Cats That Are Happy

Cats That Are Happy

Cats Purr A Lot When They Are Happy

When my cats sit on my lap and purr away or lie next to me while I sleep, and they keep purring, I know that they are content and pleased. Cats purr when they receive new cat toys that they like or if they just received a lovely new heated cat bed. One of my cats with asthma loves to sleep in a heated bed; I think it helps his asthma to have lots of heat on his body. The minute I opened the door next door, 6 of my cats met me at the door, started purring away, and waited to be the first one to get my attention. My cats love to follow me, which usually pays off as they receive a pet treat.


The Great Outdoors

In the summer and early fall, my cats purr in their outdoor cat playpen, which is up high and next to my house. When some of my cats want to go outdoors, I follow them everywhere they go so no harm will come to them. You never know what animal could attack them if you left them unattended. Cats love to look at birds and watch the squirrels. I have a squirrel that comes next to my house every day at the same time, and he looks at the cats and watches TV for a while before he scampers away.

One On One Time With Your Cat

Cats vie to be the center of attention, and when you have a toy on a string filled with catnip and play with them, they are pleased indeed. Cats love to have you throw a toy mouse or singing bird in their direction. They will toss the toy around in the air and sometimes bring it back to you so you can toss it to them again. Cats get jealous quickly if you do not share the attention equally. My cats take turns sitting on my lap, which works well for us all.

Grooming Your Cat

My cats love to be combed out. Conrad will purr away loudly when I goom him with a special cat brush. Cali will arch up her back as if to say do not miss this part of my back. Mr. Gray, Faith, Hilford, Winchester, Addi, and Lizzie loved to be combed out with a cat brush. Addi would like it if I combed her out all day along with Faith. Grooming relaxes your cat and makes their coat nice, bright, and shiny at the same time.

Cats That Are Well Cared For Our Very Happy Cats

Anyone well cared for is happy and content, and so is your feline friend. Vet care keeps your cat in tip-top condition. If any disease or illness is treated quickly enough, it could save your cat’s life. Make sure your cat has fresh water and wet food every day. Cats are happy when their litter box and bedding are clean. I hope you and your cats are happy and healthy for at least nine lives.

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Cats And Food That They Love

Cats And Food That They Love

Comfort Food For Your Cats

My cats love catnip treats and act very relaxed after eating three treats per cat. They love fresh-picked, frozen, and dried catnip. They will roll around on the floor for some time after consuming something. All cats love tuna canned in water. If you have trouble catching your cat for a vet appointment, put out some canned tuna and call your cat, and he will come running. You can put him in his pet carrier. My indoor cats like to lick out my yogurt container after I am done eating it. They also want tiny pieces of cheese, goldfish crackers, hairball treats, dental treats, and Temptation chicken-flavored treats.

Outdoor Cats Love To Catch The Catch Of The Day

My outdoor cats loved catching and eating mice, birds, rabbits, chipmunks, and voles. One of my cats caught a beautiful Blue Jay, and I told her to drop it now. She did, and the bird was fine. One of my house carts next door slipped outside for a few moments, and he placed a live chipmunk that was scared to death at my feet; the chipmunk got his bearings again and quickly ran off. One of my house cats killed a beautiful goldfinch one day, and he never went outside again. I have had lots of excellent mousers throughout the years. They would wait for mice in the grassy ditches, and they might catch three mice a day and eat them. I had one eighteen-year-old cat try to run a rabbit down as she almost did; she ran out of breath and had to give up on it. I know she had eaten many rabbits in her younger years. I had one female cat and a small female dog that would hunt and catch many mice together. A gray-stripped tabby cat came up the house with a Vole sticking out of her mouth, and she left it on the cement in front of my door. A cat loves you very much if she presents you with freshly killed animals.

