Transporting Your Cat Safely For Travel And Vet Visits

Transporting Your Cat Safely For Travel And Vet Visits

I want a sturdy animal carrier when I transport my cats. I prefer a solid one with a lid on the top and a door on the ‘s side page. A cover and a door on the carrier make it much easier to put your cat on the page and take it safely.

I have noticed people trying to hang on to their cat wrapped up in a towel while waiting outside the Vets office. An upset and nervous cat not in a carrier can end in disaster quickly. My Vet told me that a party had come to his office with their cat in a towel, and a Semi drove by and happened to honk his horn. Their cat bolted out of their arms, ran onto the busy Hi-Way, and was run over by a car. What a tragic and horrific experience that could have been prevented by having their cat in a cat carrier.

A cage that comes to part easily is good at the Vets office. Some of my cats are nervous beyond nervous at the Vets office. Having a pen that comes to part quickly makes it safe for your Vet to handle your cat without getting bit or scratched up. My Vet moves the lid down about part way and administers their shots. Trying to pull a scared cat out of a cage can result in being bitten and scratched.

When taking your cat for a drive, having them in an animal carrier is best. A scared cat could get under your feet while trying to drive. A  frightened cat could start leaping all over the inside of your car, causing you to lose control of your vehicle and resulting in your death and someone else.

If you are flying on a plane with your cat, use a carrier approved for airline travel. Check with the airline to see when your cat is fed, watered, and more. Your cat shots must be current if you take him on an airline. Expect your cat to be nervous and upset when you reach your destination. Some Vets will give you a mild sedative to relax your cat while he is on the plane. I once noticed a woman traveling with her cat all the time by train. She told me Sam had traveled on the train with her for years, and he enjoyed it. She had a leash on him, and he was sound to sleep in her loving arms.

By the best cage you can afford, it should last many years. Remember to always have your pet under your control at all times for his health and safety and the safety of others. I hope you and your cat have safe travels and Vet visits for many years.

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Diseases Your Cats Can Catch

Diseases Your Cats Can Catch

If you have more than one cat, they can catch diseases from each other if the sick cat is not quarantined. They can see an infection from another ill cat sneezing, coughing, or sharing the same litter box they use. When you bring a new cat into your household, put it in quarantine for at least seven days before you let it loose with your other cats. Also, take the newcomer to your Vet for a complete checkup from head to tail.

Cats with a respiratory infection can pass on that infection to your cats. Even though the cat may have recovered completely, it remains a carrier of the feline respiratory virus even though they present no symptoms.

Distemper in cats can be very deadly as they become dehydrated quickly. Cats sneeze, cough, have runny eyes, and have constant diarrhea. Your cat’s fur will look scruffy, and it will be very passive. Cats can recover in five days if they have an excellent immune system. Very young and old cats may succumb to the disease. I always make sure my cat’s distemper shots are up to date.

Cats can get worms from each other by eating small mammals and birds. Worms will cause weight loss, diarrhea, vomiting, and inflection around the anus. Cats may slide their derriere across your floor. You may see small fragments of worms in your cat’s litter box or stool. Remember to give your cat worm medicine to prevent this problem.

Cats can get fleas, and they will itch miserably. A good flea medicine will prevent that problem for you and your cat. Cats can get feline leukemia which is blood cancer, feline aids, renal failure, feline influenza, and Toxoplasmosis, and a few cats have contracted the COVID-19 virus. Do not let your cats outdoors, and always wash your hands before you touch your house cats to avoid giving them COVID-19 virus. If your cat is sick, always take them to your Vet as soon as possible, as it may be a matter of life or death. I hope you and your cat stay well and have many happy years together. God bless you and all of your feline friends.

Vomiting And Your Cat

Vomiting And Your Cat

Cats can vomit for a variety of reasons. Some cats devour their food so that they vomit their meal. Eating certain plants will cause your cat to vomit. A live virus distemper shot can cause your cat to vomit and more.

New Cat Food Brand

Adding another brand of cat food to what my cats are used to eating will upset their stomach. Eating grass will cause your cat to vomit almost immediately. Cats like to eat grass as it helps them dislodge those nasty hairballs. Eating a lot of human food is unsuitable for your cat’s digestive system. Feed your cat in moderation, as too much of a good thing can cause them to vomit.

