How To help Your Cat Shed Those Unwanted Pounds

How To Help Your Cat Shed Those Unwanted Pounds


Some cats eat a lot of cat food at night and pack on the pounds. Do not overfeed your feline friends. Do not give more than three little cat snack pieces to your cat per day. An indoor cat needs no more than 1/2 cup of dry cat food daily. Your cat should eat one small can of wet food for every 3.5 pounds of body weight. Take away your cat’s food at night if the food dish appears empty in the morning.

Health Problems With An Obese Cat

An overweight cat can become diabetic and lethargic. A heavy cat can become arthritic, making jumping up and down tricky and moving around without pain. Fat cats can have asthmatic attacks and heart problems. Heavy cats will have trouble cleaning themselves after using the litter box as they can no longer bend around. Fat cats get more dander, and their fur is not as bright and shiny anymore.

Steps In Your Home

I have a cat bed in the hallway upstairs when the sun hits. My cats love to take turns sleeping in the warm cat bed. They get exercise by running up and down the steps. My cat’s litter boxes, food, and water are in my basement. My cats have to go up and down the steps multiple times daily to eat, drink and relieve themselves, which gives them some exercise. I have a step stool for cats by my bed so my older cat can quickly get in and out of my body.

Cat Exercise Wheel

One fast cat is a good way for indoor cats to exercise and eliminate unwanted pounds. Put some catnip on a string or in a cat toy that holds catnip, and your kitty will try to catch it, and he will be able to master the cat wheel, his heart rate will go up, and he will burn off calories.


Buy Cat Toys So You And Your Cats Can Interact Together

Buy stick toys for cats with fish on the end of the string. Throw the fish toward your cat and let him eventually grab it and run off with it so he thinks he got the day’s catch. Buy cat treat balls that make your cat work to get his cat treats. Cats love to play with catnip-filled mice, balls, singing birds, plastic lizards, frogs, sponge balls, and crunchy balls. Balls with rattles and many more cat toys. Cats love circle game toys with a mouse or a ball. My cats spend a lot of time playing with their circle ball toys. Sometimes I will spin the ball around, and one of my cats will soon take over. Cats love cat trees with dangling balls and ropes they can play with. Think of things that will keep your cat on the move so he will be a lean-looking cat that will live for many happy and healthy years to come. I hope you and your cat stay in shape and reap the benefits of your exercise routine.

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Eye Cancer and Your Cat

Eye Cancer and Your Cat

I once had a Calico kitten, and I named her Cleopatra. Cleopatra was a beautiful light-colored Calico cat. Cleopatra loved to play with her Mother’s tail. Cleo was born on my farm in the barn we had. She had three siblings of various colors. Her Mother was an excellent huntress and would come home with gophers and mice she had killed. Cleo would follow me everywhere. She helped me when I was repairing items outdoors. Cleo would rub up against me constantly and purr away. She was the excellent company when I was outdoors.


Cleo would chase leaves and pounce on them as a kitten. She followed her Mother on her Mother’s hunting expeditions. Her Mother taught her all of her excellent hunting skills. Cleo kept up with her Mother as far as her hunting skills were concerned. Her brother and sisters would play together constantly. Her brother was an all-black kitten; one sister was a yellow tabby,  and the other was a gray-striped tabby cat.

Cleo was always very healthy and energetic. She loved climbing up in the hay loft and sleeping in the excellent hay. I think she had the significant threat of a pigeon now and then. I also saw some rabbit fur on occasion in the barn.

When Cleo was about six years old, I noticed her eye was watering and was full of matter. I put eye drops in her eyes and saw they were not helping her. I took her to my vet, who diagnosed her with eye cancer. Cleo got along fine for about nine months. I noticed her eye was getting worse. My vet had told me that he could not operate on her and that the eye cancer had spread to her brain. I decided to have Cleopatra put to sleep. I never want to see any pet suffer. Cleopatra was a fantastic loving cat.

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Asthma In Cats

Asthma In Cats

Asthma can be deadly if it is left untreated in your cat. Your cat’s airway can constrict so much that he may stop breathing. Your pet cat can breathe through his mouth if his nostrils get plugged in because of respiratory issues. Take your cat to your local veterinarian for a complete exam to find out your cat’s diagnosis ASAP.