Canned Foods Or Pouched Foods For Your Cats

My cats love good quality canned cat food with chicken or tuna. They also like Hartz squeezables, which are chicken, tuna, and shrimp flavored. My cats will not touch canned cat food they do not want. Never buy canned cat food full of fillers, grain, dyes, ash, or preservatives, as these are not good for your cat’s overall health. Cats like Sheba brand cat food and food made in America or Canada. Do not buy canned cat food with words you cannot pronounce, as they will most likely harm your cat’s overall health and well-being. I have purchased some refrigerator cat foods that come in a plastic see-through bag that is farm fresh for my cats, and they love those. Freeze-dried cat treats are a quick snack for your cat, giving him a little extra protein for the day. If your cat will not eat it, throw it out or return it to your store for a full refund. Never make your cat eat something, as it may be spoiled or contaminated. I hope you and your cat have healthy and tasty foods to consume.


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What I Think My Cats Dream About

What I Think My Cats Dream About

Cat Food

I think they dream about food most of the time. One time, my cat woke up from a nap licking his lips. Cats believe they will starve if you forget to fill their food dish to the top. One of my cats kept sniffing the air after waking up from a nap. He could tell I had baked a piece of salmon in the oven, and he wanted to be my food tester. My cats love Hartz squeezable. My house cats love them tremendously. I think my cats dream about being able to get cat treats out of their treat ball dispenser. Cats are obsessed with catnip, and if you lay some down in the bed where they are sleeping, they wake up and start chewing away at the catnip. The catnip makes them roll around and act like a kitten full of energy. They dream about catching an excellent plump mouse for an afternoon snack.

Garfunkel Woke Up After He Had Been Running In His Dream

I assumed he was fighting another cat much larger than he was and running to get away from the gigantic cat that was after him. In his dream, his front legs were moving back and forth quickly. He may have been chasing a rodent, or a coyote was after him. When he woke up, he looked shocked but relieved.

Sleeping In A Cozy New Cat Bed

Cats dream about a new bed they may receive for a present. They will have a unique, plush, luxurious cat bed until another cat in the household tries to claim it. My cats especially love the heated cat beds I have purchased for them. They can curl up in the cozy bed in their old age, and the heat helps with any joint pain that they may have. Conrad loves the heated bed I have in the dining room, and Cali takes the one in the kitchen occasionally. Garfunkel likes the plush and cozy beds.

Warm Places

I am sure my cats think of warm places to take a nap. The blanket that you have on your couch is too tempting. They dream about kneading on it and curling up in the lovely, fluffy new blanket. Your winter coat is laid out on a chair. My Siamese cat got in the coat and had her head sticking out of a sleeve in the jacket. Cali has slept in front of the fireplace, purring away in her sleep. She also sleeps by the heat register in the dining room.

Having A Loving Owner

My cats love to sleep and dream away on my lap or bed. Cats dream about an owner who will look after their well-being and take them to the Vet when sick. Cats depend on their owner to be loving, kind, compassionate, and caring. My cats dream that they will get the perfect Christmas present this year. Our cats give us joy, and they love us dearly. Cats dream about their cat friends and their good times together. Dream only the best dreams possible, my Dear feline friends.

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Cat Food And Cat Litter

Cat Food And Cat Litter

 Cat Food

Cats can be very fussy when it comes to their cat food preference. My cats like only one brand of cat food. They like various kinds of cat treats. If your store runs out of your brand of cat food, put the new brand in a dish next to their favorite cat, and the transition should go smoothly. Some cats will refuse to eat if they cannot get their way to the food their heart desires. Give them some tuna canned in water or one of their favorite cat foods until your store gets their food in stock. Cats have a way of getting what they want in life. I buy cat food without many fillers, ash, or byproducts. Buy the best cat food that you can afford for your feline friend, as it will add to their nine lives. Poor cat food can cause cancer, your cat to vomit, and bad-looking fur. Give your cat treats that help clean the tartar off of their teeth. A healthy, well-fed cat will have a bright, shiny coat and sparkling clear eyes. Your cat will thank you for many years when she is fed the best and pampered.