Pants And Poisons

There are a large variety of plants that can make your cat very sick or kill them. Do not induce vomiting unless your vet says you can. If you suspect your cat has eaten something poisonous, call your vet ASAP. Poisons for vermin can cause your cat to vomit and bleed out. Keep your household cleaners, motor oil, and more stored in an area your cat cannot get into. An ounce of prevention is a pound of cure.

Allergic Reaction

One of my house cats had a live virus form of a distemper shot. He started to vomit the next day after he had his blast. Four days after he had his trial, he vomited and fell over. He came around in about five seconds and ran to the basement. A cat can get an anaphylactic shock, an extreme, often a life-threatening reaction to an antigen to which the body has become hypersensitive. If your cat falls over after a shot, call your vet ASAP to see if your cat has a life-threatening emergency.

Vestibular Disease

If a cat has been throwing up violently, it can have a vestibular disease. By throwing up so forcibly, the blood flow to their brain shuts down momentarily and causes them to fall over more. A cat with the vestibular disease can circle, be unstable, and be nauseous. A cat can get vestibular illness at any age.

If your cat is vomiting, find out the cause by calling your vet ASAP. Do not wait to see if your cat may get better because he may die in between. I hope you and your cat are healthy.

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Springtime Dangers And Your Cat

Springtime Dangers And Your Cat

In the Spring, we start cleaning our homes with dangerous household cleaners that could kill our cat if he swallowed or stepped on the cleaning agent. Cats lick their paws, and whatever they step on is ingested once they clean their feet.

Dangerous Household Cleaners And More That Could Kill Your Cat

Do not leave bleach or any cleaner in a bucket and then walk away from it, as your cat could swallow some of the solutions if you step out for a second or two. Do not leave cupboard doors open where you store your cleaning products, as your cat could lick the containers or swallow some of the contents. Mothballs, paints, certain house plants, and even human toothpaste can make your cat very ill or kill them. Remember, your cat is like a two-year-old child; you must watch over them and always be diligent. If you smoke, your cat can get lung cancer by breathing in the fumes of your secondhand smoke. More wild animals that could harm or kill your cat will be out and about.

Outdoor Chemicals That Could Kill Your Cat

Garden chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, motor oil, anti-freeze, mouse, rat poison, paint, and lawn chemicals. Do not let your cat walk on a property that has just been sprayed with chemicals. Keep old motor oil and used anti-freeze covered so your cat can not get near it. If you let your cat out in the garden, keep a keen eye on where he is. Keep mouse and rat poison in containers that only the rat or mouse can enter. Do not leave your paint can on the ground uncovered even for a little while, as your cat could sip the color.


Take Your Cat To Your Vet ASAP If You Think He Ingested A Poison Of Any Kind

You do not want to induce vomiting depending on what your cat swallowed. The chemical might harm his esophagus if he vomited it. Get your cat to your vet ASAP, as time is of the essence in any emergency. If you wait, your cat may not live to tell his tale and will not have nine lives. Chemicals and poisons travel through the body quickly and cause much damage.

I hope You And Your Cat Have a Safe And Happy Time With Your Spring Cleaning.

Remember to watch your feline-friendly diligently. Keep all chemicals and household items covered and secure so you will not end up at your vet’s emergency room with your feline friend. I hope you and your cat remain safe and sound this Spring and permanently. God bless you and your feline friend.

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Ginger's Story

Ginger’s Story

I adopted Ginger from a pound that was out in the country. Ginger was covered in fleas. When I got Ginger home safely, I put a flea dip all over her and washed her with shampoo. Her hair did not take long to recover from the fleas’ damage. Ginger soon had a nice-looking, lustrous coat of fur.

Ginger was an amiable part of Siamese and Himalayan cats. She looked like a purebred Chocolate Point  Siamese cat except for slightly longer hair. Ginger loved to sleep in bed with me at night. She was always quiet in bed and never disturbed my sleep whatsoever. She got along fine with dogs and other male cats. I got Ginger spayed and her front claws removed when she was about 14 weeks old. She recovered from the procedure quickly.

Ginger would wake me up at precisely 6 AM every morning. I always had set my alarm for 6 AM before I had Ginger. I no longer had to put my alarm clock with my trusty cat Ginger watching for me. Ginger also rented a house for me once. I had forgotten to turn on my answering machine when I left my house. Ginger must have tired of the phone ringing and hit the button with her paw. I received that answering machine message, and that party rented my house.

