Life With Cats By Your Side

Life With Cats By Your Side

My Cats Followed Me Everywhere

My first cats were outdoor cats that followed me everywhere. If I played on my swingset, my cats would lie on the ground next to the swingset. When I rode my tricycle on the sidewalk, cats lined up along the sidewalk’s edge, or they would sit on my lap while I was on my trike. When I waited for the school bus in the morning, all my cats would stay with me until I got on the bus. I had a lovely bus driver who ensured he never ran over one wish, which was quite an accomplishment with eight cats to look out for. When I returned home from school, the cats would be lined up by the house door, waiting for the attention that they received. Some of them would follow my father, which was okay except for one time when he was moving grain. The curious cat jumped into the grain auger and went through fifty feet of lighting to end up in the wagon riding to the elevator and dumped in a pit. The cat leaped out before it ended up in the pit. The grain elevator attendant noticed, and he placed my cat back in the wagon. I am sure he told his kittens of the event that could have taken his life. We never had any more cats ever do that again.

Life With House Cats By Your Side

Cats love leading the way to the bathroom at night, which has generally worked out okay. One night, my black cat was sound asleep on the steps. I did not see him, so I stepped on him, lost my footing, and slid down the steps. Luckily, I did not break anything, and after that experience, I always turned on the light. You can be sound asleep to wake up to the sound of your cat vomiting, which is generally caused by a hairball or eating too fast. I get up and clean up the mess ASAP. Sometimes, your cat may see a mouse in the house, and he puts it in front of you to say look at the beautiful gift I have for you. It is the catch of the day just for you. You then have to throw it out the door or flush it down the toilet, but the thought counts. Cats try to please us in the best way that they know how.

Cats At Play

Watching your cat play with cat toys and have a grand old time is fun. Cats love catnip toys, circle ball toys, crinkle balls, singing birds, or squeaking toy mice. Once in a while, I will step on one of them at night, and the singing bird sings a song for me. Cats bring great joy into our lives, and it is very comforting to hear them purr away contentedly. Love and respect your feline friends forever, and always treat them as you would want to be treated if you were a cat. Cats have feelings, and they feel love, sorrow, and pain just as we do. I love it when my cats follow me and lie by my side. God bless our dear feline friends.

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Life With Cats By Your Side