Cats can have a terrible cough that sounds like they are coming down with pneumonia. Your cat may start vomiting every day. Your cat may make a horrible distressing sound, like he is in horrific pain right before coughing loudly. When your seemingly healthy cat presents odd symptoms, take him to your vet for blood work until you get to the root of the problem.

Cats can get so stressed that they develop Asthma. Some cats get an asthmatic attack from dust, scented or dusty cat litter, perfume, smoke, mold, stress, and a dry house in winter. If you start using a new scented cat litter, you should stop using it. Some cat litters have so much dust that it can cause an asthmatic attack. Strange people in your house, such as a repairman, could cause an asthmatic attack in your feline friend. Never smoke around a cat with Asthma.

Have a place where your cat can rest and relax that is peaceful and quiet. Your vet will most likely give your cat a steroid shot that helps open your cat’s airway, making it comfortable for him to breathe. Steroid shots last 4 to 6 weeks before your cat gets another shot. Asthmatic inhalers for people also help cats. It would be best to buy a mask for your cat that the inhaler fits into. Keep your home at a pleasantly warm temperature. Cold air can make it harder for your cat to breathe.

A new cat food could cause an asthmatic attack. If our house is dirty or moldy due to flooding, have your house professionally cleaned for your cat’s overall health along with your health and well-being. You probably should have the vent work on your furnace cleaned out. Always be attentive to any new issues your cat may have with breathing. Your cat depends on you and your vet for his overall health. Good health to you and your feline friend.

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Cats And Christmas Trees And Decorations Decorations And More

Cats And Christmas Trees, Decorations And More

Cats And Your Christmas Tree

If you put up a live tree, make sure you do not mix a powder with water to help preserve your tree. Cats have been known to drink the water under your live tree, and the water may kill your cat, or he will be very sick for a long time. Cats love to climb trees; your tree will fall to the groundbreaking decorations and make a big mess. Some cats may try to eat the pine needles, which will lodge in their intestines and cause a blockage. Vacuum up any fallen needles immediately to prevent that from happening to your cat. Pine tree needles can be fatal and cause liver damage to your pet cat. Ensure you cover up the water under your live tree so your cat cannot drink the toxic water. I prefer artificial trees, but cats can still knock them over. I like small ceramic trees that are molded with decorations, and they have internal lights that cannot cause any damage to your cat.

Cats And Decorations

Never put tinsel on your Christmas tree. Your cat may choke or have intestinal distress from eating and chewing on tinsel. If your cat chews on your Christmas tree lights, he can be badly burned or electrocuted. Broken glass and ornaments, and metal hangers can injure your cat. The fewer the decorations on your tree, the better off you and your cat will be. I like using plastic, cloth, or felt ornaments on a tree as these should be safe if your cat takes them off of your tree. I had a glass ornament fall off a tree once, which shattered into many small pieces before I had cats. If a cat eats a tree bulb that you had out to replace one when it burned out, your cat could die from the cuts; the bulb would cause going down his throat. Be extra cautious with tree decorations and lights if you must use them, and have a Dear beloved pet cat. You don’t want a Christmas without your cat because the decorations or lights killed him.

Christmas Packages

Do not put fancy ribbons on your packages under the tree as your cat could swallow the ribbon, and it can get stuck in their stomach and intestines; they will need immediate attention, Do not tie yarn on any packages as it can get stuck in the back of the throat or inhaled. If your cat gets wrapped up in wool, he could lose his blood supply to that body part. Be very careful of anything bright and shiny that you may put on your package, as cats are attracted to bright shiny objects that may cause permanent harm or death.

