdoors. Female cats fight with cats that try to harm or take their kittens away. I had three Toms that tried to beat up my neutered house cat. I managed to get him out of harm’s way quickly. Never leave your house cat outdoors unattended; another cat or wild animal may kill them. Cats are very territorial; if a newcomer gets on their turf, he better watch out. Tom cats have beaten up female cats badly, especially if they are newcomers that your resident Toms overlooked.

Toilet Paper And More

One day my toilet paper was all over the floor, full of teeth marks from one of my cats. I also found my toilet paper entirely off the roll all over the hallway. I was happy I did not have any company that day. My Siamese cat years ago was extra fussy with her litter box, and I guess she did not think it was clean enough to suit her. She started using my house plant for her litter box. I believe the house plant got replanted more than any other on Earth. House cats love jumping up high on things, and many things come tumbling down on the floor. I pick them up and arrange them differently to prevent recurring events.

Cats Get Jealous When You Pay Too Much Attention To Your Work To Suit Them

My purebred Siamese cat would always figure out how to get even with you. My Mother had papers on the couch, and Sugar bit the end of each piece of writing along with the entire edge of a new Atlas. Cats jump on bookwork, land on the floor, and start rearranging and putting your papers in the correct file again. Cats claw up your furniture to get your attention or start meowing or misbehaving while you talk to someone on the phone.

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Cats And Their Everyday Routines

Cats And Their Everyday Routines

Cat Toys

I put all my cat toys away at the end of the day. Cali starts her morning by picking out the cat toys she wants to play with for the day. She picks out small stuffed animals and toys that have catnip in them. She loves to carry the smaller ones in her mouth and meow loudly. She wants you to see her catch of the day. Conrad likes the toy mice and will toss them around in the air for a long time. The singing birds get all of my cats very excited and worked up. Garfunkel likes to play with the toys my other two cats have set out for the day. Garfunkel will toss some of the toys up and act like a young kitten again’. Play with your cats one-on-one with a line with a bird or fish on the end. Your cat may learn to fetch with training and treats for a reward.


My indoor cats let me give them their medicine without a fuss. Naturally, they do not like it, but they seem to understand that they must put up with it to improve. The outdoor cats that have been strays over the years that I have nursed back to health go to live with my neighbors once they get better. They think I am cruel and do not understand that I helped them back to health.

Cat Food

I give all of my cats the best cat food that I can afford to buy. I also occasionally give them top-quality soft cat food and tuna canned in water. My cats like chicken flavor, tuna, shrimp, chicken, and vegetables pouched or canned cat food. If your cat does not like what you give him, replace it with what he wants.

Lap Time

My cats delight in taking catnaps on my lap whenever I take time to rest and relax. Conrad and Garfunkel will lay side by side, purring away contentedly. Cali meows loudly, and my other two cats jump off, and she takes her turn on my lap.

Recliner, Cat Bed, Or Hammock Time

Conrad loves to sleep on his recliner or pet hammock. Cali sleeps on another recliner or in a heated cat bed. Garfunkel rests on my recliner or in the hallway on a cat bed. Cats know how to get the best set in the house.

Contented Cats

I want my cats to be contented. I want to make sure my cats are happy and healthy. A contented cat is comfortable and not afraid. Cats have to have things to entertain them to put them in a reasonable frame of mind. My cats have cat toys that stimulate their minds. I have several treat ball dispensers; the cat treat will not come out until they have masted the dispenser. Never have loud music in your home; it could ruin your cat’s hearing. Their hearing is way beyond our hearing as it is handy for catching prey or being prey to a coyote. I hope your feline friends are content in their nine cat lives with you.

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