Look For The Positive In Everything If You Do Not Your Whole Life becomes A Negative

Look For The Positive In Everything If You Do Not Your Whole Life Becomes A Negative

If you look at the glass as half complete, it will always be half full, even when it is done. There is always a silver lining if you only look for it. A sudden illness can be a blessing as you can analyze your life and make necessary changes before it is too late. You can teach others to embrace their condition and move forward. Do things that you always wanted to do and felt that you did not have time to pursue in the past.

Negativity will swallow you up and devour you like a wolf devours its prey if you let it embrace you and control your life. Do not view life as unfavorable; life is a gift from God. Positive things occur in everyone’s life, some more than others, but always embrace the positive moments and run with them to the finish line. Living positively can help you make positive and everlasting contributions to the World.

God will help you get through anything and everything that you will ever encounter in this lifetime. God knows what you need and will give it when he feels the time is right. We are very impatient in life, and we want things right now. Good things come to those who wait.


Some days it is hard to find a joyous event. Think of one thing every morning when you wake up that positively impacted your life or the life of someone you hold Dear. Think of a fantastic vacation or an award that you won when you least expected it. Remember, today is the day the Lord hath made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

I find life to be positive every day. Talking to and helping friends and others is a big positive. I enjoy watching my feline family play with cat toys and their soft meows and purrs. I love writing Inspirationswithlaura and about caring for cats on my website: I also write about my travel adventures and restaurants and review pet products.

Learn something new every day and live life to its fullest. Enjoy the great outdoors. Do what you love and what God has called you to do. I choose to live my life as a Positive as there is no time for negativity. Spend time with family, friends, and loved ones. Go out and be positive, and God bless you and yours.

Copyright   2019. Not to be reproduced in any form.
