Blindness In Cats

Blindness In Cats

It Is Very Sad When your Cat Goes Blind

You may not notice it until your cat does not land right when he jumps down from the back of your recliner. He may scratch you by accident when he lands wrong. Help your cat by helping him find leftover nibbles of food on his plate. Do not rearrange furniture in your home, as he knows where everything is. If you have to move something in your house temporarily, set it next to the edge of the other furniture. Never leave something in the middle of the room that he could stumble on and hurt by it. Tell your cat that he is close to the edge of a chair or hold him back so he will not fall to the ground and break a bone, perhaps. You will notice that your cat puts out one of his paws, which helps him know if he will land on your furniture or fall to the floor. Be patient with your cat and think, how would I get around if I went blind suddenly?

What Causes Blindness In Cats

Your cat could have high blood pressure, glaucoma, or maybe he had a stroke that left him blind. They might have damage to their optic nerve. A  bad case of cataracts could cause blindness. Blindness in older cats is common after the age of six. Take your cat to your vet to see if they can correct the condition, as there are eye drops for glaucoma in cats.

When We Had Outdoor Cats, We Had Two That Went Blind

They were both black Tom cats. One had short hair, and one had longhair. I had the short-haired one for many years, and he was very wild, so I could not catch him. He got cataracts in his old age, and he went blind. He hunted the ditches for many years and would bring home the mice he had killed in our ditches by the house. He died of natural causes up by our house. I gave him lots of canned food, and I would call him, and he found the food every single time. He lived to be twenty years old. The longhaired tom also lived a long life.

The Other Senses In Your Cat Grow Stronger

Their hearing gets more keen, and their sense of perception increases. Your cat will rely on his memory of where things are and some things you must bring into your home now and then because they have worn out. I have noticed that blind cats use their whiskers to tell them how close they are to something. They know something or someone is in their way if they touch their whiskers when maneuvering around.

Other Cats And Your Blind Cat

Hopefully, your other cats will be kind and helpful to your blind cat. I have noticed other cats touch their foot very gently on the blind cat’s face. If you have cats that pick on your blind cat, separate them immediately, as your blind cat has enough worries and concerns without another cat picking on him when he has a disability. Be patient, kind, and loving to the feline companion and soul mate that you have had in your life for many years. Your cat has always been there for you on difficult days. Help your cat as he has helped you on sad and difficult days. I hope you and your cat live together in harmony for many years.

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My Cat Is Not Acting Like His Usual Self

My Cat Is Not Acting Like His Usual Self

Cats And Territorial Problems

A cat may start to urinate on your bedding to show the other cats that the bed belongs to him. Take your cat to your Vet to rule out a urinary problem. Sometimes, cats will attack a newcomer to your household until he starts to fight back, and he may become the head cat. Never have over three cats in your household unless you have a large home where they can escape and be alone. Make sure you have at least one litterbox per cat. The top experts suggest you have two litterboxes per cat. Humans like to be by themselves now and then for some alone time. Make sure you have plenty of cat beds, hammocks, windowsill beds, and towels in boxes for your cats to sleep in. Cats will urinate on beds to stake their claim on them. You will throw them out soon since they are hard to clean and will fall apart after the third washing.

Cats And Health Issues

If your cat is sleeping more than usual, acting differently, or has a different meow voice than they usually do, take them to your Vet ASAP. A cat with a mournful meow may not be able to urinate because he has a blockage, and he will die soon if he does not get treatment ASAP. Cats with vision problems start to put their paw out to judge distances when they jump, or they may plan to land on the furniture, but they fall to the ground after they jump. They can have optic problems or possibly a brain tumor. If their regular behavior changes, you may have to put them to sleep. A cat with breast cancer sleeps more than usual, and they are not very peppy. A cat with mild kidney failure can live many years with the proper treatment. As a cat ages, they will sleep more and be less interested in toys. If you bring a well-mannered younger cat into your household, your old cat will start to play again and be more outgoing and peppy. Never let a young cat stay in your home with your older cats if he wants to fight them or make their life unbearable. Please pay close attention to any changes in your cat’s behavior and take them to your Vet ASAP.

