Chill Out With Your Cat

Chill Out With Your Cat

Cats Help You Unwind From A Hectic Day

Cats know when you are not feeling as spry as you should be. Your cat will sit on your lap and purr away as if to say everything will be better tomorrow. It is nice to have your cat meet you at the door after a long day and want to sit on your lap and curl up with you. My cat’s next door vie to be the first cat that greets me in the morning. Generally, Winchester or Mr Gray are the first greeters of the morning. Lizzie would come out of her heated cat building and look up at me with a kind and loving look in her eyes. I like to sit in a recliner next door, and some of the cats will sit on my lap, in a cat hammock, or on the end table next to the recliner while I watch TV or read a magazine. Faith likes to sit on my lap but digs her claws into my leg. She does not do it intentionally, but those claws are long, like razor blades. Faith is a good cat but not a good lap cat because of those claws; she does not want them trimmed.

My Three House Cats

Cali, Garfunkel, and Conrad monitor me 24/7. If I do not feel well, they are there ASAP to see if they can help me. When I came home from the hospital one time, Conrad came to my door and meowed every hour to make sure I was OK. I appreciated his loving attention then. Garfunkel sleeps by my left side at night, Cali sleeps by my feet on the extra pillow, and Conrad sleeps in the middle on the left side. My house cats love to curl up in my lap, and we take a catnap together occasionally.

Play Games With Your Cat

Cats like it when you play laser chase with them or put a fish or bird on the end of a string they can jump up at and catch. Your cat will know that you love them when you spend quality time with them and are doing something with them that they love. Throw toy balls and watch your cat chase after them or toy mice, and your cat will act like it has caught the day’s catch.

Eat When Your Cat Eats

Cats like watching you eat, and you want to ensure your cat eats well. I feed my cats their wet cat foods right before I eat my food, ensuring everyone gets their fair share. Cats like to watch you eat because you may let them lick out the yogurt, TV dinner container, or cottage cheese container before you throw it in your garbage.

Spend The Day With Your Feline Friend

Feline friends help lower your blood pressure, and you will have less anxiety with a cat or cats as they have a powerful calming effect on their owners’ overall health. God bless our feline companions.

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Make Time For Memorable Moments

Make Time For Memorable Moments

Travel While You Can

If you wait to travel after you retire, you may never travel. Do not wait for the perfect moment to travel, as that moment may not come. If you are a first-time traveler, you may want to travel with a tour group as they will know the top things to see in your particular area. It is also a good idea to extend the time by a couple of days and see things on your own before you return home. As we age, our health can change quickly and make travel impossible. Travel with your family, friends, or a tour group, as you will have beautiful memories and make new friends with some of the people in your travel group. I met one woman on a tour, and we went on another tour together later. It is more fun to travel with a friend or family on a vacation and have beautiful pictures and things to talk about long after the trip is over.

Some People Regret Not Reaching Out And Doing What They Dreamed Of Doing In Their lives.

One woman said she regretted not attending college because she wanted to be a doctor. Her Mother had told her not to go. Her Mother had thought she would not be able to get married if she had a college education. She told her daughter that no man would marry a woman who was more intelligent than he was. I would say if he truly loved her, that would not matter. Unfortunately, this woman followed her Mother’s advice and did not further her education. This happened to this woman in the 1940s. A different woman became a physics doctor, and her Mother paid for her education. She was the first woman to graduate from a college only men had graduated from. She left a significant mark on the world. Never let anyone rob you of your dreams; keep reaching for the stars throughout your life. I know a woman who works at a pharmacy, and her father told her not to go to college because he did not want his daughter to be more intelligent than him. Encourage your children to go to college and remember they may leave an unforgettable mark on the world. Luckily, my Mother encouraged me to go to college and further my education. Your education will stay with you forever, opening many doors for you.

Spend Time With Loved Ones

Someday, your loved ones will not be with you, and you will regret not spending quality time with them. Remember to tell your loved ones how you feel about them. Tell your friends and family members that you love them and care about their well-being. Do not just take things for granted; people must know they are truly loved and cared about. Make time for people. Do not have your agenda only; help those in need, someone to talk to, and someone who will listen to their cares, worries, and concerns for the future. Make time for others before they leave your life, and you will not have regrets. Do not waste your time on things that will not help you or anyone else. Make the most out of your time and leave a positive impact on the world for you having been here.

