Litter Box Issues

Litter Box Issues

Some cats like spotless litter boxes or will not use them. I clean my litter boxes 2 to 3 times a day.

Cats get used to certain brands of cat litter. They will not use the brand you put out for them if they do not like it. I tried crystal cat litter once, but they did not use it.

I had a Siamese cat that was very meticulous about her cat litter box. She started using my rubber tree plant as a litter box. I gave her two litter boxes, and the problem was solved.

In a multi-cat household, have at least one extra litter box. If you have three cats, have four or more litter boxes. This will avoid the nonuse of the litter box.

kitten in a litter box

Sometimes when you get a new cat, your old cats will entirely use their litter box. This is your cat’s way of letting you know their thoughts about the new cat. Again add an extra litter box and spend more time with your old cats. They are feeling neglected now.

If your cat has a health issue, it may stop using its litter box. Take your cat to the vet and have them checked for worms or a bladder infection.

I used a different scented litter one day. They did not like it at all. Stay with your brand of litter if they want it. If you must switch brands, also have the old one available for their use. This will help them make the transition gradually.

Cats like a litter box that is easy for them to access. They want their litter box where you cannot watch them use it. They like their privacy when they are using their litter box.

I keep my litter boxes in my basement. Keeping litter boxes in the basement will make your main floor smell much better. I have also put a litter box in my bathroom for my older cats.

I buy litter boxes that are large and sturdy. I bought one at a discount store once, and it immediately got holes in the bottom. I like metal litter scoops. All of the plastic spoons I have had a break in a short amount of time. Wash and clean out your litter boxes thoroughly with a pet-safe cleaner—a clean litter box results in a healthier cat and a lovely pleasant, smelling home.

Copyright 2015. Not to be reproduced in any form.


2 replies on “Litter Box Issues”

Finding cat litter that works well with your cat and you is one of the most difficult things any cat owner goes through.

It is also expensive. Good point on getting your cat checked out by vet if they are not using the litter box. It can be a serious issue.

Hershey had issues when Becky bought a different brand. After a chat with our cat psychic, she got to the bottom of the issue….and all is now right.

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Litter Box Issues
