Cat Toys Christmas and your cat Cleaning your Cats teeth Grooming Hairballs Picking Out A Kitten What Should I be feeding my Cat

Picking Out A Kitten



Before picking out a kitten, remember your kitten’s life span is possibly up to eighteen years or longer.

Make sure the kitten is the most outgoing one in the litter. Its eyes should be bright. The tail should be upright. The hair should look bright and shiny. It should be very alert to its surroundings. Make sure the kitten interacts well with you.

Do you want longĀ hair or short hairĀ for your kitten? Make sure the kitten has gone through a vet check. Do you have enough time to train your kitten? Do not bring a kitten into a house with an elderly cat. Your old cat does not want to be tormented by a young playful kitten.

Christmas has come and gone, and chances are you know someone who has received a kitten for Christmas. I have found from experience that it is good to have the following on hand when you bring home a new kitten:


  • litter box and litter scoop
  • kitten food
  • K and H heated cat bed
  • assorted kitten toys
  • water bowl
  • cat/kitten litter
  • food bowl
  • pet grooming tools (claw trimmers, brush, comb, shampoo, and toothbrush)
  • pet first aid kit
  • a book on kitten care

Check your kitten for ear mites, as it is no fun to have the kitten scratching at its ears. In case you don’t know what ear mites look like, they look like little microscopic pieces of black sand. If your kitten has ear mites, I recommend taking a cotton ball soaked in hydrogen peroxide and rubbing it around in their ears.

Make sure you have time to play with your new kitten. I like a stick with feathers for them to bat with their paw. Have plenty of bright-colored toy mice and balls to keep them out of mischief.

How are you and your new kitten adjusting to each other?

Copyright 2015. Not to be reproduced in any form.



Cleaning your Cats teeth Grooming

Cleaning your cats Teeth

IMG_1613I prefer feeding my cats dental treats to keep their teeth clean.

I once tried one of the plastic toothbrushes you put on your finger. I put my finger with the brush on in my cat’s mouth, and he bit down, and blood ran down my finger. I brushed his teeth regardless. Ordinary cat toothbrushes work well. I put a particular toothpaste on for cats that you can purchase from your vet or pet supply store.

My cats are fed mainly dry cat food. Providing a lot of wet canned cat food can lead to quicker tooth decay.

My cats go to the vet to have their teeth cleaned. The general age for their first cleaning is 5 to 9 years old. Neglecting clean your cat’s teeth can lead to heart disease and other serious health issues.

I adopted an older cat that had not had her teeth cleaned when she should have over the years. I took her to my vet. He found that several of her teeth needed to be removed. He removed the bad teeth and also cleaned her teeth at the same time. Her teeth were bright and shiny when I picked her up.

When I scratched her under her chin, I discovered that she had bad teeth. She would wince in pain when I scratched her under her chin. Cats will also start licking their teeth and putting their paw in their mouth to rub at the wrong tooth. You may notice your cat having difficulty eating her food.

Certain breeds of cats will need their teeth cleaned sooner than others will. I have had more problems with cats that have long hair.

Even if your cat has had a lot of teeth removed over the years, they still seem to get along fine with eating dry cat food. If they don’t eat dry cat food, switch to canned cat food.

Give your cat the gift of bright and shiny teeth.

Copyright 2015. Not to be reproduced in any form.



Grooming your cat is very important for its overall health.

I prefer using a long-wire comb purchased at a pet store. The wire combs are good at pulling out their matted fur. I used a comb for a person on my short-haired cats. An older cat cannot effectively clean the back of their back anymore. Combating all the old furs from their back is essential to maintain a healthy, shiny coat.

Your old cat will need your help with grooming, as they are not as flexible as they used to be. They cannot clean the top of their back anymore and tend to get dander and lose fur if you do not comb and brush out their hair often enough.

I also use pet brushes that have rubber tips as it does not hurt your cat to brush out their fur with soft tips. I recently purchased pet gloves that remove the dead hair from your cat’s coat, and my cats seem to like them. The gloves have rubber tips that remove the old fur safely and effectively. I also have all rubber brushes, baby brushes, and more.

Bathing your cat occasionally is also an excellent way to rid them of old dead fur. I use a gentle pet shampoo or a water-less pet shampoo. Some cats do not mind a bath, and others will fight you every step of the way. Start bathing your cat when he is very young, and then he will not mind taking a bath as much later in life.

Do not let a long-haired cat get all mated up or any cat. If you cannot groom them, take them to your vet to get them groomed. Depending on how long they were wild, a feral cat can be impossible to work with. Your vet can give them a mild sedative so they can groom them.

One of my cats next door have talked another cat into grooming him, and he does an excellent job. My house cats tend to clean each other’s faces and ears from time to time. If you do not groom your cat, it is easier for him to get fleas, roundworms, and pesky hairballs.

Trimming your cat’s claws is a big part of grooming also. I use human nail clippers or pet claw trimmers. Bent or broken or turned over claws can insure your cat as they can land wrong when they jump down from something. When your cat grooms himself with destructive feet, he can bleed and get infected. If your cat does not let you trim his nails, have your vet do it for you.

A well-groomed cat looks healthy and cared for and shows that you genuinely love your feline friend.

Copyright 2014. Not to be reproduced in any form.