Christmas Toys For Your Cat

When buying toys for your cat, make sure they are large enough so your cat cannot swallow them. Please do not give your cat any toy with a battery in it as your cat may chew on it and get battery acid in its system that will cause corrosive damage as they are toxic to your cat. Some cat toys come with batteries in them that are pet approved. Give your cat toys that are meant for cats. Some cats like to play with sponges and empty toilet paper rolls, which is fine unless your cat starts to eat the sponge. If your cat eats plastic, it must be removed by you. He will need surgery if you cannot remove the plastic from your cat. I hope you and your cat have a safe, healthy, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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Everyday Household Cleaners That Could Kill Your Cat

Everyday Household Cleaners And More That Could Kill Your Cat

Bathroom Cleaners

Toilet bowl cleaner can kill your cat, or place reliable cleaners in your tank that dissolve and keep the tank and toilet clean. I never put any reliable cleaners in my toilet tank as my cat may decide to take a drink out of the bathroom. When I clean my toilet, I always close the lid until I have scrubbed out the tank and flush the toilet several times. Never leave toilet bowl cleaner in your tank, as your cat may drink it and die from ingesting it. When using bathroom cleaners and scrubbing pads, ensure your cat does not get any on their paws or lick any of the cleaners, as this could kill them.

Floor Cleaners

When using floor cleaners, keep an eye on your cleaning bucket and ensure your cat does not take a drink from the bucket. Carpet cleaners can be toxic to cats if they step on wet carpets and lick their paws. Floor polish could end up on your cat’s paws if you let them in the room before the polish is fully dry. Do not put aromatic carpet powder on your carpet as your cat may be attracted to the scent, and start licking your carpet as this may end up killing your cat.

Maintenance Sprays or Oil

If you use oil to lubricate your treadmill or spray oil on the locks on your doors so they work better, clean up any spilled oil so your cat cannot ingest any of it. If you put oil on your furniture to help preserve the wood, wipe off any excess fat with a cloth. Oil can be very toxic to cats.

Laundry Products And Oven Cleaners

Laundry soap and fabric softener can be fatal if your cat licks or swallows. Laundry pods can be dangerous as your cat may think they are a toy. If your cat bites into a laundry pod, it could be fatal. Oven cleaner fumes can be toxic to humans as well as to pets.

Paints And Varnishes

Your cat could lick the paint, thinking it was good, such as yogurt. Cats can get their tails and their feet in the paint or varnish. Try to keep your cat out of your work area if possible. Keep a close eye on your cat at all times. The moment you may turn your back while working is when your cat may be poisoned.

Mouse Poison, Fertilizer, Weed Killer, And Insect Killer

Place mouse poison in a sealed container that nothing else can get into. Take pets out of your home if you have your house fumigated. Do not put granules outside your home to kill insects if you let your cat outdoors, as your cat might think the granules are a cat snack. Keep all your lawn fertilizers, weed killers, and garden sprays in a safe area your cat cannot access.

Keep Your Cat Safe From Household Cleaners And Chemicals And More

Store all cleaners, chemicals, oil, fertilizer, weed killer, poisons, paints, and more in an area your cat cannot get into. Keep an eye on your cat if you work with any of these. Keep your cat out of your work area. If you suspect that your cat has been poisoned, call your vet ASAP. Go to the closest vet in your area, as time is of the essence, as a few extra minutes could be the difference between life and death for your beloved cat. I hope you and your cat have many beautiful and memorable years together.

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My Two Asthmatic House Cats

My Two Asthmatic House Cats

Kohl and Conrad Are Half Brothers

I read that Himalayan And Siamese cats are more prone to asthma than other breeds. Kohl and Conrad have Siamese, Himalayan, and domestic short hair in their DNA makeup. The article I read said that female cats are more likely to have asthma than males. Kohl and Conrad are neutered Tom’s.

Kohl’s Asthma

Kohl would snore loudly at night, and he would also sneeze on you. We started giving him antibiotics which seemed to help him for about two months, and then he would have the same old symptoms again. He started life with an upper respiratory infection as a tiny kitten. His Mother was very young, and he would have died if I had not had him as a house cat. I had to feed him PediaSure for one month; otherwise, he would not have survived. Kohl is now 12 years old. He hasid shots to control his asthmatic attacks and is ng OK now.

Conrad’s Asthma

Conrad’s asthma started quickly. He started out sleeping more and not having any energy. He would lay on his back with his feet up in the air. Conrad had lost interest in playing with his toys and just wanted to rest all the time. I looked at his breathing one day, and I noticed his lungs were moving up and down very rapidly. I could tell he was having labored breathing. I called my vet ASAP, and he looked Conrad over and said he had asthma. He gave Conrad a steroid shot, and he was breathing perfectly in the morning.

