Visible And Invisible

Visible And Invisible


If we can see a persons illness we know they are truly ill. Some people do everything that they can possibly do to get your attention and they are very visible to you and everyone else. We have lights on are cars so that they are visible to prevent us from being hit my another car hopefully. We have pole lights and security lights to keep us safe and to help us navigate our yards and roads in the night safely. Flashing lights on official cars, emergency vehicles and planes helps us notice them and keep out of there way in an emergency situation. We wear glasses to make our print on the page larger and easier for us to read, We need visibility in the World for us to get along safely and efficiently. Some children have flashing lights on their tennis shoes and adults wear orange clothing during the hunting season to let others know they are there and not to shot in their direction. Road workers also wear orange clothing so we will slow down and not hit them while they are making are roadways safe for us. We need to be at least somewhat visible to survive in this World.


Some animals blend in with there surroundings so predators cannot see them and eat them. Some bugs are the color of the tree or foliage that they live on. Being able to blend in with your surroundings is a great survival skill that is used in the army and in hunting. Hunters sometimes wear camouflaged clothing while they are duck hunting or deer hunting in a tree stand. It is not good to be invisible if you are business person for you will not be in business for long. You must be visible on as many Social Media Platforms as you possibly can in order to have a thriving  and flourishing business that people will flock to in groves. If you are a sniper you better blend in very well or you will become the target and your mission will fail.

God Is Invisible But We Still Have Faith

Even though we cannot see God we still have faith. I know that God is their for me in my darkest of hours. I pray to God without ceasing. I pray that God will protect my family, friends and my pets from illness, injuries and all kinds of  mishaps that can happen in day to day living. God does not have to be visible for me to have complete faith in him. God makes himself visible to us by protecting us from what could be certain harm or death everyday that we our alive. God himself is not visible to us with our eyes but he is in how he protects us. He is visible to us with our eyes when we look at trees, mountains flowers and all of nature that God has made on earth for us to see the beauty or the masterpieces he has created. God is good, kind, compassionate, caring and loving in how he helps us on our journey in this World and he gets us ready for our final journey where all pain and suffering is gone forever.

Copyright 2022   Not to be reproduced in any form.


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Visible And Invisible