Cat Litter

There are many brands of cat litter on the market to choose from. I used the old-fashioned clay litter in flat plastic litter boxes, which worked well. My favorite brand is Tidy Cats. I use the Tidy cats’ litter in my automatic litter boxes. If I use the heavy-weight one, I have to put half the litter in the litter box so as not to burn out the motor. The lightweight litter works best for automatic litter boxes. I also like Arm and Hammer litter as it has good solid clumps that do not fall apart. I have used various brands of lightweight kitty litter in the automatic litter boxes, but Tidy Cats gets a paw up every single time. My cat Conrad gets an asthmatic attack from the glade-scented tidy cats. My cats also like to use litter with crushed walnut hulls. I  have used cornlitter, wheat, newspaper, crystal, and others they did not care for. Cats like having a clean and fresh-smelling litter box, or some other area in your home could become a litter box, like your house plant or an empty box. When your cat gets older, you will need a litterbox on your main floor as your cat will not feel like going up and down the steps to the litter box. Get a litter box low to the ground so she can get in and out quickly with no trouble. The older your cat gets, the more often she will have to go, just like we do as we age. Do not scold a cat because it did not arrive at the litterbox on time. You will be in the same predicament sometime in your lifetime. Our cats want to please us, and we should try to please them with good food and a clean litter box. I hope you and your cat live in purrfect harmony.

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What I have Been Feeding My Cats Lately

What I Have Been Feeding My Cats Lately

Canned Cat Food

My cats next door have been eating Fancy Feast canned cat food from Chewy.Com they loved the canned turkey Fancy Feast food in the savory sauce. They eat it like there was no tomorrow. My cats also like canned tuna in water. They like Sheba cat food and Friskies. They will eat turkey, chicken, tuna, and one that has vegetables in it.

Cat Food In A Pouch

My cats like Hartz delectables that contain chicken, tuna and whitefish, chicken and vegetables, tuna and vegetables. They prefer Hartz food to most of the other brands. I prefer the pouch cat food as it is easier to dispose of the pouch than a can.


My Indoor Cats Love Hartz Squeezable’s

I give it to them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Cali has mild kidney failure, and she loves eating this food. Cali would not eat any of the Vet food for kidney problems, so the Hartz Squeesable’s was a life saver for her. She likes the tuna ones, chicken and the one mixed with vegetables.

Temptations Cat Snacks

My cats love the chicken flavored treats, and they will not touch anything that has a salmon flavor to it. The catnip flavored treats are also a big winner. They have a special flavor at Christmas time, and they eat that as if it were candy.


Friskies Party Mix Cat Treats

All of my cats love the chicken flavored treats with real chicken and flavors of liver and turkey. They also like the hairball formula cat treats. My cats love to get them out of a treat ball.

Purina One Dry Cat Food

All of my cats have been eating Purina One Dry cat food for years. Once in a while I will order their kidney formula one and mix it in with the turkey flavored bag. I have also ordered their cat food that has all protein and no other fillers whatsoever. They have a senior formula and hairball formula and a sensitive stomach formula. I have tried all of these, and all of my cats will eat them up lickty split.

I Have Feed Them Foods From Various Places

I have feed them cat food from my local elevator when I used to have all outdoor cats and they loved it and thrived on it. I have feed them snacks from Aldi’s, Dollar General Store, Dollar Tree and other stores. Always check the dates on any cat food that you purchase to make sure it is not expired.

Organic Cat Foods

I have feed my cats cat food that people have made out of all organic ingredients and my cats at them up. I have feed wet food that came in a large pouch and freeze-dried cat snacks, and I also purchased some homemade cat smacks from a church rummage sale once. I purchased them at the church the next year also. I have seen recipes on how to make your own cat treats on the internet. I have not yet tried to make my own cat treats. Cat love catnip that grows outdoors. Always leave out some of your cat’s old food just in case she has sensitive taste buds or a sensitive stomach. After my cats have eaten they love to take a catnap in their Pat Baw cat bed.