Ginger loved to play with toy mice and small balls. She liked to go outdoors on occasion. I kept an eye on her constantly when she was outdoors. She wanted to take afternoon naps on my couch or a chair. Ginger loved Fancy Feast canned cat food. Eventually, all I had to do was say Fancy Feast, and she would come running for her cat snack for the day.

Ginger was always a very healthy cat. I only remember having to buy medicine for her once in her life. When Ginger turned 18, she started losing weight. Ginger also started vomiting, and I found her lying in my bathtub. I think Ginger must have had kidney failure. I called up my vet one day and had Ginger put to sleep. I missed Ginger, but c, cannot stand to see any beloved pet suffer.

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Cats And Holidays

Cats And Holidays

Make the holidays perfect for you and your feline friends. Many dangers are lurking around the corner where cats could get harmed. Cats are curious by nature and can get into trouble very quickly. Bright and shiny objects are like a magnet pulling them in that direction.

Watch your Turkey as it is removed from the oven. An unattended turkey may be impossible for some cats to resist. Your cats may eat some of your turkeys, making it impossible to serve your guest. Your cat might have the whole turkey resting on the floor. Keep your food covered and train your cat when he is very young, so he knows that kind of behavior will not work in your household.

Christmas trees and cats can be a huge problem. Some cats like to climb them, knocking the whole tree over. A cat might knock the bulbs to the floor and try to eat them. A few cats have been known to drink the water under the tree. Never put any chemicals in the water under the tree to help keep the needles on the tree longer. If your cat drinks water with chemicals, it could die on Christmas day. Be alert to what your cat is doing, Do not let him get near tinsel which can damage their throat and more. Poinsettias, holly, mistletoe, Easter lilies, and more plants can be poisonous if your cat ingests them. Call your Veterinarian ASAP if you think your cat may be poisoned.

Do not give your cat all kinds of human snacks during the holidays. A cat’s stomach is not designed to handle various food. I give my cats one piece of turkey each, and they seem to get along fine. Your cat will throw up if you feed him too much. Never give a cat chocolate, as chocolate will kill a cat.

Good gifts to give your cats during the holidays are: cat treats, cat toys, heated cat beds, catnip mice, circle game toys, and a new litter box, and make sure they get their yearly checkups and shots at your Veterinarian. I hope you and your cats have many safe and Happy Holidays together.

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Difficult Cats

Warm Cat Shelter

Provide a warm shelter for your cats for protection from the cold, wet, and frigid weather. A building that has cover from the wind and cold is the ideal protection for your cats in stormy weather. A heat lamp helps take the chill out of the air. Fresh straw or warm, dry bedding makes a cozy bed for your outdoor cats.

I like heated cat beds for my outdoor cats and a heated water dish. Ensure food bowls are full of fresh cat food and water bowls are free from ice. Give your pets fresh water every day to drink. Check on your pets often in the cold weather to ensure they are OK and that heat lamps and heated beds are working correctly.

Frostbite can occur quickly, and your cat can lose the tips of his ears or have the pads of his feet frozen. Take your cat to your vet ASAP if you expect it to have frostbite. Many cats die from distemper in the cold winter months if they do not have their shots up to date. If your electricity goes out, have a straw your cats can snuggle up in to preserve body heat.

Give your cats a lot of table scraps and canned cat food in the winter to boost their immune systems and give them extra energy to survive. I like to feed my cats high-quality dry cat food with a lot of protein and hardly any by-products. Feed your cat the best quality food you can for their well-being.

Ensure your cat’s shelter stays dry and free from drafts and wind. A small electric heater helps take that cold chill out of the building that they are living in. In case of a power outage, have old blankets available for your cats to snuggle up in. Keep plenty of fresh dry straws on hand, and ensure your cats have the water they can drink. I hope you and your cats keep warm and healthy as the weather gets colder.

Taking Care Of Your Cat When He Is Outdoors

Taking Care Of Your Cat When He Is Outdoors

If you let your cat outdoors and he is declawed, he is helpless as far as defending himself against any animal that might wish to attack and kill him. Watch for stray animals that might suddenly appear and try to harm your cat.

Safety measures you can use to protect your feline friend.

Walk your cat on a leach especially designed for cats as most cats do not like to be on a leash. Place your cat in a cat playpen on a deck out of the direct intense sun. Check on your cat often and ensure he is not too warm and has plenty of water to drink. Put flea protection on your cat that is vet approved. Please make sure all of his shots are up to date.

Our ever-changing weather.