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You Will Not Be At Peace With Anyone Until You Are At Peace With Yourself

If you are not at peace with yourself, you will not have a strong relationship with anyone. If you are not at peace because of an event that happened in your life years ago, pray to God to help you get through that event. Rehashing the past leads to events that will bring turmoil into your life daily. Peace must come from your inner being, and you must want peace. Ask God for forgiveness if you have done something wrong, as God forgives all his followers who genuinely repent of their sins. It would help if you did not let an event from the past keep robbing you of your inner peace, as it will destroy your soul because you think of that constantly. Life can be very peaceful if you are at peace with yourself and show that peace to others.


No one feels at peace in times of war. We worry about what the war will bring to our country and family. God eventually ends all wars, and there will be peace in the land again. If there were more compromises, we would not have any wars. Wars can be started because countries fight over a small piece of land that they could divide into two sections if only they would compromise. Peace is worth a compromise or two.

Living The Good Life

We are at peace with God and everyone when things go our way. Anyone can be thankful for that and very pleased with God. We pray to God to help us get back on track when things go wrong. One should pray every day and thank God for the many blessings in our lives. Do not pray to God only in times of trouble and sickness. Thank God for your health, house, family, friends, the food on your table, and much more, for without God in our lives, we are nothing. Never take God for granted, as no one wants to be taken for granted, as we all want love and respect from people.

When One Is Very Sick, You Feel A Strong Connection To God, That Is Full of Peace

You can almost feel God’s healing hands touching you while you are lying in your hospital bed. I have never felt more peace than I did in my hospital bed because I knew God was lying beside me and healing me. I talked to people more than I ever had in my life. God helped me get my voice back from an experience that happened when I was made fun of and bullied in kindergarten by my teacher and some of the students. God had plans that required me to talk freely and efficiently with everyone and regain that peace in my voice. God brings peace to all who follow him and want peace. I became a lay minister for my church, and I write Inspirations With Laura.

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Life With Cats By Your Side

Life With Cats By Your Side

My Cats Followed Me Everywhere

My first cats were outdoor cats that followed me everywhere. If I played on my swingset, my cats would lie on the ground next to the swingset. When I rode my tricycle on the sidewalk, cats lined up along the sidewalk’s edge, or they would sit on my lap while I was on my trike. When I waited for the school bus in the morning, all my cats would stay with me until I got on the bus. I had a lovely bus driver who ensured he never ran over one wish, which was quite an accomplishment with eight cats to look out for. When I returned home from school, the cats would be lined up by the house door, waiting for the attention that they received. Some of them would follow my father, which was okay except for one time when he was moving grain. The curious cat jumped into the grain auger and went through fifty feet of lighting to end up in the wagon riding to the elevator and dumped in a pit. The cat leaped out before it ended up in the pit. The grain elevator attendant noticed, and he placed my cat back in the wagon. I am sure he told his kittens of the event that could have taken his life. We never had any more cats ever do that again.

Life With House Cats By Your Side

Cats love leading the way to the bathroom at night, which has generally worked out okay. One night, my black cat was sound asleep on the steps. I did not see him, so I stepped on him, lost my footing, and slid down the steps. Luckily, I did not break anything, and after that experience, I always turned on the light. You can be sound asleep to wake up to the sound of your cat vomiting, which is generally caused by a hairball or eating too fast. I get up and clean up the mess ASAP. Sometimes, your cat may see a mouse in the house, and he puts it in front of you to say look at the beautiful gift I have for you. It is the catch of the day just for you. You then have to throw it out the door or flush it down the toilet, but the thought counts. Cats try to please us in the best way that they know how.

Cats At Play

Watching your cat play with cat toys and have a grand old time is fun. Cats love catnip toys, circle ball toys, crinkle balls, singing birds, or squeaking toy mice. Once in a while, I will step on one of them at night, and the singing bird sings a song for me. Cats bring great joy into our lives, and it is very comforting to hear them purr away contentedly. Love and respect your feline friends forever, and always treat them as you would want to be treated if you were a cat. Cats have feelings, and they feel love, sorrow, and pain just as we do. I love it when my cats follow me and lie by my side. God bless our dear feline friends.

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Why Do bad Things Happen To Good People?

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?