How You Can Treat Asthma In Cats

If you have a naturally gentle cat that will put up with anything, you can put a breathing mask on your cat and use an inhaler on him. I know my cats would freak out if I tried to put a show on their face, so I chose the only other option, the steroid shot.

Long-Term Effects Of Steroid Shots

Steroid shots can cause heart trouble, muscle weakness, diabetes, and more when used for a long-term illness. My vet said not to give my cats more steroid shots than necessary. He said to watch them closely and only bring them in for another steroid shot when they are having trouble breathing. The steroid shots should last 6 to 8 weeks before another attempt is necessary. I hope your cats can live more accessible with this knowledge, as you will know what to look for if your cat has any breathing issues.

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Spot Chomp! Pet Odor & Stain Carpet Cleaner

Spot Chomp! Pet Odor & Stain Carpet Cleaner

I purchased Spot Chomp! Pet Odor & Stain Carpet Cleaner from a local store in my area. You can also buy this product on

Spot Chomp! Removes stains and odors and keeps them from coming back. Spot Chomp has professional cleaning power,  obliterates colors, keeps them from returning, and leaves no tacky residue on your carpets. Spot Chomp has neutralizing odor molecules. Their formula contains no artificial scents or irritants. Spot Chomp is environmentally,  pet friendly, and bio-degradable.

Test a small area of your carpet for color fastness. Some pet stains may cause discoloration permanently depending on the carpet fibers. Remove the residue with a clean white cloth. Saturate the area of the paint with Spot Chomp. After ten minutes, blot with a damp cloth and gently rubs toward the center of the pet stain. Let the area dry thoroughly, then vacuum to restore your carpet’s nap; for maximum results, use immediately before the paint has set. For stubborn stains, repeat the process. Spot Chomp can be used on carpet, wood floors, tile grout, and any porous surface.

I have also used Spot Chomp to clean any messes from my cat’s bedding. The dreaded hairball and cat vomit are easily removed from their cat’s beds with this fine top, quality product. Always check your cat bed for color fastness before use.

I like that Spot Chomp is made in the USA and uses a hypoallergenic formula that contains no artificial scents or irritants. I have had excellent results every time I have used Spot Chomp. I try to clean up any pet carpet stains the minute they happen. Sometimes we are away from home when our cat throws up on our carpet. I have even had excellent results with Spot Chomp after the pet stain has set in for a while. I always use heavy-duty white paper towels to clean up cat messes and have had excellent results. I would highly recommend Spot Chomp! Pet Odor & Stain Carpet Cleaner. My cats and I are always happy with the cleaning power of Spot Chomp. My cats and I like an odor-free carpet, floors, and an immaculate home.

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Cat Allergies

Cat Allergies

You may be allergic to cat dander. Bathe your cat to eliminate dandruff on his fur, and you will feel much better. People may have itchy and watery eyes because they are allergic to cats. If you still want a house cat even though you are allergic to them, it helps not to let them sleep in your bed with you at night. Brush your cat’s hair out often, removing some of the cat dander quickly and painlessly. Vacuum your carpet often to remove hair and debris from your carpet. Clean your drapes and furniture often also. Keep your cat litter boxes clean, as you may be allergic to the smell of cat urine. Clean and wash your clothes often, as cat hair can stick to your clothing. People with asthma and hyperactive immune systems seem to be allergic to cats.

Cats can be allergic to mold, pollen, smoke, specific cat food brands, dusty or scented cat litter, parasites, plants and grass, rubber products, pesticides, and perfume. One day, I was working with my burn pile, and my cats sneezed that night. Certain brands of smell will make my cats sneeze. My cats sneeze when I use highly-scented cat litter. Sometimes my cats will clean each other, and then they will start sneezing. Cats are allergic to cleaning products, flea treatments, fabrics, and plastic food bowls.


Clean your pet’s bedding regularly to help eliminate allergens that your cats can share. Clean your cat’s water and food bowls often. Close your windows so allergens cannot reach your pet cats outdoors. Cats can sneeze and have watery eyes, and cough. I purchased some natural sinus spray for my cat Kohl, which seemed to help him. I have given my cats vitamins and supplements that help them with various problems. Your cat may need antibiotics if it is an ongoing occurrence that never improves, as it may be a bacterial infection instead of allergies. If your cat’s symptoms worsen, take him to your Vet ASAP. I hope you and your cat recover quickly from any allergies.

