Why Does My Cat Do That ?

Why Does My Cat Do That ?

Some Common Things Your Cat Does

Cats clean themselves as it is relaxing and refreshing to them. Cats lick themselves to remove their scent in the wild so nearby predators cannot pick it up. They also remove loose hair. A cat licking himself clean is like us taking a refreshing shower. Kneading relaxes your cat and reminds him of when he used to nurse his Mother. Your cat finds comfort in his kneading behavior. Cats eat grass to remove hairballs, as most cats heave after eating some grass. Outdoor cats also need to eat grass to remove any feathers or bones of an animal they may have ingested. Cats love to follow you into the bathroom as you are now their captive audience and get all the immediate attention they crave. Cats lick you to show that they love you and create an everlasting bond. Cats cover their kitty litter so predators will not pick up their scent. Toms and females in heat will leave it uncovered to let other cats know that they are present in the area.

Cats Like To Sleep As Close As Possible To You

Your cat feels secure when he is close to you. Your cat feels safe when he is around your familiar scent. Cats love to be extra warm and comfy and find our bodies an excellent heat source. Cats love to sleep by your head because it is the most generous area of your body. You may wake up to your cat kneading away on you in the morning. Your cat finds comfort in needing and being next to you. My oldest house cat sometimes likes to be the only cat in my bed, and he starts nipping my other house cats. I make him stop. My most senior cat wanted to stake his claim on me and make me think he was the only one to stay with me and be my knight in shining armor.

Other Things That Your Cat Likes To Do

Cats like to walk between our legs and put their scent on us to stake their claim on us and warn other cats to stay away from us. They do not realize you may not see them and step on them accidentally. Cats love to play with string when bored, which also helps strengthen their hunting skills. Cats make a chirping meow sound when they see a bird outdoors. Your cat imagines what it would be like to catch the bird and eat it and savor its flavor of the bird. Cats will flash their tail quickly when they are upset or nervous or anticipate an encounter with a rival cat. Cats that are healthy and happy will hold their seats straight up. A cat with its tail straight down may be feeling aggressive. A bushy tail means your cat is very agitated, and anything in her way better get away or she may attack it. Ears tucked down signal a nervous cat that feels threatened, and you better leave her alone until she feels less fearful. Cats try to communicate with us to the best of their ability. Cats have notified their owners of a gas leak by curling their noses back, leading the owners to the leak, sniffing it, and curling up their noses. God bless our feline friends for helping us out over the years. Cats are excellent friends and lifelong companions.

Copyright 2021. Not to be reproduced in any form.

Spot Chomp! Pet Odor & Stain Carpet Cleaner

Spot Chomp! Pet Odor & Stain Carpet Cleaner

I purchased Spot Chomp! Pet Odor & Stain Carpet Cleaner from a local store in my area. You can also buy this product on

Spot Chomp! Removes stains and odors and keeps them from coming back. Spot Chomp has professional cleaning power,  obliterates colors, keeps them from returning, and leaves no tacky residue on your carpets. Spot Chomp has neutralizing odor molecules. Their formula contains no artificial scents or irritants. Spot Chomp is environmentally,  pet friendly, and bio-degradable.

Test a small area of your carpet for color fastness. Some pet stains may cause discoloration permanently depending on the carpet fibers. Remove the residue with a clean white cloth. Saturate the area of the paint with Spot Chomp. After ten minutes, blot with a damp cloth and gently rubs toward the center of the pet stain. Let the area dry thoroughly, then vacuum to restore your carpet’s nap; for maximum results, use immediately before the paint has set. For stubborn stains, repeat the process. Spot Chomp can be used on carpet, wood floors, tile grout, and any porous surface.

I have also used Spot Chomp to clean any messes from my cat’s bedding. The dreaded hairball and cat vomit are easily removed from their cat’s beds with this fine top, quality product. Always check your cat bed for color fastness before use.

I like that Spot Chomp is made in the USA and uses a hypoallergenic formula that contains no artificial scents or irritants. I have had excellent results every time I have used Spot Chomp. I try to clean up any pet carpet stains the minute they happen. Sometimes we are away from home when our cat throws up on our carpet. I have even had excellent results with Spot Chomp after the pet stain has set in for a while. I always use heavy-duty white paper towels to clean up cat messes and have had excellent results. I would highly recommend Spot Chomp! Pet Odor & Stain Carpet Cleaner. My cats and I are always happy with the cleaning power of Spot Chomp. My cats and I like an odor-free carpet, floors, and an immaculate home.

Copyright 2020. Not to be reproduced in any form.

