Keep Your Cats Items Extra Clean

Keep Your Cats Items Extra Clean

Food And Water Dishes

Scrub and wash out your cat’s food and water bowls. Being stuck on food can attract bugs and diseases. Your cat does not want to drink water from a dirty dish. Clean up next to food dishes, as some might have landed on the floor.

Towels And Bedding

Sometimes, your cat may throw up on his bedding or towels, which should be washed in hot water with plenty of detergents to prevent germs. When their beds get a lot of cat hair, I vacuum them out. Dirty towels will also attract bugs that may bite your cat. Clean up their hammocks and any place where they take catnaps.

Groom Your Cats

By grooming your cats regularly, they will feel better and look better. Their bedding and towels will not have hair all over them. I use a regular cat comb, brush, and grooming glove and rub the fur off by hand. Your cat will most likely purr away while you are grooming them. Regular grooming helps prevent fleas, and not letting your cats outdoors walk in long grass or areas wild animals might have walked through. Deer ticks can be in the long grass.

Litter Boxes

Keep your litter boxes clean. Throw out your old litter when it looks terrible and replace it with all-new litter. Scrub them with hot water and plenty of soap, or replace them with new ones. Automatic litter boxes have to be disassembled and scrubbed up. The sensors can stop working if you do not keep them clean. Remember to put new plastic liners in your automatic litter boxes. Dirty litter boxes will make a perfect breeding ground for fleas. Clean up the floor area where your litter boxes sit. Dirty litter on the floor is ideal for fleas to multiply quickly.

Cat Toys And Treat Dispensers

If your cat’s toys get dirty and are washable, wash them in hot water with soap. When toys get worn and look awful, dispose of them and buy new ones. Washing a catnip toy will ruin the smell of the catnip, and it may get moldy. Most treat dispensers are plastic, so I wash them with hot water and soap.

Clean Your Cat Equipment

Clean cat combs, brushes, food storage containers, litter box tools, and anything you use on or by your cat. Clean up cat carry containers.

Clean Up Your Cats Living Area

Dust and vacuum regularly. Vacuum your drapes, clean under your furniture, scrub your floors, and keep your carpet and rugs clean. I vacuum my furniture. You and your cats should be allergy-free by keeping your home extra clean. I have an air purifier in my home and run a dehumidifier in my basement and next door. Put new filters in your furnace every month, as that will reduce dust. Clean the filters on your dehumidifiers, as they will get cat hair on them. You and your cat will share a lovely, clean home.

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Cleaning Your Cats Living Area And More

Cleaning Your Cats Living Area And More

Scrubbing Floors

I scrub the tile floors next door. I use a combination of Liquid Lysol and Tide, which kills any germs on the feet and make them sparkling clean. I use a bucket and a mop which works well. I also have a small floor steam cleaner that sanitizes my floors ideally. Some areas require a little scrubber to clean them area.

Counter Tops, Sleeves, And Tables Next Door

I use Lysol and soap on the countertops and the table next door. I also use a soft scrubber or a brush on the countertops. Wooden tables get cleaned with a wood cleaner, and then I apply some lemon oil to the wood tables. My cats sleep on sleeves that have cat beds and towels. The sleeves get cleaned with soap and water since they are plastic.

Cleaning The Dreaded Litter Boxes

I disassemble my litter boxes and then take them outdoors for a thorough scrubbing. I use a toilet brush only for cleaning my litter boxes and a 3 M scrubber. I put rubber gloves on before I start cleaning the litter boxes. I put dish soap in the litter box with the other parts of the litter box, and then I scrub them with the toilet brush. I let the litter box and parts air dry.

Cleaning Food Dishes And Water Bowls

I use glass or metal food dishes and water bowls since they are easy to clean and sanitary. Never buy plastic food or water bowls since they are a magnet for germs. The plastic gets scratched, and then it is impossible to sanitize them. I use dish soap to clean the water and food bowls.

Cat Bedding And Towels

I spot clean cat beds that cannot be washed in the washing machine. If the beds look bad, I remove them and replace them with a new ones. I use an old washing machine just for cleaning cat bedding. I use hot water and laundry soap on my cat towels. When washing cat beds, use the gentle and bulky cycle.