Cats Have Good And Bad Days

Somedays, your cat will want to play, be energetic, and knock your bookwork to the floor. He would rather sleep all day on dark, rainy days and be left alone. Let’s face it: we are not so ambitious on dark and dreary days. Cats like certain foods and do not care about some kinds whatsoever. We love some foods; other foods make us sick, and our feline friends are no different. Cats can be allergic to certain foods. Cats are allergic to pollen and dust. Sometimes, my cats sneeze, get over it as soon as it rains, and settle down the pollen count. As your cat ages, he will have more health issues. Take your cat to your Vet once or twice a year or whenever he acts out of the ordinary.

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Surgery And Your Feline Friend

Surgery And Your Feline Friend


Please do not feed your cat after dark, as they will most likely have scheduled surgery early in the morning. Sanitize the area that your cat will be recovering in. Talk gently and tell your cat everything will be okay on the ride to your Vet, as they know you are worried about something. Clean the bedding for your cat, and ensure the area is warm enough, as they will be very cold after surgery. Check on your cat often. Ensure the wound has not opened, and they are not trying to remove their stitches or staples.

Place Your Cat In An Area Where Your Other Cats Cannot Hurt Them.

Put your cat in your bathroom, as they should not move around too much for at least two weeks after surgery and two weeks after having the stitches or staples removed. Keep the area quiet, warm, and an area where they can get plenty of rest to make a full recovery. Check on your cat often.

Pain Killer

My Vet used an ointment that goes back on their shoulders like flea medication with a four-day painkiller. I was glad he used that, as trying to give pain pills to your cat every day for a few days can be very challenging. They try to fight it tooth and nail.

Place Your Cat In A Clean Bed

Lay them carefully in the bed. Please do not leave a heated bed plugged in the first night after surgery, as it might burn their skin since they will not be able to move around for a while after surgery. Do not feed your cat yet, and have a tiny water dish out so if your cat passes out, they will not drown in the water dish. Food is not advisable yet as they might choke to death on it as they will not be fully alert until the next day.

Surgical Suit For Cats

They come in various sizes and colors. If your cat is persistently licking or trying to remove stitches or staples, buy one of these suits if your Vet thinks it will work for your cat. They also make a cone that fits around your cat’s head, which might help.

Do Not Hesitate To Call Your Vet If Something Does Not Seem Right With Your Cat After Surgery

If the incision is bleeding or smells terrible, your cat may need antibiotics for an infection. The wound should heal without a horrible smell or a lot of bleeding. Too much blood loss could kill your cat quickly. Call your Vet after-hours number if any unforeseen issues arise, such as your cat not walking right, breathing right, eating, using the litter box, or anything out of the norm. God bless you and your cat after surgery. May you have many more Happy and Healthy years together. I hope your cat has a full and speedy recovery and is his old self again.

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Why Did My Cat Urinate On That?

Why Did My Cat Urinate On That?

Medical Issues

Cats will start peeing in different areas of your home if they have medical issues. If you have an older cat, she may no longer be able to get up and down your steps. Put a litterbox out that is easy for her to find on the main floor of your home and is easy to get in and out of. A cat with a bladder infection or kidney failure will also be unable to make it to the litterbox on time. Do not yell or scream at your cat; she dislikes the situation as much as you do. Take your cat to your vet ASAP, as kidney failure can kill your cat quickly without medical help. Buy a ramp for your cat to get into the litterbox quickly. We have medical issues now and then, and so do our feline friends.

Clean Litterbox Issue

If you do not clean your litterbox daily, your cat will start to hate that smelly place and avoid it like the plague. If we go to a restroom and it is dirty and nasty, we look for a clean toilet in the following location we go to, and our feline friends feel the same way about it. You must have at least one litterbox for every two cats in your house, and they recommend one per cat plus one extra one. Cats will use a house plant to do their business if the litterbox is filthy.

Workers In Your Home

Cats get stressed when people they have never seen come into your home and start a remodeling project. They don’t understand what is going to be happening to them. Because they are stressed out, they may pee on the painter’s tarp that covers your floor. If he does not take it home at night, your cat may pee on your clothing or the carpenter’s paint gear.

New Furniture In Your Home

When putting new furniture in your home, put a pillow on it from the piece of furniture you get rid of. That way, it will have its old familiar smell, and they won’t pee on the new invader in their home.