The Daily Chores Of A Cat Person

The Daily Chores Of A Cat Person

I clean out all of my cat litter boxes to start with. I fill my cat’s water dish with fresh water. More cat food is put in their food dishes. I give my cats a pat on the head. I fluff up their bedding and clean up any mess that might have happened at night.

I clean up any cat mess the moment I see it. I use a carpet cleaner or wood floor cleaner. I also use Clorox depending on the surface that needs cleaning. The faster you clean up a mess, the easier it is to clean up, as it has not set in yet. I clean up their bedding in a washing machine I have in my basement for cat use only. Beds that cannot be placed in the washing machine must be spot cleaned. I try to avoid buying cat beds that cannot be placed in a washing machine.

I like to brush or comb out my cats’ hair, so they do not get matted. A combed-out cat is less likely to have hairballs that they scarf up. If your cat has claws keep them trimmed up as the foot could get stuck in something they could not get free of without damaging themselves.

I sweep up any spilled cat food and throw it outdoors, as many wild animals and birds can enjoy eating it. I sweep around the litter boxes and clean them out twice a day. Dirty litter boxes or floors by the litter box are a perfect breeding ground for fleas.

Check your cat’s teeth often, as bad teeth could kill your cat shortly. If there is a sudden change in your cat’s behavior or pattern, keep a close eye on them, as it could quickly become a medical emergency. I spray Lysol on the floor by the litter boxes to kill any germs that could harbor there.

I hope you and your cat have many happy and healthy years ahead. The time you spend on the chores for your cat will lengthen his life and give you joy as you are helping your feline family member.

Copyright 2019. Not to be reproduced in any form.

Summertime Dangers And Your Cat

Summertime Dangers And Your Cat

Make sure your cat has plenty of fresh clean cold water to drink as the water will heat up quickly with high temperatures. Some people put ice cubes in their cats water bowls as its keeps the water cooler much longer. Do not put your cat out in the heat or leave them in a car as they could die very quickly with extreme heat. Signs of heat stroke in your cat include a high pulse and rapid breathing along with a red tongue and mouth. If your cat becomes overheated call your vet for directions on what to do for your cat and then take them to your VET ASAP. Your Vet will cool off your cat with cold water and ice packs and maybe an I V drip to re-hydrate your cat.  A car in direct sunlight can be 130 to 172 degrees inside of the car in only one hour.

Fleas can be in the lawn this time of year. Never set your pet carrier on the grass as your cat could pick up fleas quickly. Your cat will be itching and scratching if he picks up fleas and so will you. It will cost a lot of money for flea treatments for your cat and your home to be flea free. Give your cat flea treatment medicine to prevent fleas.

Cats shed even in your house. It is important to brush them out everyday as their fur can become mated quickly. A badly mated cat may have to be shaved. Hairballs are another worry if your cat is not groomed often enough. No one enjoys cleaning up the dreaded hairball.

Make sure your cat does not get locked in a building outdoors. Your cat will die from extreme heat and lack of water. When taking groceries out of your car make sure your cat did not sneak in the car. Do not leave your cat in a cat playpen outdoors in hot weather as he may expire quickly if the sun happens to move to the area that was nice and shady earlier.


In the dog days of summer keep your cat cool and protected from outdoor pest so your cat will have nine lives. Hope you and your cat have the best summer ever. God bless you and feline friends.

Copyright 2019    Not to be reproduced in any form.

My House Cats In The Springtime

My House Cats In The Springtime

My house cats start to shed their winter coat. I brush and comb out their hair regularly to eliminate hairballs and snarls in their hair. Some of my cats get a spring or waterless shampoo bath. Some long-haired cats must have matted areas in their fur cut out. I like to take my cats to a vet if they have a matted fur problem since they are professionals at removing matted areas of skin on cats.

My house enjoys eating fresh catnip and watching the various varieties of birds through the picture window. My cats will chatter away at the birds they are watching as if to say you would make a delicious appetizer if I could only get out to catch you. My cats spend much of their day watching and drooling over the birds they can see from the various windows in my house.

My cats are more energetic and playful in the spring than in winter. They love to chase each other up and down the stairs. My cats play more with their catnip stuffed toys and their cat ball and mouse game. My cats now sleep on top of their Meowfia Cat Caves. My cats now occupy my chairs, and their heated beds are abandoned until winter rolls around again.

