Lime Light

Lime Light

Do You Like Being The Center Of Attention?

I would rather blend in with people than be the center of attention. Some people want to be noticed constantly. They talk continually, so you cannot get a word in edge-wise. They ensure they are the last to enter a room, so all focus must be on them. They run late for many events, so everyone will ask where Jane Doe is. Sometimes, they like to complain about things to hear themselves complain over nothing relevant to anyone else.

Once You Are In The Lime Light, It Is Hard To Get Out Of  It

If you are famous, you are constantly in the limelight, whether you like it or not. Famous people sometimes go to remote islands so they can not be hounded by photographers and other well-meaning people who want an autograph. Famous people also try to protect their children from being watched and followed so they can try to live an everyday life. Everyone wants some alone time now and then to think, relax, and unwind.

Some People Are In The Lime Light For Bad Things They Have Done While On Earth

Sadly, famous bad people live on through horrible acts they have committed against humanity. People will say, “Did you hear that John Doe robbed another bank today? When Bonnie and Clyde robbed a bank, it was shown on the movie screen before the movie started years ago, and many people in the audience clapped for Bonnie and Clyde sadly. The people who have committed horrible acts while on earth will pay for them on judgment day, as no one can run away from their past Scott-free.

Heroes Among Us

Heroes deserve some limelight for their incredible acts to save people’s lives and protect them from things that would have most likely killed them if heroes had not stepped forward to save, serve, and protect. Military personnel, police officers, firefighters, medical personnel, and many more put their lives on the line to save ours. We should respect our soldiers and thank them for their years of service. Our heroes deserve to be in the limelight.

God And Lime Light

Always remember you would be nothing without God in your life. God is our great deemer, and he is there for us 24/7. God has saved my life many times through prayer and having the right person in my life at the right time. His hand can guide your surgeon’s hand, your friend’s hands, and many more. When I needed someone to help me, God provided the right person at the right time to help. God is a shining beacon in the night, and if you follow God’s compass for life, you will never be lost very long. God should be the number one being in your life. Love and honor God to your last dying breath and beyond, for without him, you would be nothing. God, I thank you daily for the many blessings you have given me. God will be in the limelight forever. Good always prevails over evil. God’s light shines all over the World.

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