All of us will get sick and die someday. Some people linger for many years in pain. You may be told that your illness will cause your death in a matter of a few years. An illness can make you go in a different direction in your life. Your new direction may help many people if you do what your heart and soul are called to do. Do not feel that your life is over, and start living your life more fully and getting the most you can out of every day you are blessed with. Help others learn how to cope with their illness and feel they can still contribute to society. God does not want any of his children to suffer, but no one gets by without any pain at all in their lifetime. There is great pain in a child’s birth, but once the baby is born, the parents rejoice with joy over the birth of their new baby. The baby is a part of them that will carry on after they are gone. I have seen my illness as a new direction, drawing me closer to God and others. Always remember there is always someone in worse shape than you are. God is not punishing you when you are sick or in pain, as it is part of nature that we will die from something one day. Make your life and days count for something while you are on earth. Help God spread his good works and help as many people as possible as you travel through your earthly life and then onto your heavenly home.

Someone Dies In A Car Accident

Most of the people that I know who have died in car accidents were very young. I asked myself why did God take them. The age of 16 seems to be the age of most of them who died. One was a baby girl, and one was age 27. It was hard for me to understand why God would take them now. God knows the day and time that we will die, but we have no idea which is a good thing. God has plans for us that we will not understand until we reach heaven. Some of us accomplish what God wants us to do sooner than others.

When Family And Friends Die

I was upset with God when my Mother died at the age of 57. She was young in my eyes. I finally understood that God was not the cause of her death, as her death was part of nature. Some inherited diseases or illnesses may take us down the road. We all grieve differently, and we will always ask why me, I say why not me, as it happens to everyone eventually.

Understand That You Are Not Alone, As God Is By Your Side

God feels your pain when you lose a loved one, as your loved one is a child of God and loved by God. Jesus died on the cross for our sins so that we may have eternal life and dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Do not fear death, for eternal life awaits you. Thank you, God, for your many blessings in my life. Thank you, God, for wonderful parents, family, and friends and for putting the right people in my life at the right time.

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Cats And Territories

Cat And Territories

Tom Cats

Tom cats fight and bite each other to defend their territory. If an intruder comes into a family group of Tom cats, all family groups will ensure the intruder will never trespass again. They will beat up the young intruder to the point of misery with a bite or two out of his ears. Tom cats that do not know how to defend themselves will not last as long as outdoor cats. One time, my neutered cat Red slipped out of the house, and luckily, I was following him as I saw three of my Tom cat brothers chase him until Red hid in a section of hay bales. When I grabbed him out of the hay bales, he was ready to return to the house.

Cats Patrol Their Turf

My outdoor Toms would look in buildings and smell around to ensure no intruder had come onto the farm at night. Some of my Toms occasionally went to a neighbor’s house, but most returned home safely. By going to other farms, they could see if they had many Toms, look at the female cats, see if they had unfriendly dogs, and see if they wanted to return later.

Tom Cats And Female Cats And Putting Their Mark On Things

Tom’s cats will pee on trees or buildings to let other Toms know this territory is claimed and keep moving on. Sometimes, they will rub their chin on something as they have scent glands that other cats can smell quickly. Your house cat makes sure they rub the scent on your clothes to let other cats know that you are taken, and they better look for another owner as your cat has claimed you for himself. Cats will pee on a new person’s clothes that may come to live in your home. I knew someone who had just married, and her husband moved into her house. Her male cat peed all over his clothes as her cat was jealous that he was no longer the top male in the house. I had one female cat in my home for years, and I added another to my cat family that did not sit well at all with my female house cat as she started peeing on common everyday appliances. I had to find a new home for the newcomer, as the two female cats do not seem to get along very well. If female cats grow up together, they seem to get along fine.

Cats Sleeping In Your Bed Or A Place Of Their Own

My cats sleep in different sections of my bed. One sleeps by my side, one by my head, and another at my feet. Cats love to have lots of space to call their own. Sometimes, my cats want to sleep in a quiet, draft-free area where they will not be disturbed. Once in a while, my cat Conrad will sleep under a recliner that I do not use, in a heated cat bed, or by the heat register. Cali likes a heated bed occasionally, and Garfunkel loves to cuddle up on my lap while I am in my recliner or curl up in a ball in a cat bed.

