Taking Care of Your Pregnant Cat and Her Nursing Kittens

Taking Care of Your Pregnant Cat and Her Nursing Kittens

Ensure you take your pregnant cat to your vet to ensure she and her kittens are well. Keep your pregnant cat in a safe and warm area.

When I have a pregnant cat, I give her extra vitamins and food supplements in her daily diet. I also started giving her powdered milk mixed with water. I provide the pregnant cat with fancy cat food or tuna canned in water. I want her to be in prime condition before she gives birth to her kittens.

Make up a clean area for her to have her kittens in. A box with old towels or blankets in it works well. Outdoor cats, a place enclosed with fresh hay or straw. You will want the kittens to stay warm and dry after birth to prevent sickness later.

Kittens are born 63 days after their parents mating. Your Mother cat will generally have one to eight kittens in her litter. Once your female cat gets to be sixteen years old, she stops having kittens. Several days before giving birth, your Mother cat will be very restless. She will go to the box where she will have her kittens and rearrange the towels. It generally takes three hours to one full day for her to have all of her kittens. If you notice your cat having trouble giving birth, call your vet ASAP.

After the kittens are born, I still give my Mother cat extra fancy food and powdered milk mixed with water. You want to keep her extra healthy since she is losing nutrients when her kittens nurse her. If she is healthy, her kittens will most likely also be beneficial.

Some of my Mother’s cats have had their breast get raw and bitten by their kittens. I place a small round bandage over the natural breast until it looks healed. Your Mother cat will feel much better by you putting the application on her injured breast.

I hope your cat has a healthy litter of kittens. Remember to give your kittens all of their necessary shots at your vet.




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Taking Care of Your Pregnant Cat and Her Nursing Kittens
