Cat Allergies

Cat Allergies

You may be allergic to cat dander. Bathe your cat to eliminate dandruff on his fur, and you will feel much better. People may have itchy and watery eyes because they are allergic to cats. If you still want a house cat even though you are allergic to them, it helps not to let them sleep in your bed with you at night. Brush your cat’s hair out often, removing some of the cat dander quickly and painlessly. Vacuum your carpet often to remove hair and debris from your carpet. Clean your drapes and furniture often also. Keep your cat litter boxes clean, as you may be allergic to the smell of cat urine. Clean and wash your clothes often, as cat hair can stick to your clothing. People with asthma and hyperactive immune systems seem to be allergic to cats.

Cats can be allergic to mold, pollen, smoke, specific cat food brands, dusty or scented cat litter, parasites, plants and grass, rubber products, pesticides, and perfume. One day, I was working with my burn pile, and my cats sneezed that night. Certain brands of smell will make my cats sneeze. My cats sneeze when I use highly-scented cat litter. Sometimes my cats will clean each other, and then they will start sneezing. Cats are allergic to cleaning products, flea treatments, fabrics, and plastic food bowls.


Clean your pet’s bedding regularly to help eliminate allergens that your cats can share. Clean your cat’s water and food bowls often. Close your windows so allergens cannot reach your pet cats outdoors. Cats can sneeze and have watery eyes, and cough. I purchased some natural sinus spray for my cat Kohl, which seemed to help him. I have given my cats vitamins and supplements that help them with various problems. Your cat may need antibiotics if it is an ongoing occurrence that never improves, as it may be a bacterial infection instead of allergies. If your cat’s symptoms worsen, take him to your Vet ASAP. I hope you and your cat recover quickly from any allergies.

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