Cat Carriers

Remember to clean your cat carriers with Lysol and put new paper in them so you are always ready to transport your cat in a clean, sanitary pet carrier. Window cleaner comes in handy to clean the metal doors on the airlines. Cloth carriers will have to be spot cleaned with laundry soap.


Cat Toys

I wash my cat toys in my washing machine with laundry soap; they look and smell new. Some cat toys must be spot cleaned or replaced due to years of use. Sanitize your cat items to help you keep a healthy cat for many years.

Medicine Dispensers

If you have a pill gun, an Inhaler, a medicine cup, and more, remember to keep them sanitized so your cat won’t get sick from some virus living on the dispenser. Rubbing alcohol or soap and water works well. We all want our cats to be with us for many years. Keep their supplies and living area as clean as possible.

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Having A Feral Cat

Having A Feral Cat

Catching Your Feral Cat

I prefer using a live animal trap baited with tuna canned in water. Place your tuna in the web, and you should have your feral cat captured in two days unless she is familiar with live animal traps. I have also used a heavy-duty fishing net with extra thick leather gloves to capture the cat. Persistence pays off when trying to catch a feral cat. Humans have mistreated some wild cats, so they are suspicious of all humans until trust gets established again.

What To Do With Your Just Captured Feral Cat

Isolate your new cat from your other cats, as she may be sick or have fleas. Put her in a small room with litter, food, and water. Take her to your Vet ASAP to have her checked for a microchip and spayed flea bath, and shots if no microchip is found. Approach her on her terms only until she realizes you do not want to harm her. She may jump at the windows and more if she has lived in the wild for a long time. Make up a cozy place for her to sleep. A box with an extra thick towel will be good, to begin with. Talk gently to her and never yell at her, as she will get frightened very quickly. After your cat returns from the Vet, please give her a cat treat, so she will see that going to the Vet can be a rewarding and good outing.

Spend Time With Your Feral Cat

Talk to her gently and make her feel that you love her. Your feral cat will not sit on your lap or lie on your bed anytime soon. It could take six months or more for your adult wild cat to trust you 100 %. Feral kittens generally warm up to you sooner. Some feral cats remain aloof their entire lives. Some feral cats will want to give you a little nip now and then as a warning. Plenty of toys for your cat to play with will help her with boredom. Have toys that you and your cat can interact with together. Your feral cat may see you in a new light the more time you spend together with things she likes to do. Give treats when she acts extra good or sits on your lap.


Your Feral Cat Has Now Become Your Pet Cat

She may never be a lovey-dovey cat, but she is your pet cat. Feral cats can make good house cats if you let them come to you on your terms. They do not care to be captured and held if they do not jump in your lap alone. Feral cats will generally end up being one-person cats. Feral cats often only trust their owner and no one else. Be patient with a wild cat; you can have a  fine feline friend for many years. All cats deserve a second chance to have a happy and rewarding life with someone who loves them just as they are.

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Indoor And Outdoor Cat

Indoor And Outdoor Cat

What To Do If You Have An Indoor And Outdoor Cat

Ensure your cat has been treated so she will not bring fleas into your home. Fleas are very uncomfortable for you and your cat. To rid your home of a flea infestation will be very costly. Watch your cat at all times as they could be run over by a car, or they may eat some poison that a neighbor has in their yard to control pests that probably would kill your cat if ingested. Never just put your indoor outdoor cat outside and think they can fend for themselves. Please do not rely on a cat harness to keep your cat under your control, as some cats can slip it right off their neck without you hardly noticing. A neighbor may think your cat is homeless and call the pound, and your cat could be put to sleep at the pound. Someone may catch your cat and treat your cat poorly. Cat is very much like a young child as they like to run and play and are unaware of all the dangers that could await them.

Have An Enclosed Area That Your Cat Can Be Safe In Outdoors

I have a cat playpen that I set up, and I keep it f the grass so bugs, fleas, and insects will not bother my cats while they enjoy the great outdoors. Some people build a window boxes for their cats. Cats seem to enjoy being in the window box and watching birds land on the TV and breathing in the outdoor air; They also sell cloth tubing that zips together that you can place outdoors, and your cats can get a lot of exercise running through the tubing.

