Take The Road Less Traveled

Take The Road Less Traveled

Change can be a terrifying thing in our lives. We get used to and feel very comfortable with our routines day after day. Sometimes God is calling us to make a significant change in our lives, and we are too busy to hear God calling us. Stop and examine your life now and ask yourself, can I be a more outstanding person in society?

Do not make fun of people just because other people are doing so. Take the road less traveled and remembered you could be the one they are making fun of. Do not walk with the bullies in life. Walk in the opposite direction. Do not let other people turn you into a pack of wolves waiting to devour someone. Defend the person the bullies are picking on, as this is a true example of one of God’s good stewards.

Listen when God calls upon you to do something that will better yourself and help others immensely. God never asks more from you than what you can deliver. Be ready and willing to create a new and better you whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Be a more caring and compassionate individual. Help those who are in need. Listen to people who are lonely, afraid, oppressed, sick, have lost a loved one, and need a caring person to talk to. Be a go-to person for people.

Take some chances in life. Remember the old saying: Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Look to the Bible for examples of what you can achieve even when all the odds are against you. Love God, family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. Some strangers are angels among us, trying to teach or lead us in the right direction.

Remember, God is always next to you, even when you think you are all alone. Be one of God’s excellent shepherds today and always, and never leave the flock alone to care for themselves.

Copyright 2018. Not to be reproduced in any form.


