The Older Cat

The Older Cat

As your cat gets older, he will require more sleep. My older cats like to sleep in the warmest place possible in my house. They want to sleep next to heat runs and in heated cat beds.

All of my older cats still love to play with cat toys. Having a young cat in the house with your older cat will make your older cat more active. My older cats still rule my house. If they want to sit on my lap, they give my young house cat a gentle little nip on the rump, and my lap is theirs now.


Some older cats get arthritis; your vet can give them some pills to lessen their pain. The older cat does not maneuver around as well as he used to. He might jump on top of something and knock things down now.

I have had several cats live to be eighteen years old. They were very limber up to about age seventeen. They would still chase rabbits and kill mice. One of my fifteen-year-old outdoor cats had one kitten on Dec. 1 . She managed to keep the kitten alive. She would sit on her kitten most of the day to keep him warm.

Older cats will not be able to groom themselves like they used to. The barbs on their tongues wear down with age. Help your older cat by brushing and combing out his hair; his coat will have that magnificent luster again. Remember, your older cat’s immune system is not what it used to be. Please make sure all of his shots are up to date, and remember to keep his annual checkups with your vet. You and your cat can enjoy each other’s company for many years. I hope you and your cat stay happy and healthy to a ripe old age.

Copyright  2017. Not to be reproduced in any form.


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The Older Cat