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You Reap What You Sow

You Reap What You Sow

Separate The Shaft From The Grain

Farmers buy seeds that have been sifted to remove weed seeds. If you leave the weed seeds in, they will take nutrients away from the good seeds, and your field will be overrun with weeds, which does not help anyone except those who sell weed-killing chemicals. Weed-free crops make for a bountiful and fruitful harvest that will feed many. We always separate the shaft from the corn seeds, and you can see the shaft flying through the air and landing on the ground around the grain cleaner. When we plant soybeans, the volunteer corn that comes up is considered a weed that needs to be killed to have excellent, clean soybeans that will bring top prices at the elevator.

Hanging Around With The Wrong Crowd

If you hang around with people up to no good, you will tend to follow them, leading you down a downward spiral of destruction. Do not do something that you know is wrong just to fit in with the crowd. Do not become someone you cannot look at in the mirror when you wake up to a new day. Never let someone make you into someone you no longer like or cannot recognize anymore.

Your Actions Will Catch Up With You Eventually

You will eventually have to face up to the consequences of your actions. If you have been bad and have not repented, you will be held accountable for your actions on judgment day. The shaft will be separated from the grain. If you have done worse than good deeds, you may be lost to all eternity forever.

You Do Not Study

If you do not study in school, you waste your time and your teacher’s time. It pays to study and be prepared for tests and get good grades. It has been proven that the more education you have, the higher your pay will be in life, and you will have a job you enjoy. If you do not apply yourself in school, you will not apply yourself at your job or in other areas of your life. Your education or lack of education follows you around your entire life. Beauty fades, but your education lasts forever.

Tend Your Garden And Prune Your Trees

A garden not weeded or fertilized does not produce much of anything. A soul that is not attended to is lost and will not grow. If you do not remove the dead branches on a tree, it will weaken the strong branches, diseases will enter the tree, and it will wither and die. A man that does not pray and does not nourish his soul withers and dies. Fruit trees that are not trimmed keep producing smaller and smaller fruit until there is no need to pick the fruit as there is little nourishment now. Prune out the people in your life who add no nourishment to your soul and try to take you down to a dark place that you wish not to enter. Once you enter, it is very hard to get back on the solid rock you once were on. Stay on the path God has made for you, for without God, you are nothing.

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Two Little Kittens

Two Little Kittens

It Started With An Ad I Saw For Free Kittens

I ate in a restaurant in Wisconsin and saw an ad on their bulletin board that said kittens were available for adoption. I called the number, and a lady answered the phone. She said three out of the four kittens were still available for adoption. My friend and I drove to her home, and two little kittens ran toward my car with their tails straight up. I asked her about the kittens, and she said their Mother was homeless and she had her kittens at her home. She said they had been eating a lot of hot dogs that a restaurant had given them in town for her cat family to eat. They were so adorable that I adopted both of them.

Simon And Garfunkel

I was trying to think of a name for my two little kittens, and I decided on the music group Simon and Garfunkel. They had outstanding personalities and were well-mannered little kittens. For a while, Simon was an outdoor cat, and Garfunkel was always a housecat. They were playful and loving and got along well with my other cats. When I adopted him, Simon was a tiny cat who never grew much. He and Garfunkel would wrestle with each other and play with toy mice, balls, birds, and more. By age two, Simon kept losing weight, and my Vet said he was anemic. I gave him medicine, but it did not help, and I had him put to sleep. Garfunkel and I missed him terribly. Simon and Garfunkel lived in the house next door with my other cats. When one of my older housecats died, Garfunkel moved into my home with my two housecats.

Garfunkel And My Two Housecats

Garfunkel cleans and grooms Conrad’s face. Conrad touches Garfunkel very gently with his paw on his cheek. Cali and Garfunkel usually go to bed when I do and lie close to me at night. Garfunkel is a very photogenic cat. Once in a blue moon, Conrad sleeps by my feet at night but usually sleeps in one of the cat beds. Garfunkel is always next to me if I do not feel well or if I cry. My cats are one year apart in age in my home, and they all get along like peas in a pod.

Garfunkel Is A Senior Citizen Now, Just Like Me

Things get more challenging to do as we age. It is harder for Garfunkel to maneuver around now. He puts his paw out to judge the distance he has to jump to get onto the object of his choice. Garfunkel still loves to play with cat toys and eat treats for his wet cat food. He loves it when you hold him and scratch him under his chin. Garfunkel takes longer catnaps now and keeps close tabs on my whereabouts. Love your old cat just as you did when he was a little kitten, for we all age and grow old. Live all of your nine lives, sweet cats.

