The Curious Cat

The Curious Cat

Adventurous Cats

I have had farm cats take off for several months or years, and then they returned home again. I had adopted a new farm cat, and she investigated my neighbors. She returned home after she had been gone for about one month. I had one cat climb to the top of the barn roof, and she stayed there for two days before returning to lower ground. One of my cats got too adventurous, but he did live to tell his tale. He must have been watching the grain go into the hopper of the drill and decided to jump into the grain. The training was very long, and up and up he went before getting dumped into the grain truck. My Father took the grain to our local elevator, and out came my cat. He swayed back and forth for a while before the man at the elevator caught him and placed him back into the empty grain truck. When my Father arrived home, he said to open the gate on the grain wagon, and out came my cat in one piece, luckily. He had much to discuss that night with my other farm cats.

 The Wrong Kind Of Car Rides

I once had a cat ride to my local college on my car’s gas tank. I did not know he was there when I took off. Luckily I walked past my car before my last three classes for the day. He was sitting on top of one of the car tires. I asked the lady in the office for a box, and she asked what you needed it for. When I told her about my cat, she thought I was crazy. I did get the package I needed, and he stayed in the box except for my last class. I saw him looking out of the back window at me. He was content, and it was only sixty degrees out that day. He was happy when he returned home. I was glad he did not venture away from the car to get back home.


One of my poor outdoor cats got caught in a trap for muskrats. The trapper told us about it. He came home with only three legs. He managed to get around on the farm OK and lived to middle age.

Things To Check So Your Curious Cat Will Not Die

Check under your car tires, as many cats have been run over. One time a neighbor ran over four of my beautiful little kittens all at once since there was one on each tire. I was heartbroken as I had to bury all four of the beautiful little kittens. Ensure your cat is not locked in a building or room where it could starve to death. Keep lids closed on appliances, as a kitty could knock the top down if he jumped into the machine and died in the device since he could not get out with the lid shut. Check the motor area of your car, as the vehicle’s motor has killed many cats. Have paints, poisons, cleaning products, oil, and grease, and freeze in a protected area your cat cannot get into. God bless and protect our curious feline friends.

Copyright 2021. Not to be reproduced in any form.