In the winter months, frostbite can happen in a hurry. Sometimes the tips of a cat’s ear have been frozen, and the ends fall off. Never leave any pet in a car in the summer or winter months unless you are in the car. The temperature in the vehicle can change very quickly, resulting in the death of your cat.

Watch what your cat is eating.

Your cat could eat a plant that is deadly for cats outdoors. Your cat could vomit or have convulsions from eating a fatal plant. Call your vet ASAP if your cat is acting sick after being outdoors. Do not let your cat get near automotive oil, gas, deck cleaner, pest killers, paint, and more. Once a poison is injected, it might be too late to save your cat’s life.


Your cat depends on you for his protection.

Be aware of your cat’s surroundings, as things can change quickly. Keep up to date with your cat’s health. Keep toxic chemicals locked away. Be a good steward in caring for your cat.

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Summertime Dangers And Your Cat

Summertime Dangers And Your Cat

Make sure your cat has plenty of fresh clean cold water to drink as the water will heat up quickly with high temperatures. Some people put ice cubes in their cats water bowls as its keeps the water cooler much longer. Do not put your cat out in the heat or leave them in a car as they could die very quickly with extreme heat. Signs of heat stroke in your cat include a high pulse and rapid breathing along with a red tongue and mouth. If your cat becomes overheated call your vet for directions on what to do for your cat and then take them to your VET ASAP. Your Vet will cool off your cat with cold water and ice packs and maybe an I V drip to re-hydrate your cat.  A car in direct sunlight can be 130 to 172 degrees inside of the car in only one hour.

Fleas can be in the lawn this time of year. Never set your pet carrier on the grass as your cat could pick up fleas quickly. Your cat will be itching and scratching if he picks up fleas and so will you. It will cost a lot of money for flea treatments for your cat and your home to be flea free. Give your cat flea treatment medicine to prevent fleas.

Cats shed even in your house. It is important to brush them out everyday as their fur can become mated quickly. A badly mated cat may have to be shaved. Hairballs are another worry if your cat is not groomed often enough. No one enjoys cleaning up the dreaded hairball.

Make sure your cat does not get locked in a building outdoors. Your cat will die from extreme heat and lack of water. When taking groceries out of your car make sure your cat did not sneak in the car. Do not leave your cat in a cat playpen outdoors in hot weather as he may expire quickly if the sun happens to move to the area that was nice and shady earlier.


In the dog days of summer keep your cat cool and protected from outdoor pest so your cat will have nine lives. Hope you and your cat have the best summer ever. God bless you and feline friends.

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Outdoor Dangers That Could Kill Your Pet Cat

Outdoor Dangers That Could Kill Your Pet Cat

Many coyotes in the country and the woods could kill or injure your cat severely. Your cat could get into poisons. Many cats get run over on the roads. A wild animal with rabies could bite your cat.

Poisons and Chemicals

If a neighbor leaves his garage door open and has mouse poison in his garage, your cat could eat it. Mouse poison will send your cat into convolutions if ingested. Your cat will bleed out and have an excruciating death. Antifreeze will kill your cat as it will shut down its kidneys. Motor oil, grease, chemicals, gas, diesel fuel, and certain plants are very toxic to your cat.



Cats will vomit if they eat certain plants, and many Christmas plants and bushes are toxic. Ask your local nursery or plant store if the item you wish to purchase is safe for your cat because all cats like to nibble on plants. Do not let your cat outdoors if your lawn has been sprayed for at least 24 hrs., as cats love to munch on grass.


House cats have no idea about the danger that cars pose to them. Cats like to curl up on the warm motor of a car or sit on top of the car tires. When you start your vehicle, always look on top of your tires if your cat is outdoors. Many cats have died by being hit by cars, and sadistic people try to run over them.

Birds of Prey

Large birds of prey can kill your kittens or even your adult cat. I saw an Eagle take off with a kitten in his mouth, and then he dropped it on the road, and it was dead. Dogs have been known to kill many cats over the years.


Fleas can be picked up by your cat outdoors, along with ticks. They bite and bite your cat, and treatments are expensive. You can get fleas from your cat and have your house treated to rid yourself of the infestation. Ear mites can be picked up outdoors, also.

Keep an Eye on Your Cats

If you let your house cat out, keep a constant eye on him; many dangers could take all of his nine lives. Watch your farm cats also. I like to take a head count of my cats daily, and if one is missing, I look for them immediately.

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