Cats Love High Places

Cats Love High Places

Putting Together A New Cat Tree – Tower

I put together a 74′ tall cat tree. I looked at the directions, which helped considerably. It was hard to get the side pieces inside of the collapsable beds so that they would be solid beds. The screws were very hard to line up with the drilled holes in the cat tree. My cats kept throwing my Allen wrench into a box, and I had to fish it out of the box three times. It took a lot of maneuvering to get it assembled tightly. It has two balls that attach to the bottom of the sleeves that they can bat around like a punching bag. I was very impressed that they did not have any string, which your cat can bite off shortly, and then their toy ends up on the floor as a fluffy ball. It took 2.5 hours to get the cat tree fully assembled. My cats kept trying to lay on it while I was making it. It has two ledges that had to be attached, a hammock, and three beds.

Book Cases, Windowsills, High Shelves, And More

I once had a Siamese cat that would get on top of a cupboard and observe the pool balls going into the various pockets. She had as much fun at that as we had playing pool. I had one cat climb to the very top of the barn roof, and she finally came down on her own accord in about 7 hours. I had a calico cat sitting on a wooden fence post, and then she would jump down and get the mouse that she could observe better being high up. One day years ago, my father was outdoors feeding the livestock, and our young black cat jumped on top of a thin plywood door and then jumped on my father’s back on a dark morning, to his surprise. Cats love to climb trees, and then they are afraid to come down because they do not realize how high up they have gone. Generally, they take it slowly and come down after a couple of hours.

Sleeping By High Windows

My cats love to sleep up high in their cat trees, windowsill beds, and hammocks next to windows that are very high up in my house. My cats love to sleep in boxes that are placed on plastic sleeving. Cats love any area up high to keep track of any predators or prey that may come their way. My cats love observing birds, squirrels, or any other animal they may see while being up high in a cat tree by a window. One day, they spotted a Deer and did not know what to think of that large creature.

Don’t Be Worried About Your Cat And His High Anxiety

Cats are very agile creatures, and they generally figure out things on their own, so don’t have a panic attack if your cat has high anxiety today and in the future. Cats have their reasons for being up high, where they can keep track of everything that is going on in their world.

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Cats Christmas Presents That They Love

Cat Christmas Presents That They Love

New Cat Toys

I purchased some cat tooth-cleaning toys for my cats that are filled with catnip for my cats. The toy’s exterior has little spots that stick up, which will help clean their teeth when they chew on the toy. I gave it to my cats early; they love it and will have pearly whites for Christmas. I purchased more catnip mice, singing birds, balls, and crinkle toys. My carts next door use their exercise wheel, and I see cat prints on it, and some of them have shed those unwanted pounds. All cats seem to love the circle ball toy. They bat the ball around the circle for some time before they rest.

New Litter Boxes

I purchased two Famree litter boxes, and my cats love them. The litter boxes tell me the weights of my cats and how long they were in the litter box. The waste is easy to remove as the plastic bag fits on top of the unit, and you pull out the old bag and place a new bag in it. I found an Elspet on the internet that was marked down in price considerably. I hope my cats will like it. I have a LitterMaid box that has been working perfectly for at least eight years, along with a PetSafe one. I have a couple of litter robots that lasted four years before I had to have them rebuilt.

Heated  Cat Beds And Cozy Beds Cats

Cats love heated beds and nice, plush, cozy beds to curl up in as the weather gets cold. I like the round or rectangle-shaped beds that are extra plush for my cats as they seem to be their favorite ones to curl up in. When the weather is quite cold, my cats next door go into their little heated buildings and snuggle up together. I have a round plastic bed in my house that Conrad and Cali love to sleep in. Garfunkel prefers the cozy rectangle bed. My cats next door have heated windowsill beds and boxes with soft towels. I have purchased new towels for them and also a new heated little building.

Hammocks With Scratching Post

I ordered three of these, and they already use two. They love these as they can curl up in the hammock in a little ball. The hammocks have little balls that hang down that your cat can bat around for entertainment.

Cat Towers

Cats love cat towers. I love the tall ones, as my cats can look out of the windows at the birds and anything that piques their interest in the great outdoors. Most cat towers have hammocks, scratching posts, and an area they can hide in.

GPS Tracker

I purchased two of these to put on any cat that wants outside for a while. Your cat can take off running even if you are watching and hide from you; with the GPS device, you should be able to find him quickly, and he will be glad you did, and so will you.

Cat Food And Treats

Buy your cat some of his favorite wet food, some cat treats, and maybe a cat treat ball or two.

Cat Computer Games

I put a cat game on my smartphone, and Cali and Garfunkel kept touching the mice, and they would vanish until a new mouse appeared. Put that app on your phone, and your cats will have a Merry Christmas or Birthday and keep playing that game.

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