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Your Wondering Tom Cat And Female Cats

Your Wondering Tom Cat And Female Cats

Tom cats will wander away in the spring to mate with the female cats. Sometimes this does not go well for them. If you live in the country, someone may shoot your Tomcat. Some of my Tom cats have gotten run over on the road. If someone likes the looks of your Tom cat, they may keep him. Tom cats get canned in terrible fights with other Tom cats; they may wander into their territory. I used to have three outdoor Toms in the country years ago. A new young Tom wandered into our yard, and my three Toms ganged up on him, and he ran away immediately before any blood was shed.

I have had to doctor some of my Toms over the years as they came home with bitten ears and blood on their face. They did not care too much about my doctoring. I never lost any Toms I doctored, as none of their wounds got infected. I treated them with wound salve and rubbing alcohol, depending on where the damage was located on their body.

Several female cats have taken off for extended stays at someone else’s place. One of my female cats was gone for eight years before she returned home. She was a very gentle cat; I think someone had her for a house cat. They must have let her loose, knowing that she would die soon. She returned home to my farm and died about one month after she returned home. My other female cat never left for over a month before returning home. About 97 percent of my female cats never left our farm.

If your female cat has a large litter of kittens, you must find good homes for them. Call the vet of the party that intends to adopt your kitten and see how they take care of the pets they have now. Ask if you can look at their house and see how their pets look. You can see how clean their home is. Interview them before you trust them with your kitten.

All of my cats are spayed and neutered now. I do not have to worry about finding kittens’ good homes anymore. All of my cats are house cats now. They are safe and sound, and I do not have to worry about the dangers that can happen to outdoor cats. Outdoor cats can be killed or infected by wild animals or coyotes.

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Where I Have Adopted Some Of My Cats

Where I Have Adopted Some Of My Cats

My Grandfather found my first cat Flossie in our field. Flossie was a very young kitten, and she was gray and white. She was very friendly and would follow me all over the farm. Flossie had many kittens over the years that I grew very fond of. She and all of her kittens were excellent mousers.

Many of my cats over the years were found in restaurant parking lots. I found one of my house cats Philmoor under a car at Perkins. He was purring away loudly when we pulled into our driveway. He was very friendly and lived to be ten years old. I found one of my calico cats Victoria at a restaurant, and she was waiting by their door for a new owner to rescue her. She had a beautiful calico kitten that looked just like her. I adopted Addi from a restaurant that was partnered with a cat shelter. Addi is an amiable silver tabby cat. Addi had five lovely kittens, and I still have three of them. Her other two kittens found a wonderful and loving home they were adopted into.

I have found several of my house cats in my local newspaper. All of my Siamese cats were found by listings in my newspaper. I adopted Sugar, Ginger, and Tammy. Sugar was a beautiful seal point Siamese cat who kept me company for many years. Ginger was a lynx point Siamese cat, and she was very kind and gentle and lived to be 18 years old. I adopted Tammy, a blue point Siamese cat, from a young couple having a baby. My grandmother had Tammy for many years, and she dearly loved her. Cali, my calico cat, was one of several cats a young couple had. They could not afford to keep all of their cats. Cali is part Siamese, and she is very vocal and beautifully marked.

I adopted Simon and Garfunkel from a restaurant listing on a bulletin board. Their Mother had come to their house pregnant, and they had to find a home for her four kittens. Simon died relatively young of a disease. Garfunkel is a very kind, gentle, and loving house cat.

I have adopted several cats because their owner died, and the family had to find new homes for them. I have adopted stray cats over the years. My vet gave me one of his house cats named Red. He had found Red on a golf course in December. Red was a Red Tabby cat, and he was brilliant. Red lived to be 17 years old. My purebred Maine Coon cat Fresca was given to me by my cousin years ago. About 12 years ago, a kitten was born on my farm that looked almost identical to Fresca.

I have adopted many lovely outdoor cats from farmers and people who have tried to find cat homes in their neighborhoods. Try to adopt and help out a cat needing a safe, warm, loving home. God bless you and your cat family.

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