

If you take a test in school and are positive you are going to Ace that test, you will probably not do so. By being so overly confident, you probably did not study long enough for the test. I have found out that I was not satisfied with the difficulty I did well on. A person tends to study longer for a test. You are somewhat nervous about taking it.

If you are in a debate with someone, you better study every question that may be asked of you. If you stumble and keep looking for the right words, you will look foolish in the discussion. Overconfidence in a debate will finish you off quickly. Know your strengths and weaknesses along with your opponent’s strengths and weaknesses. Be well-informed and answer your questions rapidly and intelligently.

Overconfident people tend to be cocky and full of themselves. By being too confident, you are doomed to failure. Be prepared for unexpected events. Keep an emergency kit in your car, have regular checkups with your Doctor, and stay on top of weather conditions. Overconfidence with driving, your health, and the weather could end your life prematurely.

By being overly confident, you could cost someone their life. You may not be qualified just yet because you passed a test saying you are qualified for a particular job; Practice makes perfect, and does not be afraid to ask questions.

Confidence comes with age and experience and by doing the job and not just reading about it in a book. Never get too cocky, or someone m, ay pull out your plumes. Keep your feet firmly on the ground, keep your head on your shoulders, and learn something new daily that will help you with the confidence you genuinely want. Let God be your compass and your guide in life.

Copyright 2018. Not to be reproduced in any form.