New Person Living In Your Home Or New Pet

If a man gets a new roommate to move in with him, his cat may disapprove. His cat will most likely pee all over the intruder’s clothes. They think of the new person as an intruder in their territory, as if they were still living in the wild as their ancestors did. Cats are very territorial, and no one better step on their turf uninvited, or they will suffer some repercussions. A new pet in the house can be very upsetting because their territories are already established, and now they must determine where the newcomer will fit in.

Cats Hate Change

If you are moving and your cat sees you packing up things, he will be stressed out of his mind with worry. Packing your suitcase will be highly upsetting as they know you will leave them for a while. Cats have been known to pee on things in the suitcase if you leave the room, and that is their way of telling you they do not want to leave their territory as you are part of the pride. Try always to put yourself in your cat’s place, and then you will understand each other more clearly.

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Cats And Their Everyday Routines

Cats And Their Everyday Routines

Cat Toys

I put all my cat toys away at the end of the day. Cali starts her morning by picking out the cat toys she wants to play with for the day. She picks out small stuffed animals and toys that have catnip in them. She loves to carry the smaller ones in her mouth and meow loudly. She wants you to see her catch of the day. Conrad likes the toy mice and will toss them around in the air for a long time. The singing birds get all of my cats very excited and worked up. Garfunkel likes to play with the toys my other two cats have set out for the day. Garfunkel will toss some of the toys up and act like a young kitten again’. Play with your cats one-on-one with a line with a bird or fish on the end. Your cat may learn to fetch with training and treats for a reward.


My indoor cats let me give them their medicine without a fuss. Naturally, they do not like it, but they seem to understand that they must put up with it to improve. The outdoor cats that have been strays over the years that I have nursed back to health go to live with my neighbors once they get better. They think I am cruel and do not understand that I helped them back to health.

Cat Food

I give all of my cats the best cat food that I can afford to buy. I also occasionally give them top-quality soft cat food and tuna canned in water. My cats like chicken flavor, tuna, shrimp, chicken, and vegetables pouched or canned cat food. If your cat does not like what you give him, replace it with what he wants.

Lap Time

My cats delight in taking catnaps on my lap whenever I take time to rest and relax. Conrad and Garfunkel will lay side by side, purring away contentedly. Cali meows loudly, and my other two cats jump off, and she takes her turn on my lap.

Recliner, Cat Bed, Or Hammock Time

Conrad loves to sleep on his recliner or pet hammock. Cali sleeps on another recliner or in a heated cat bed. Garfunkel rests on my recliner or in the hallway on a cat bed. Cats know how to get the best set in the house.

Contented Cats

I want my cats to be contented. I want to make sure my cats are happy and healthy. A contented cat is comfortable and not afraid. Cats have to have things to entertain them to put them in a reasonable frame of mind. My cats have cat toys that stimulate their minds. I have several treat ball dispensers; the cat treat will not come out until they have masted the dispenser. Never have loud music in your home; it could ruin your cat’s hearing. Their hearing is way beyond our hearing as it is handy for catching prey or being prey to a coyote. I hope your feline friends are content in their nine cat lives with you.

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Caring For People

Caring For People

Treat People With Empathy And Compassion

Caregivers must always remember that they to will have a caregiver someday in their lifetime. Treat people as you would want to be treated if you were sick. Attend to people’s needs in a timely manner and do not let them suffer. If someone is hungry and they are sick bring them the kinds of foods they like to eat or food that agrees with them. Be patient with sick people for it will take them much longer to complete task then it would if they were healthy. If they need a pain pill give it to them as soon as you possibly can. Try to make people comfortable when they are laying in bed. If they need extra blankets bring them to them or fluff up their pillow, If they have bladder issues get them to the bathroom immediately or their problem will get worse and worse and they may die from a serious bladder infection. People that are well cared for heal much faster as they know they are being cared for.

You Can Never Be Too Caring

By how you care for people says a lot about you as a person in general. If you have an I don’t care attitude about people you will carry that into all of your interactions with other people. Caring is a way of showing someone that you love them and you care about how they are treated and what happens to them. If I have a dear one who is sick or in pain I care about them deeply and I try to brighten up their days by talking to them and bringing things to them to let them know that I love and care for them.

