Picking Out a Veterinarian

Picking Out a Veterinarian

I have several vets that I can choose from. I like all of my vets equally. I have three different vets that I can take my cats to.

I want a vet that genuinely loves and cares for all pets. I can depend on my vet for a nighttime emergency. My cat Kohl broke his leg at 8:00 PM one evening. My vet put a cast on his leg that evening. He was very concerned about my cat’s pain and immediately gave him a pain pill.


My vets send reminder cards of when my cats are due for distemper or rabies shots. When I have taken a cat home after being spayed or neutered, they call me to ensure my cat is OK.

Pick out a vet that will answer your questions quickly and accurately. I need a vet that is on call 24/7. Our pets can get very sick in the middle of the night. I do not want to go to a vet in the middle of the night unfamiliar to my cat.

If you are boarding your cat, give them your vet’s contact information, or they will take your pet to their vet on call.

Some of my vets are large and small animal vets. My other vets specialize in small animals only. They will trim my cat’s claws free of charge if I visit them regularly.

My vets are polite, helpful, compassionate, and concerned about my cat’s well-being. They treat my cats gently and always give them a complete checkup when needed.

I hope this helps you pick out a vet for your cat.

Copyright 2015. Not to be reproduced in any form.