My Cat Cali Is An Indoor Outdoor Cat

Cali gets very moody or pouts when I do not let her outdoors. She does not get to go outdoors if farmers spray the fields, planting, chisel plowing, or harvesting the crops. She could run in front of the equipment before I could stop her, and she would be killed instantly or in excruciating pain. I let Cali out when I see no one around and watch her like a chicken hawk. In winter, Cali wears a hooded coat when she ventures out. She likes to run around in the snow and do somersaults on the warm cement sidewalk after the sun has warmed it up. Cali loves to eat grass when I let her outdoors, and she likes to roll around on the sidewalk and the dry garden dirt. A cat’s dirt bath removes the extra oils in its hair and helps them look better in the long run.

My Cat Maggie

Maggie used to be an outdoor cat when she was young. Maggie likes to go outdoors and eat grass and stays right by the door, so she runs directly into the house when I open it. Once in a great while, she will see what Cali is up to, but she does not follow her. Protect your cat from harm and never leave them unattended because you do not know what might become of your Dear pet cat if they are not under your watchful and loving care.

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How To Live With Your Cats When You Are Allergic To Them

How To Live With Your Cats When You Are Allergic To Them

Wash Your Bedding Regularly And Clean Your Home Often

Keep your cats out of your bedroom to have a cat-free zone. Wash your bedding regularly as your cat will sit on your lap, and you may have pet dander in your hair just because you petted your cat while he was in your lap. Wash your bedding and other soft fabric items in hot water to eliminate the allergens. Eliminate drapes and throw rugs if possible, as they catch a lot of cat hair and dander. Wash your floors and clean all areas of your home often. Throw away stuffed toys or wash them in hot water if possible. Replace your throw pillows with new ones. Vacuum your furniture, carpet, floors, and more very often. Buy a vacuum with a HEPA filter. Buy an air purifier for your home. Have the heat runs cleaned out in your home.

Wash Your Hands Every Time You Touch Your Cat

By washing your hands, you will eliminate allergens from entering your eyes if you happen to rub your eyes. If you touch your face, your face will not itch if you have washed your face after handling your cat. Wash your hands before you prepare food for yourself and others as an act of cleanliness, regardless of allergies. After all, your kitty uses the litter box.

Do Not Let Your House Cat Outdoors

You will be surprised by all the allergens your cat can bring into your home after being outdoors for just one minute. Your cat can bring fleas into your home, and you and your cats will have a scratching frenzy. You will have to clean everything in your home with hot water and have your carpets cleaned and your whole house fumigated twice to eliminate the little biting creatures. Cats bring pollen in on their hair after being out, which gets deposited on your drapes, carpet, and more. A wild animal may attack your house cat, get rabies, or be run over by a vehicle.

Groom And Clean Your Cats Often

Comb or brush your cat’s hair often to help eliminate cat dander. Comb your cat out in a controlled area of your home so you will not have pet dander flying everywhere, adding to your allergy problem. Wash your cats with an allergy shampoo or use a dry or rub-on liquid shampoo to help eliminate pet dander.


Wash Your Cats Bedding And Vacuum Off His Pet Towers

Wash all of your cat’s bedding in boiling water. Clean the litter boxes to eliminate mold and pet urine allergies. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter, so you are not throwing cat allergens all over the room while you vacuum. A vacuum without a HEPA filter is worthless for eliminating cat allergens as it does only redistribute them. Cleanliness is next to Godliness and makes for a happy home for you and your cat, where you can coexist with your allergies and feline friends.

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Diseases Your Cats Can Catch

Diseases Your Cats Can Catch

If you have more than one cat, they can catch diseases from each other if the sick cat is not quarantined. They can see an infection from another ill cat sneezing, coughing, or sharing the same litter box they use. When you bring a new cat into your household, put it in quarantine for at least seven days before you let it loose with your other cats. Also, take the newcomer to your Vet for a complete checkup from head to tail.

