Enlightening Experiences

Enlightening Experiences

Think About Enlightening Experiences In Your Life

I am sure you can think of many if you set your mind to it. Maybe something you learned changed your life for the better in some positive way. You could have had a spiritual reawakening after a near-death experience. Anything you learn enriches your knowledge of life in specific ways that can help you or others. Sometimes, enlightening moments can change your life and the lives of many. Perhaps you were a scientist working on something, and you found a cure for cancer after many trials and errors in formulations for a drug that put an end to cancer. Enlightening moments make you a better person who can make more of a difference.

Spiritual Enlightening

A near-death experience changes you forever. Your relationship with God grows to a new level. God impacts your life in many positive ways every day that you take for granted most of the time. Life is a gift from God, and when you need him and pray for him to help you in your darkest moment, he will be there to help you get through it. God’s spiritual awakening in you is a true gift from God that should not be taken lightly and put to good use every day to teach others about the power of prayer and the grace of God to those who truly believe and know that God is with them 24/7.

Knowledge Is Enlightening

If we did not care to learn new things, our life on earth would be a waste of time. Learning something new every day helps you and others in many positive ways. All walks of life are needed in our world, and no job is more important than another person’s job. We need a chain of people to get things done because if we lose a link, the work does not get done as it should, and the chain grows farther and farther apart until everything reaches a complete standstill. All the people God put on earth are here for a specific reason and purpose that we may not understand, but God. Never hide your knowledge and freely share it with others. Never take your expertise to your grave, as it does no one any good unless you share your knowledge and enlighten people’s minds while you can.

Enlightening Experiences Can Change The Way You Interact With Others

I used to be very shy before I had a spiritual awakening. I had let a person control how I acted around people for most of my life. I was very sick in kindergarten, and I almost died. That person was a kindergarten teacher, and I took her unkind words to heart. She and the other kids in my class would make fun of me for no reason, so I thought I could escape that if I did not say anything to others. God gave me back my voice while I was recovering years later in a hospital room. Never let someone or people take away your voice or the inner you, as you have much to tell the world.

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Enlightening Experiences
