Everyday Household Cleaners That Could Kill Your Cat

Everyday Household Cleaners And More That Could Kill Your Cat

Bathroom Cleaners

Toilet bowl cleaner can kill your cat, or place reliable cleaners in your tank that dissolve and keep the tank and toilet clean. I never put any reliable cleaners in my toilet tank as my cat may decide to take a drink out of the bathroom. When I clean my toilet, I always close the lid until I have scrubbed out the tank and flush the toilet several times. Never leave toilet bowl cleaner in your tank, as your cat may drink it and die from ingesting it. When using bathroom cleaners and scrubbing pads, ensure your cat does not get any on their paws or lick any of the cleaners, as this could kill them.

Floor Cleaners

When using floor cleaners, keep an eye on your cleaning bucket and ensure your cat does not take a drink from the bucket. Carpet cleaners can be toxic to cats if they step on wet carpets and lick their paws. Floor polish could end up on your cat’s paws if you let them in the room before the polish is fully dry. Do not put aromatic carpet powder on your carpet as your cat may be attracted to the scent, and start licking your carpet as this may end up killing your cat.

Maintenance Sprays or Oil

If you use oil to lubricate your treadmill or spray oil on the locks on your doors so they work better, clean up any spilled oil so your cat cannot ingest any of it. If you put oil on your furniture to help preserve the wood, wipe off any excess fat with a cloth. Oil can be very toxic to cats.

Laundry Products And Oven Cleaners

Laundry soap and fabric softener can be fatal if your cat licks or swallows. Laundry pods can be dangerous as your cat may think they are a toy. If your cat bites into a laundry pod, it could be fatal. Oven cleaner fumes can be toxic to humans as well as to pets.

Paints And Varnishes

Your cat could lick the paint, thinking it was good, such as yogurt. Cats can get their tails and their feet in the paint or varnish. Try to keep your cat out of your work area if possible. Keep a close eye on your cat at all times. The moment you may turn your back while working is when your cat may be poisoned.

Mouse Poison, Fertilizer, Weed Killer, And Insect Killer

Place mouse poison in a sealed container that nothing else can get into. Take pets out of your home if you have your house fumigated. Do not put granules outside your home to kill insects if you let your cat outdoors, as your cat might think the granules are a cat snack. Keep all your lawn fertilizers, weed killers, and garden sprays in a safe area your cat cannot access.

Keep Your Cat Safe From Household Cleaners And Chemicals And More

Store all cleaners, chemicals, oil, fertilizer, weed killer, poisons, paints, and more in an area your cat cannot get into. Keep an eye on your cat if you work with any of these. Keep your cat out of your work area. If you suspect that your cat has been poisoned, call your vet ASAP. Go to the closest vet in your area, as time is of the essence, as a few extra minutes could be the difference between life and death for your beloved cat. I hope you and your cat have many beautiful and memorable years together.

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Everyday Household Cleaners And More That Could Kill Your Cat