God Cares For For Us Greatly

He gave his only begotten son to die for us on the cross for our sins so that we will be forgiven for our sins if we are truly remorseful. God tries to lead us on the right path in life if we just look for it. There is no one that cares and loves us more than God does. Jesus healed the sick and the lame. God has given us the Bible and the Ten Commandments as an example of how we are supposed to live our lives.

Caring For Gods Creatures

If you have a child that miss treats an animal they will grow up to do the same with humans. If your child delights in hurting your pets get him help before he grows up to be a killer or tortures people. Treat your pets as if they were human. Animals feel pain and suffer just as we do. If you have a sick pet bring them to your Vet ASAP. Give your pets fresh water daily and make sure they have plenty of food to eat. Make sure your pets are in a warm draft free area. Never leave a pet unattended in a car as they can die quickly from the got sun beating through the car windows. God bless all creatures great and small. Care for people and all of Gods creatures with love, empathy, compassion and kindness.

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Some Cat Problems

Some Cat Problems

Constant Grooming Beyond What Is Normal

Some cats will lick themselves until they have a bald spot or spots. Some cats are lonely or bored lick themselves beyond the ordinary for something to occupy their time. Have games and toys for your cat to play with so boredom does not sink in for your overall cat’s health and mental well-being. If your cat keeps licking their behind, it may have a urinary tract infection or worms that your vet should treat ASAP. A cat with fleas will clean and clean itself and itch itself until they remove some hair or have raw spots that could get infected. Take your cat to your Vet to get treated for fleas and have your home cleaned by a professional pest person, as fleas multiply very fast and will bite you to pieces.

Teeth And Your Cats Health

Have your cat’s teeth checked and cleaned when your Vet tells you your cat’s teeth need cleaning to prevent significant health problems. A cat may roll his tongue around in his mouth if he has a bad tooth or stops eating his usual amount of cat food and loses weight rapidly. Bad teeth can affect your cat’s heart and brain. A cat with bad teeth will not live long if not cared for properly. Help your cat keep its pearly whites in good form.

Too Many Cats In Your Home

Each cat in your home should have 1.5 litter boxes per cat. Cats do not like to share their litter boxes with too many cats. Your cat may do his business outside his litter box if he deems it not clean enough. Humans also like clean restrooms, or we may drive down the road looking for one. Clean your litter box out entirely and put all fresh litter in it often, and you and your cat will be happy with a clean and nice-smelling litter box.

Cats And Anxiety

Cats can get nervous when we go on a vacation and leave them. They may be afraid of the person caring for them and will not eat as much as usual. They may knock some things off a shelf because they are upset that you left them. Some anxious cats have eaten some of their wool cat toys or blankets, so do not leave these items out if you will be gone for a while. Never leave string toys out, as your cat could swallow the string and die from it, as it could cause a blockage in their digestive system. Anxious cats will hide if they sense a storm is coming, and they meow and yowl loudly. All of my house cats are excellent weather predictors. If a stranger comes into your home, your cat may pee on his clothes because he is upset with a new person in the house, and cats do not like any changes to their daily routines. One woman had a new boyfriend, and every time he would try to kiss her, her cat would hiss and growl and try to bite him. Her cat finally grew accustomed to him because he would pat the cat gently and talk to him in a calm voice. Remember, your feline friend is doing his best to please you. I hope you and your cats can live anxiety-free lives.

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Treating Your Ailing cat

Treating Your Ailing Cat

Cats With Kidney Disease

My house cat Cali has mild kidney disease. Once a week, I give her a lactate ringer injection which helps her eliminate the waste from her kidneys. She absorbs the lactate through her skin which goes into her bloodstream and therefore helps filter her kidneys of garbage. Cali puts up with this treatment exceptionally well and seems to hold her own. I give her the food of her choice since she refuses to eat kidney function cat food. Wet food is necessary to help keep her hydrated. She loves Hartz delectables squeeze up moist cat food and their bisque varieties of chicken or tuna. I also make sure she has plenty of fresh water available at all times to drink. Eventually, your cat with kidney disease will keep losing weight and constantly vomiting their food. Unfortunately, this is when you should have them put to sleep so they do not have to suffer.