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Cats And Foods

Cats And Foods

Dry Cats Foods

Cats can be very picky eaters. My cats only like two brands of different cats’ food; if I do not stick with them, they may vomit or stop eating. Try to feed your cat at least two other brands of dry cat foods so you will have a backup plan if they stop making one. With the cat food shortage nationwide, you better have a few extra bags on hand. Cats are creatures of habit, and they do not like any changes. I have noticed the less dye or preservatives in cat food, the better they like it. I tried to combine two cat food brands with seeing if I could get them used to eat the new brand with no significant problems.

Cat Treats

I get brand-named cat treats such as Temptations or Friskies Party Mix and Greenies, and they seem to love those immensely. My cats love the Hartz squeezable and delectable cat treats. Cali has mild kidney failure and is the only moist cat food treat she will eat. Cali eats six squeezable treats a day. She is doing well eating the Hartz brand. Cali also eats some dry cat food with no problems and refuses to eat any kidney brand cat foods—my cats also like some of the health food stores’ cat treats. If your cat behaves when you brush out his fur or trim his claws, give him the cat treat of his dreams, and he will be rewarded and feel good about the ordeal.

Canned Cat Foods Or Packets

My cats like Fancy feast medley, Fancy feast petties, Fancy feast gravy lover, and plain fancy cat canned cat food. They love eating the Sheba brand perfect portions, Weruba, Wellness, and Beyond packet cat food. My cats love the pumpkin and chicken combo, tuna and shrimp, tuna or plain chicken, and turkey wet cat food. If I try to feed my cats other flavors, they get sick or have no interest in them. My cats eat food with a low ash content and very few preservatives. I know if they are eating top-quality cat food and refuse the others.

Canned Tuna In Water

Almost every cat will eat tuna canned in water, and they consider it a top-notch meal. Please do not give your cat too much tuna all at once, or they may make a glutton of themselves and get sick. Canned tuna is an excellent way to catch feral cats, as they will have to run into the live animal trap to get a tasty meal of tuna. Give tuna to your cat before you try to catch him and bring him to the Vet, as he will associate going to the Vet with a nice meal of tuna.

Buy The Best Cat Food That You Can Afford

We are what we eat. If we feed our Dear pet cats excellent food, they will live longer and purr away on our laps for many years. I want my cats to grow old with me and remain healthy for as long as possible. God bless you and your cats with a long, happy, healthy life.

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Feeding The Finnicky Cat

Feeding The Finicky Cat

The Picky Eater

Some cats are very picky about what they will and will not eat. My cats like Purina brand dry cat foods. All of my picky eaters seem to relish tuna canned in water. Cali likes a squeezable tuna-flavored cat food made by Hartz. Cali also likes butternut squash canned cat food and chicken and rice wet cat food. If you switch cat foods, mix your old brand with the new one until your cat’s stomach gets used to the new brand. When you change a cat’s food suddenly, it will vomit until they get used to the fresh cat food. Mixing the old and the new tends to eliminate the vomiting issue.

Some Cat Foods Tend To Cause Diarrhea In Cats

Some cats are nighttime eaters, overeating cat food and getting diarrhea. I like to buy medium-priced cat food because the lower-priced ones tend to cause diarrhea in my cats. If your cat is having intestinal issues take your cat to your Vet. Your Vet may tell you to put your cat on an intestinal brand of cat food to correct the problem. Try not to feed your cat over. If your cat keeps having diarrhea with the food you are providing him, get a different brand before your cat gets run down and dehydrated. If your cat does not get over his diarrhea in two days, take him to your Vet ASAP.

Canned Food Or Dry Food Problems

If your cat continues to get sick on a particular brand of food, see if there are any recalls out on that brand. Some cats have died from cat foods that have been recalled. One time a cat food had too much of one kind of mineral that killed cats in about two weeks. Never make your cat eat food that they want nothing to do with, as they may taste the potential poison or have problems with the cat food. If your cat does not eat cat food, it is their way of telling you this food is terrible, or it could kill me if I eat it.