Cats with a respiratory infection can pass on that infection to your cats. Even though the cat may have recovered completely, it remains a carrier of the feline respiratory virus even though they present no symptoms.

Distemper in cats can be very deadly as they become dehydrated quickly. Cats sneeze, cough, have runny eyes, and have constant diarrhea. Your cat’s fur will look scruffy, and it will be very passive. Cats can recover in five days if they have an excellent immune system. Very young and old cats may succumb to the disease. I always make sure my cat’s distemper shots are up to date.

Cats can get worms from each other by eating small mammals and birds. Worms will cause weight loss, diarrhea, vomiting, and inflection around the anus. Cats may slide their derriere across your floor. You may see small fragments of worms in your cat’s litter box or stool. Remember to give your cat worm medicine to prevent this problem.

Cats can get fleas, and they will itch miserably. A good flea medicine will prevent that problem for you and your cat. Cats can get feline leukemia which is blood cancer, feline aids, renal failure, feline influenza, and Toxoplasmosis, and a few cats have contracted the COVID-19 virus. Do not let your cats outdoors, and always wash your hands before you touch your house cats to avoid giving them COVID-19 virus. If your cat is sick, always take them to your Vet as soon as possible, as it may be a matter of life or death. I hope you and your cat stay well and have many happy years together. God bless you and all of your feline friends.

Taking Care Of Your Cat When He Is Outdoors

Taking Care Of Your Cat When He Is Outdoors

If you let your cat outdoors and he is declawed, he is helpless as far as defending himself against any animal that might wish to attack and kill him. Watch for stray animals that might suddenly appear and try to harm your cat.

Safety measures you can use to protect your feline friend.

Walk your cat on a leach especially designed for cats as most cats do not like to be on a leash. Place your cat in a cat playpen on a deck out of the direct intense sun. Check on your cat often and ensure he is not too warm and has plenty of water to drink. Put flea protection on your cat that is vet approved. Please make sure all of his shots are up to date.

Our ever-changing weather.

In the winter months, frostbite can happen in a hurry. Sometimes the tips of a cat’s ear have been frozen, and the ends fall off. Never leave any pet in a car in the summer or winter months unless you are in the car. The temperature in the vehicle can change very quickly, resulting in the death of your cat.

Watch what your cat is eating.

Your cat could eat a plant that is deadly for cats outdoors. Your cat could vomit or have convulsions from eating a fatal plant. Call your vet ASAP if your cat is acting sick after being outdoors. Do not let your cat get near automotive oil, gas, deck cleaner, pest killers, paint, and more. Once a poison is injected, it might be too late to save your cat’s life.


Your cat depends on you for his protection.

Be aware of your cat’s surroundings, as things can change quickly. Keep up to date with your cat’s health. Keep toxic chemicals locked away. Be a good steward in caring for your cat.

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Where I Buy My Cats Accessories

Where I Buy My Cats Accessories

I order my cat accessories online or buy them at local stores. I do a lot of comparison shopping as I want the best quality items for a reasonable price. Compare the online prices to your local store prices. If you can shop locally, remember those dollars go back into your community. Online shopping is lovely when they offer free shipping. It is nice to have cat food and cat litter delivered right to your door in the cold winter months.

I buy my cat’s toys from e bay, amazon, grocery stores, and My cat litter is from Menards, Mills Fleet Farm, and Chewy.Com. My cat food comes mainly from and Menards. I prefer K and H heated cat beds as they tend to last a long time. My heated cat beds come from e bay and My cats love their Meowfia cat beds from Chewy.Com. I purchased my cat’s playpen from Amazon.Com.

I just purchased an excellent plastic folding step made by Frisco and sold by for my cat Kohl. Kohl has trouble jumping into my bed as he ages, and his new actions make life much easier. Kohl also likes orthopedic cat beds that I have purchased from Aldi’s grocery store.

I have purchased flea treatment products from my veterinarian. You can buy distemper shots for your cats at Mills Fleet farm. I take my cats to my veterinarian for all of their images. Do research on flea treatment products before you buy them to ensure they are effective and safe for your cat, depending on size, age, and overall general health.