Cats With Asthma

My cat Conrad has asthma and needs his inhaler when there is lots of pollen or dust in the air. He can get by for months sometimes with no inhaler at all. When pollen is in the air, he starts coughing and cannot stop until he gets a puff out of his inhaler. He has learned to accept the inhaler, which helps his breathing.

Be Careful Handling Your Sick Cat

If your cat feels very bad, he may try to bite you because he is in a lot of pain. Hang onto your cat by the Nap of their neck and place the rear end first into their pet carrier. Cats that do not see the cage will go into it much easier than a cat that can see it head-on. Put on heavy gloves if your cat tries to bite you so you will not be hurt as much. You can place a cat treat in the cage and hope your cat may walk right in if your cat likes his cat treats. A fish net works well for catching cats as you can grab them by the Nap of their neck in the net. I hope you and your cat arrive at your Vet safely and that your cat has a speedy recovery.

Medicines And Your Cat

I have a pill holder that looks like a syringe that holds pills. With the drug on the end, I push down on the needle, and then my cats get their medicine safely. I also have mixed wet cat food with crushed pills which works sometimes. Cats seem to know when to take treatment, so you must look for them in their favorite hideouts. I put my cat’s ear mite medicine in a small dropper and squeeze it into their ears.

Treating Your Elderly Cat

Cats develop many of the same diseases we get as we age, and they will require more Vet checkups. Most older cats love heated beds or warm blankets to curl up in. Buy more wet cat food for your older cat, which will help keep him hydrated. If your cat has arthritis, buy him some cat medicine for that. Your cat may need some of his teeth pulled so he will not die from heart failure due to decayed teeth. Your cat could get cancer, and you will not want to see it suffer, so you should have them put to sleep so it will die peacefully. Your older cat will have a more challenging time getting around, so consider placing a litter box on the main floor of your home for them. I purchased a ladder that helped my cat get into my bed easier. Take your cat to your Vet if you notice any unusual behavior ASAP, as you may save their life. Treat your Dear cat with all the love he has shown you over the beautiful years you have had together. May you and your cat age gracefully together.

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Cats With Nine Lives And More

Cats With Nine Lives And More

My Cousins Cat

His cat is now 23 Years Old and still going strong. I gave her to him as a kitten. Her Mother, Trisha, lived to b 18 years old on my farm. They are part Siamese, Himalayan, and domestic shorthair. Trisha was a brilliant cat. She would look both ways six times before crossing a road. My cousin lives on a well-traveled highway, and luckily, she taught all of her kittens how to cross a busy highway. My cousin’s cat looks good, except she lost the tips of her ears last year. She lives in a heated house inside a dog house and has a heated water bowl. She also has her daughter, granddaughter, grandson, and great-grandson, which she curls up in the wild. She goes out hunting daily and lets her grandchildren play with her tail. My cousins’ old cat died recently, and she is greatly missed.


Trisha would hold her own with my big Samoyed dog. She was able to run down rabbits and catch them until she was about 16.5 years old. She was a great huntress, and so were her kittens. She was an excellent Mother cat and never lost a single kitten. When she was 15, she had one kitten in December, and she kept him warm, and he survived. I think she had about 90 kittens in her lifetime. She lived to be 18 years old. I found her dead outside one summer morning. Trisha was a tortoise shell-colored cat. She was greatly missed.


Sugar was a purebred Chocolate point Siamese house cat. I adopted her when she was eight years old. She was moody, but I loved her very much. She would sleep in my bed at night and purr away. She loved to sleep in a winter vest I had with just her head sticking out in the winter months. Sugar loved to go outdoors and walk around. She loved birds. We had a pet parakeet, and she would listen to him sing for hours in his cage. When my Mother died, she sat on the tub’s edge and cried for days. Sugar got breast cancer, and I had to have her put to sleep at age 16. She was my first house cat, and I missed her terribly.