Keep Trying Different Cat Foods And Foods Until You Find The Right One For Your Finicky Cat

We all have certain foods that we cannot eat or make us sick. Our feline friends are no different from us. Our neighbors had a cat that loved cooked Asparagus. I saw their cat eating a big bowl of cooked Asparagus—my cats like butternut squash. Garfunkel loves to lick out my empty yogurt containers. We have fed our outdoor cats oatmeal, eggs, cooked corn meal, food scraps, and gravy. Cats like to get a good cat treat now and then—my cats like Temptations and Party Mix cat treats. Be patient with your picky feline friend until you find the right cat food for your cat that will keep him healthy, and he will have a happy nine lives.

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I have 11 Cats That Live In A House All Of Their Own

I Have 11 Cats That Live In A House Of Their Own

My Cats Get Along With Each Other Beautifully

If you introduce cats correctly to each other, they should become friends rather quickly. I always put the newcomer in the bathroom with his food dish, water, and litter box. My other cats and he can smell each other from under the door. They can growl at each other with the safety of the door separating them. Remember not to pay too much attention to the new cat when your others cats are watching, as they are just like jealous children. Place your new cat in a room with your other cats and observe how they get along. The head of the household male cat will let the new cat know he is in charge. He may growl at him and try to get in a fight with him. Let them work it out if there is just a little spat. If you see that they will have a no-hold-barred fighting, separate your new cat again before you place them all together. They should all live in perfect harmony within a week.


Fall Cleaning Next Door

I wash all of the cat’s towels that they have for bedding. I scrub the floors with Lysol disinfectant cleaner, and I do a thorough cleaning of the house. I clean up all of the food dishes and the water bowl. I wash and clean out the litter robots and the other cat litter boxes. I make sure my heated cat beds, water dish, and electric heater are working. Now is an excellent time to throw out old cat toys or replace beds that have worn out. Order new heated beds now before the prices go up. I stock up on kitty litter and ensure I have plenty of cat food and treats. Wash your cat toys and beds that are washable. Once your heated cat beds are seven years old, replace them, as the heated pad probably does not release as much heat as it used to.


Cat Trees And Cat Hammocks

My cats love to sit high in the top tier of their cat trees and look out the windows at birds and other animals that may pass by. The cats love to curl up and fall asleep in their cat hammocks with scratching posts. I like sturdy well, constructed cat trees that have carpet on them, as they are also easier to clean with carpet on them.


Fall Health Care

I take my cats to the vet for their shots early in the spring. Suppose your cat has developed a cough or seems to have a cold. Take him to the vet ASAP before it becomes life-threatening. A minor illness can become a significant disease as the weather gets colder and colder. Ensure all your cats are warm and cozy as the colder weather sets in. We all want a happy and healthy cat for our feline friends.

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Getting My cats Winter Essentials

Getting My Cats Winter Essentials

Heated Cat Beds

I buy my heated cat beds from I like the K& H brand heated cat beds, which are dependable and last a long time. Some cat beds zip apart, and you can take out the element and wash the rest of the bed on a gentle cycle in your washing machine and then let the bed line dry in a warm basement or area of your home. I like the window sill, round and dog house style heated cat beds. Please ensure the cords are in good shape on all of your cat’s beds and that they are in good working order before use to prevent fires.

Stock Up On Cat Food And Litter

I stock up on cat food and litter as I do not want to move the heavy containers around when a solid sheet of ice is on the ground. I love that delivers your cat supplies right to your door. I order cat food, treats, kitty litter, toys, and more from

Checkups At Your Vet

I ensure all my cats have had their checkups before winter sets in. My cat’s shots are all up to date, and their teeth are in good order. A happy cat is healthy, loved, and well-cared-for the feline. Taking your cat to the vet regularly may prevent a significant health problem. All of us want our feline friends to live their entire nine lives.

Cat Toys And Exercise Wheels

Your cat will be fitter and trimmed with an exercise wheel in your home for cats. It will take your cats a little while to use the exercise wheel. Cats running and pouncing on cat toys help shed some of those unwanted pounds. I have some brain teaser cat toys to alert my cat’s minds. My cats love cat treat balls. When my cats move the treat ball just right, a nice treat rewards them for their efforts.