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Enlightening Experiences

Enlightening Experiences

Think About Enlightening Experiences In Your Life

I am sure you can think of many if you set your mind to it. Maybe something you learned changed your life for the better in some positive way. You could have had a spiritual reawakening after a near-death experience. Anything you learn enriches your knowledge of life in specific ways that can help you or others. Sometimes, enlightening moments can change your life and the lives of many. Perhaps you were a scientist working on something, and you found a cure for cancer after many trials and errors in formulations for a drug that put an end to cancer. Enlightening moments make you a better person who can make more of a difference.

Spiritual Enlightening

A near-death experience changes you forever. Your relationship with God grows to a new level. God impacts your life in many positive ways every day that you take for granted most of the time. Life is a gift from God, and when you need him and pray for him to help you in your darkest moment, he will be there to help you get through it. God’s spiritual awakening in you is a true gift from God that should not be taken lightly and put to good use every day to teach others about the power of prayer and the grace of God to those who truly believe and know that God is with them 24/7.

Knowledge Is Enlightening

If we did not care to learn new things, our life on earth would be a waste of time. Learning something new every day helps you and others in many positive ways. All walks of life are needed in our world, and no job is more important than another person’s job. We need a chain of people to get things done because if we lose a link, the work does not get done as it should, and the chain grows farther and farther apart until everything reaches a complete standstill. All the people God put on earth are here for a specific reason and purpose that we may not understand, but God. Never hide your knowledge and freely share it with others. Never take your expertise to your grave, as it does no one any good unless you share your knowledge and enlighten people’s minds while you can.

Enlightening Experiences Can Change The Way You Interact With Others

I used to be very shy before I had a spiritual awakening. I had let a person control how I acted around people for most of my life. I was very sick in kindergarten, and I almost died. That person was a kindergarten teacher, and I took her unkind words to heart. She and the other kids in my class would make fun of me for no reason, so I thought I could escape that if I did not say anything to others. God gave me back my voice while I was recovering years later in a hospital room. Never let someone or people take away your voice or the inner you, as you have much to tell the world.

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Life On The Road

Life On The Road

Eating Out

Do not eat fast food while you are traveling on the road. Fast food has many more calories than a good meal from a restaurant. The fast will likely cost more than a good meal from the restaurant. Eating something good for you is worth a bit of wait time. I would rather have a salmon meal with vegetables, soup, or baked potato. Fast foods are very fattening; if you order a hamburger and fries, you hardly get any vegetables except one lettuce leaf and one tomato slice, and they generally throw in a large soda loaded with calories. Eat healthy, wiser, and better foods for a better and healthier life. I knew a person who ate fast food all of the time while on the road, and she could hardly move, and it led to an early death.

Give Yourself Time

If you tire of driving, take a coffee and take a break. Find an attraction in the area and check it out; you will most likely be glad you did. Give yourself at least two hours’ leeway, as there may be road construction and detours to your destination. Never show up late, as that says a lot about you. It tells the other person your time is important, but their time is not.

Finding Lodging

Always try to make reservations. Driving all night to find a place to rest will wear you out even more than driving in heavy traffic. Always plan, and then you will eliminate many problems. If you find your lodging unacceptable, tell them and find a better place to stay the night. I had excellent lodging at this cabin-like house.

Snacks While Driving

If you want chips, eat a healthy energy bar, almonds, walnuts, or baked potato chips. Avoid sugary foods and fried foods if you can. You might want to drink a healthy energy drink as many new ones do not have sugar except natural juice. I like natural juice drinks, vegetable drinks, and water.

Go For A Walk For A Break From Driving

I like to find a park to walk in or walk while looking at the stores in a town. After driving for three hours or more, walking relaxes the muscles in your legs and helps your back. Talk to other people walking, and they may tell you about a must-see attraction in their town.

Driving Everyday On Busy Roads

Always watch out for the other guy on the road. The other guy may do the unexpected. I had a lady do a U-turn at a one-way intersection. I honked at her, and she finally realized she was going the wrong way when another car and she met face to face. At least no one got killed or injured since they did not collide.

You Have Arrived At Your Destination

I hope you have a good and successful business trip and that your vacation is everything you want it to be. Ask people what you should see and find the top ten attractions by asking Alexa or Google. Read what travel bloggers have said about things to do and see where you are. Safe driving and safe travels.

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