Ginger was a Lynx point Siamese cat. She was beautiful, and she had a delightful disposition. Ginger would sleep on my bed at night. She loved Fancy Feast canned food and would come running when I said Fancy Feast. Ginger liked playing with toy mice. Ginger also loved to go outdoors for a while. Ginger was my alarm clock. She would wake me up at six on the morning dot, which was very handy. I adopted Ginger from an animal shelter as a kitten. Ginger was a very kind and well-mannered cat. A bat got in my house when they were installing a new roof. It landed in my hair, and I freaked out. It got out of my hair on its own, and Ginger went into action and got the bat pinned down for me so I could get it outdoors. Ginger was 16 when she did that, exhausted and out of breath after that ordeal. Ginger got very thin, so I had her put to sleep when she was 18 years old. I missed Ginger terribly.


Red was a red tabby, and he was brilliant. My Vet gave Red to me, and he found him on a golf course as a kitten in December. If you said you wanted to go outdoors, Red would come running. He was an excellent lap cat and would sleep in my bed with Ginger. Red mastered a circle game toy, and when company came, he would ensure everyone was watching him. He was ambidextrous when he batted the ball around with his paws. Red had a great temperament, and he was an easygoing cat. Red’s back gave out, and he lost control of his bladder function. I had to have him put to sleep at age 17. He was greatly missed. I have been blessed to have many wonderful and loving cats. Each cat left a special place in my heart, and I loved them all. Thank you for blessing me with excellent and caring cats throughout the years.

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In Memory Of My Cat Kohl

In Memory Of My Cat Kohl

Kohls Kitten Years

Kohl started with respiratory problems as a kitten. His Mother was a first-time Mother cat, and she did not know how to care for Kohl. She left him on a heated mat in the cat building. Kohl became one of my housecats on Christmas night in 2008. I put him in a massive cage with a litter box, food, and water. He was old enough to survive with my help. He had significant respiratory problems. One of my Vets gave me antibiotics for Kohl. Kohl also had to have Pediasure for one month, which he drank from a kitten bottle. He also had exceptional cat food with added vitamins and minerals that he needed to survive. I let him out of the cage in one month, and my other cats got along fine.

Kohls Young Cat Years

He loved playing with plastic frogs. He also liked bright-colored balls and yellow mice. Kohl wanted to wrestle with my cat Sebastian and Sebastian would let him know he was still the top cat. Kohl spent many hours watching birds from my picture window. Garfunkel and Kohl would wrestle, also. He loved exercising by running up and down my steps. He loved sleeping in any warm heated area and sunbathing by the picture window. Kohl liked to help me with my bookwork as he would throw it on the floor when I was gone. He let me know what he thought of the bookwork.

Kohl Had Several Mishaps In His Life

He did not want to land on my new housecat Garfunkel. As he was jumping down, Garfunkel was right in the area where he would land. Kohl flipped his body to avoid landing on Garfunkel and broke his back leg at 8 PM. I rushed him to my Vet, and he sat his leg the best he could. Kohl had a pink cast on, and he hated that cast. He did not want to walk again. I kept working with him, and finally, he started to walk again. He would rest with the broken leg sticking up from his cat bed. He would run down the steps, and you could hear the cast bumping on every step. He had a sizeable noncancerous tumor above his eye that was removed. Cancer would have grown over his watch if it had not been released. Kohl made a full recovery from his ordeals.


Kohls Wonderful Personality

He was a very gentle and loving cat. He had a very mild temperament, and he never did anything wrong except play with the bookwork when he was young. My carpenter told me he would have a cat if it were as laid back as Kohl always was.

Kohls Older Years

He would sleep more, and he was not as active anymore. Kohl would sit in my lap for a little while and want down. He has been on antibiotics for his respiratory problems for the last two years. I took Kohl to one of my Vets for surgery to remove a tumor from his nostril, causing his eye to bulge. I had just noticed the look four days ago. She said she could hardly remove any of the tumors. She told me the cancer was vast and cancerous and would be painful for him to live on. I told her to put him to sleep. I put several of Kohls’s’s favorite toy frogs in his burial box. Kohl was the last cat that I had that was related to my original cats on the farm. He was part Himalayan, Siamese, and domestic shorthair. Kohl was put to sleep on Feb. 15, 2022; he was 13 and .4. God bless my sweet Kohl in cat heaven. Kohl will be greatly missed as he had the personality of Saint. Thank you, God, for letting me have Kohl in my life.

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