Cats Watching Workers In Your Home

Cats Watching Workers In Your Home

Curiosity And Your Cats

Mt cat Winchester followed the workers around the house, and they paid attention to him. He got under one of the worker’s feet, and his tail got stepped on. He let out a loud wail, and I came to see what had happened to him, and he acted like he could not walk. I did not buy that routine, and then he took off running. Winchester delighted in watching the workers and trying to escape when they opened the door. He never was able to escape under their watchful eyes. Some of my cats hid most of the day, and the others decided it was time for a long catnap.

Winchester And His Attic Adventure

Winchester ran up the step ladder to the attic and then leaped into the attic. He started meowing loudly as if to say help me get down. I called out to him and told him to jump on the ladder, and he did and made it down safely. He did not like stepping on the insolation, so the attic adventure was short.

Sherlock And His Cupboard

Sherlock slept deep in his cat bed in the kitchen cupboard next door. I could hardly see him in there, and that is what he wanted. The workers passed him by, and he was very contented nesting in his cat bed.

My Other Cats Watching And Observing Workers

Peter will quickly look around the corner to see what is happening and then return to his heated cat building. Faith will not run, but she watches from a heated windowsill cat bed. Tammy and Tigress mostly slept except to eat or use the litter box. Hilford and Mr. Gray gave all of their tools a once over. Lizzie tried to sleep in her cat bed, but her bed was right next to the attic, so she could hear the tools and see what they were doing at all times. Nicole stayed in her cat building until the coast was clear. Addi slept on top of a table in the house next door. She could see them coming and going constantly.

My House Cats Observing Repairs In My House

All of my three housecats are shy except around me. Cali will watch and meow in her Siamese voice. Conrad is afraid of everyone but me, so he listens to their conversations. Garfunkel likes to rub on their legs, but he does not want to be touched. When I had Sebastian, he followed repairers everywhere and acted like a supervisor. He was a beautiful people-person cat and got along well with everyone as he had a pleasant and kind personality. He was a very easygoing cat with an even temperament. I once had a purebred Siamese cat named Sugar, and she was too curious for her good sometimes. She got under a new bathtub, and luckily, it was supported well, or it could have shifted and landed on her and killed her. The worker told me, and I ran frantically and got her out of harm’s way. Watch your cats when you must repair things in your home so they do not get injured or harmed.

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Cats Watching Workers In Your Home