I purchased my metal heated water bowls from Menards as they last a long time compared to plastic heated water bowls. My grooming tools were purchased at my local stores. I have purchased many litter boxes over the years. I like a litter box that sifts the litter clean, as you do not waste as much cat litter.

I love the Litter Robot. It is more costly than other brands, but my cats and I love it. It smells nice and fresh, and the dirty litter is dumped in a plastic bag in the tray below the unit. The Litter Robot even has a night light in it for your cat. The Litter Robot is automatic. All you have to do is put fresh clumping litter in, remove the dirty trash, and put a new bag in, and you are all set.

Your cat will be happy with his new accessories, and his nine lives will be blessed by you caring for and loving him every day unconditionally. God Bless you and your feline friends.

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The Daily Chores Of A Cat Person

The Daily Chores Of A Cat Person

I clean out all of my cat litter boxes to start with. I fill my cat’s water dish with fresh water. More cat food is put in their food dishes. I give my cats a pat on the head. I fluff up their bedding and clean up any mess that might have happened at night.

I clean up any cat mess the moment I see it. I use a carpet cleaner or wood floor cleaner. I also use Clorox depending on the surface that needs cleaning. The faster you clean up a mess, the easier it is to clean up, as it has not set in yet. I clean up their bedding in a washing machine I have in my basement for cat use only. Beds that cannot be placed in the washing machine must be spot cleaned. I try to avoid buying cat beds that cannot be placed in a washing machine.

I like to brush or comb out my cats’ hair, so they do not get matted. A combed-out cat is less likely to have hairballs that they scarf up. If your cat has claws keep them trimmed up as the foot could get stuck in something they could not get free of without damaging themselves.

I sweep up any spilled cat food and throw it outdoors, as many wild animals and birds can enjoy eating it. I sweep around the litter boxes and clean them out twice a day. Dirty litter boxes or floors by the litter box are a perfect breeding ground for fleas.

Check your cat’s teeth often, as bad teeth could kill your cat shortly. If there is a sudden change in your cat’s behavior or pattern, keep a close eye on them, as it could quickly become a medical emergency. I spray Lysol on the floor by the litter boxes to kill any germs that could harbor there.

I hope you and your cat have many happy and healthy years ahead. The time you spend on the chores for your cat will lengthen his life and give you joy as you are helping your feline family member.

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Summertime Dangers And Your Cat

Summertime Dangers And Your Cat

Make sure your cat has plenty of fresh clean cold water to drink as the water will heat up quickly with high temperatures. Some people put ice cubes in their cats water bowls as its keeps the water cooler much longer. Do not put your cat out in the heat or leave them in a car as they could die very quickly with extreme heat. Signs of heat stroke in your cat include a high pulse and rapid breathing along with a red tongue and mouth. If your cat becomes overheated call your vet for directions on what to do for your cat and then take them to your VET ASAP. Your Vet will cool off your cat with cold water and ice packs and maybe an I V drip to re-hydrate your cat.  A car in direct sunlight can be 130 to 172 degrees inside of the car in only one hour.

Fleas can be in the lawn this time of year. Never set your pet carrier on the grass as your cat could pick up fleas quickly. Your cat will be itching and scratching if he picks up fleas and so will you. It will cost a lot of money for flea treatments for your cat and your home to be flea free. Give your cat flea treatment medicine to prevent fleas.

Cats shed even in your house. It is important to brush them out everyday as their fur can become mated quickly. A badly mated cat may have to be shaved. Hairballs are another worry if your cat is not groomed often enough. No one enjoys cleaning up the dreaded hairball.

Make sure your cat does not get locked in a building outdoors. Your cat will die from extreme heat and lack of water. When taking groceries out of your car make sure your cat did not sneak in the car. Do not leave your cat in a cat playpen outdoors in hot weather as he may expire quickly if the sun happens to move to the area that was nice and shady earlier.


In the dog days of summer keep your cat cool and protected from outdoor pest so your cat will have nine lives. Hope you and your cat have the best summer ever. God bless you and feline friends.

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