Canned Food And Cat Treats

As the temps, my cats love adding more canned cat food to their diet. My cats love canned food with squash or pumpkin and chicken or fish. More food helps keep up their body temp. And their energy level. My cats always look forward to cat treats. My cats prefer chicken or tuna-flavored cat treats.

Clean Up Your Cat Dishes, Litter Boxes, and Bedding

I have fluffy towels for my cat’s next door to cuddle up in, and I wash them before cold weather arrives. I take my litter boxes outdoors, clean them with soapy water and a scrub brush, and put rubber gloves on. All of my cat dishes get cleaned or replaced.

Keep Your Cat Free From Drafts

Ensure your door seals are in good shape and your windows are closed securely. Put your cat’s bed, litter box, and dishes in a warm area for your cat. Never keep a cat outdoors without shelter, a nice warm spot to curl up in, a heated water bowl, and plenty of food. I hope you and your cats stay nice and cozy this winter.

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My Cats Next Door And How They Spend Their Days

My Cats Next Door And How They Spend Their Days


She spends her days looking out the window atop her cat tree at the birds and a few squirrels. She also loves to sleep on a heated windowsill cat bed in the house. She loves eating cat treats and canned cat food. She has several catnip mice and birds that she plays with. She always greets me at the door in the morning. She is a very kind and sweet cat.


Cali is a beautiful calico cat that is part Siamese and very talkative. She greets me at the door, meowing loudly. She sleeps in a hammock cat bed or on a heated windowsill cat bed. When I clean out the litter boxes, she ensures she is the first one in line to use them. She loves to play with a circle ball cat toy. She is a very kind cat.


Addi is the Mother of three of my next-door cats: Hilford, Mr. Gray, and Sherlock. She loves to sleep in a hammock cat bed or a little heated dog house bed, usually with some of her full-grown kittens. She lets her whole grown family eat the cat treats first, then licks out the containers. She also greets me at the door in the morning. Addi is a very kind and sweet cat.


She is the Mother of Conrad, one of my house cats, and Peter and Nicole. She sleeps in a wool bed with a bath towel on top of it. She loves it when I squeeze a tube of cat treats into her mouth. She runs around inside the house every so often for some exercise. Liz is a kind cat.


She greets me at the door in the morning. She loves to eat canned cat food and cat treats. She likes to run on One Fast Cat. She eats catnip, and then she rolls around on the floor. She loves catnip cat toys. She is a very kind and sweet cat. All of my cat’s next door like her. Once in a while, I will find her sleeping next to her sister Liz.


Nicole sleeps in a small heated dog house along with her nephews. She likes to get up on the cat tree and watch the birds and the squirrels. She does not like going to the vet, so I have to chase her inside the house until I catch her. She dislikes being around people and prefers to spend time alone or with her extended family.


Peter likes to sleep in the small dog house, windowsill cat bed, and on top of the cat tree. Peter is timid and does not wish to hold. Peter and his family spend a lot of time together as they rub against one another and keep each other warm in a small heated dog bed. He likes the different canned cat foods and cat treats.

Mr. Gray

Mr. Gray meets me at the door in the morning. While filling the food dishes, he leaps up on his hind legs and head butts my hand. After I clean the litter boxes, he races toward one to do his business. He likes to play with catnip toys. He spends a lot of time sleeping next to his Mother, Addi. Mr. Gray is very friendly and kind toward me.


Hilford has grown less shy over the years, and he will let me pat him on the head now and comb him out. He likes to growl like a mountain lion to try to scare one, but I know he is all show. He loves canned cat food and cat treats. He likes to sleep up high on the cat tree or in a small heated dog house with some of his family.


Sherlock is shy and reserved. He will let me catch him for vet visits, but it takes some effort. He spends time with his Mother, brother Hilford and Aunt Nicole. He likes canned cat food and cat treats. He sleeps in the small dog house with his family members.

All Of My Cats Next Door

All of my cat’s next door eat dry cat food, canned cat food, and cat treats, and they get fresh water, and their litter boxes are cleaned twice a day. All of their shots are up to date. God bless your cat family.

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