Cats That Are Happy

Cats That Are Happy

Cats Purr A Lot When They Are Happy

When my cats sit on my lap and purr away or lie next to me while I sleep, and they keep purring, I know that they are content and pleased. Cats purr when they receive new cat toys that they like or if they just received a lovely new heated cat bed. One of my cats with asthma loves to sleep in a heated bed; I think it helps his asthma to have lots of heat on his body. The minute I opened the door next door, 6 of my cats met me at the door, started purring away, and waited to be the first one to get my attention. My cats love to follow me, which usually pays off as they receive a pet treat.


The Great Outdoors

In the summer and early fall, my cats purr in their outdoor cat playpen, which is up high and next to my house. When some of my cats want to go outdoors, I follow them everywhere they go so no harm will come to them. You never know what animal could attack them if you left them unattended. Cats love to look at birds and watch the squirrels. I have a squirrel that comes next to my house every day at the same time, and he looks at the cats and watches TV for a while before he scampers away.

One On One Time With Your Cat

Cats vie to be the center of attention, and when you have a toy on a string filled with catnip and play with them, they are pleased indeed. Cats love to have you throw a toy mouse or singing bird in their direction. They will toss the toy around in the air and sometimes bring it back to you so you can toss it to them again. Cats get jealous quickly if you do not share the attention equally. My cats take turns sitting on my lap, which works well for us all.

Grooming Your Cat

My cats love to be combed out. Conrad will purr away loudly when I goom him with a special cat brush. Cali will arch up her back as if to say do not miss this part of my back. Mr. Gray, Faith, Hilford, Winchester, Addi, and Lizzie loved to be combed out with a cat brush. Addi would like it if I combed her out all day along with Faith. Grooming relaxes your cat and makes their coat nice, bright, and shiny at the same time.

Cats That Are Well Cared For Our Very Happy Cats

Anyone well cared for is happy and content, and so is your feline friend. Vet care keeps your cat in tip-top condition. If any disease or illness is treated quickly enough, it could save your cat’s life. Make sure your cat has fresh water and wet food every day. Cats are happy when their litter box and bedding are clean. I hope you and your cats are happy and healthy for at least nine lives.

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