Why Did My Mother Cat Abandon Her Kittens ?

Why Did My Mother Cat Abandon Her Kittens ?

A first-time mother cat may abandon her kittens because she has not yet learned how to care for them. Most of my cats have always cared for their kittens by the time they are two years old.

I have had a mother cats carry one kitten away. A mother cat will carry a sickly kitten away and abandon it to save the rest of her healthy litter of kittens. I have tried to put the kitten she has carried off back with the other kittens. Most of the time, the kitten that I put back has died.

A mother cat naturally knows if one of her kittens is sick and will not make it. I have had mother cats move all of their kittens except one kitten. They moved the healthy kittens to a different building with an area that had clean straws.

Mother cats may abandon all of their kittens if they are not feeling well. Your cat may not produce enough milk to feed her kittens.

If your mother cat gets frightened by strange people or wild animals entering the area where her kittens are, she may abandon them. Cats do not like any sudden changes in their environment or their surroundings. Try to keep strangers away from a mother cat and her kittens, as this may upset her terribly.

A mother cat always tries to care for her kittens to the best of her ability. She will naturally abandon one that is sickly. She does not want the disease that one kitten has to spread to her healthy kittens and kill them off by the disease entering their bodies. Mother cats are very protective of their young.

Next time you see a mother cat abandoning a kitten, you will know she has a good reason for doing so.

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