


We do not like it when we have to get off our regular life route. There will be many detours in your life, such as road construction. We lose valuable time by taking a detour, but you may discover a new business you want to return to. I found a lovely coffee shop by taking a detour and a wonderful old mining ghost town I walked through. I looked at the tombstones and discovered that most had been born in the 1700s. The old equipment for the mine was still there. It had rusted over the years, but it was still connected. One time, a detour took me past an old mom-and-pop grocery store. The store had an old Wonder Bread sign on the old-fashioned screen door. It was the only business left in that area. Detours can be enjoyable when you find treasures and new places to eat and see again.


When one is cleaning your house and the phone rings, you get diverted from the job you were doing before the phone rang. The diversion can be good as you can rest from cleaning for a while. It is easy to get diverted from a task if you try to complete too many tasks simultaneously. I try to stay focused on the most critical task at hand. One does not want to be diverted for long as you won’t accomplish your goals.

Too Many Irons In The Fire

An iron left unattended can start a fire. Nothing will get done as it should if you do too many things simultaneously. Never leave the first iron unattended before moving on to the next item to be completed. In repair, the most necessary thing is first, such as the roof, foundation, furnace, leaking faucet, and more, before you move on to painting or remodeling. A roof that leaks will destroy your entire home quickly, and other repairs won’t be necessary without a home. Never do more things in one day that are impossible to complete in one day, as every job should be completed to perfection the first time.

Do Not Let Things Divert You From Worship

Without God in your life, you would be nothing. God put your body’s first breath of air the day you were born. Thank God for your many blessings, and sing praise to God daily. God had picked you up many times when you were down. God has put a roof over your head and people who genuinely love you. God created you, and he loves all of his children. God made every one of us for a purpose. Maybe we are caregivers, ministers, farmers, teachers, accountants, and many more titles. All of us are to help spread God’s good works and tell people how God has changed our lives for the better. Be kind, caring, loving, compassionate, hopeful, peaceful, joyful, faithful, and more to people and all things that God has created on earth. Be helpful and considerate. Be one of God’s good stewards.

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