Curiousity Can Kill Your Cat

Curiosity Can Kill Your Cat

Cats have been trapped behind walls during remodeling. Kittens have fallen in wells. The kitten’s owner tied a towel on the end of a fishing pole and managed to get the kitten out of the well by the kitten grabbing onto the towel and reeling the kitten up out of the well. One party lit a candle in their kitchen, and their cat knocked it over and burned most of their house.


A tenant of mine did not know that her cat had gotten in her clothes dryer. The cat tumbled around in the clothes dryer for at least 20 minutes. When my tenant opened the dryer door, her cat stumbled out and had blood coming from her mouth. Luckily her cat made a full recovery. Another person told me her cat had gotten into her washing machine. She was washing her clothes on a gentle cycle. When she opened the lid to the washing machine, her cat was furious and upset. Her cat made a full recovery.


Cats love to sit on car motors and tires when the weather gets colder. Look at your car tires to ensure you do not run over your outdoor cats. Put used motor oil and anti-freeze in a container your cat cannot get into. Anti-freeze has a sweet taste that cats like, and they will die from drinking it. Keep all of your poisons and chemicals out of kitties’ reach.


We once had a cat that got in our grain auger and survived his ordeal. He rode in the grain wagon to the elevator. When the wagon was dumped at the elevator, he staggered out. They put him back in the empty wagon, and we let him out at home. He was fine and lived to be an old cat. I think he used up at least one of his nine lives.

Cats are interested, which is a sign of intelligence. They can get into trouble in a hurry by their trinket’s nature. Always ensure your cat is accounted for when working on different projects in your home and outdoors. Your cat’s life may depend on it.

Copyright 2015. Not to be reproduced in any form.