Springtime is an excellent time to clean cat bedding and sterilize water bowls and food dishes. I scrubbed up their litter boxes and the floor where the litter box sets. I use a floor cleaner that sanitizes and sterilizes as this will prevent fleas from the cat litter. Please do not set your cat on the grass, as they can get fleas this way. Put your cat in a cage on cement or a cat tent on top of a deck. You do not want fleas in your house. Fleas will bite you, and all of your pets will have fleas. Getting rid of a flea infestation will cost much money, and you and your pets will be very uncomfortable.

I hope you and your pets have a happy and healthy spring.

Copyright 2018. Not to be reproduced in any form.

Why My Cats Throw UP

Why My Cats Throw Up

If my cats eat too quickly, they will throw up. Garfunkel eats very fast, and therefore, he throws up now and then. If your cat eats a new food that does not agree with him, he will be sick. Garfunkel had a blood test at the beginning of 2023 since he had lost weight. He was diagnosed with IBD in 2023, an irritable bowel disease for which he takes a pill.

Garfunkel 2

My outdoor cats love to eat grass when I let them outside for a while. By eating the gra, ss they will generally get rid of a hairball. If you do not groom your cats often enough, they will throw up a hairball occasionally. Cats need to be groomed more often in the spring and summer since they are losing their winter hair coats.

Do not feed your cat too much in one single day. If we overeat in one day, we do not feel too great either. Do not give your cat a can of cat food, cat treats, and regular dry cat food in one day, as it will be too much for his stomach to handle.

If your cat is nervous or upset about something, he may throw up. When I leave on vacation, my cats throw up for a few days because I am gone, and they feel uncomfortable having someone else take care of them.


Cats do not like any change in their daily life whatsoever. A new piece of furniture or a new house cat could cause their stomach to be upset. A house guest can make your cat feel nervous and uncomfortable. Moving into a new home will cause your cat to be timid and anxious. Your cat will not have any familiar scents in his new home or territory. We teenagers also when we move to a new location. We wonder if r we will find a new job and make new friends quickly.

If your cat throws up over several da, take him to your veterinarian AS, AP, as he may have a severe medical condition.

Copyright 201. Not to be reproduced in any form.




Cats are very fastidious, and this can cause a hairball problem. Cats groom themselves by licking their fur. The cat’s tongue feels like sandpaper because it has many tiny barbs. The barbs catch the hair, and it is swallowed. If enough hair collects without passing, the cat will vomit to rid itself of it. The hairball is cigar-shaped.

To treat hairballs, I feed my cats a hairball treat. I also put two teaspoons of butter on their food. My vet sells a formula in a tube that also works.

Treatment should be continued daily until the hair has passed in a stool and the vomiting has passed. If vomiting continues for over three days, take your cat to your vet ASAP.

Copyright 2015. Not to be reproduced in any form.



Grooming your cat is very important for its overall health.

I prefer using a long-wire comb purchased at a pet store. The wire combs are good at pulling out their matted fur. I used a comb for a person on my short-haired cats. An older cat cannot effectively clean the back of their back anymore. Combating all the old furs from their back is essential to maintain a healthy, shiny coat.

Your old cat will need your help with grooming, as they are not as flexible as they used to be. They cannot clean the top of their back anymore and tend to get dander and lose fur if you do not comb and brush out their hair often enough.

I also use pet brushes that have rubber tips as it does not hurt your cat to brush out their fur with soft tips. I recently purchased pet gloves that remove the dead hair from your cat’s coat, and my cats seem to like them. The gloves have rubber tips that remove the old fur safely and effectively. I also have all rubber brushes, baby brushes, and more.

Bathing your cat occasionally is also an excellent way to rid them of old dead fur. I use a gentle pet shampoo or a water-less pet shampoo. Some cats do not mind a bath, and others will fight you every step of the way. Start bathing your cat when he is very young, and then he will not mind taking a bath as much later in life.

Do not let a long-haired cat get all mated up or any cat. If you cannot groom them, take them to your vet to get them groomed. Depending on how long they were wild, a feral cat can be impossible to work with. Your vet can give them a mild sedative so they can groom them.

One of my cats next door have talked another cat into grooming him, and he does an excellent job. My house cats tend to clean each other’s faces and ears from time to time. If you do not groom your cat, it is easier for him to get fleas, roundworms, and pesky hairballs.

Trimming your cat’s claws is a big part of grooming also. I use human nail clippers or pet claw trimmers. Bent or broken or turned over claws can insure your cat as they can land wrong when they jump down from something. When your cat grooms himself with destructive feet, he can bleed and get infected. If your cat does not let you trim his nails, have your vet do it for you.

A well-groomed cat looks healthy and cared for and shows that you genuinely love your feline friend.

Copyright 2014. Not to be reproduced in any form.
