What Irks My Cats

What Irks My Cats

My cats get upset if any changes occur in my home. I put new carpet in my living room and dining room lately and they did not like that. They were afraid of the workers, except for Kohl, who lavished on the extra attention he got from them. Kohl would not lay on the carpet, to begin with. When Kohl finally took a nap on the new rug, he rolled around and loved it.

New Furniture

New furniture in your home can put your cat into panic mode. I place a cushion from the old couch on top of the new sofa, and then it has a scent they are familiar with. The new couch finally meets their seal of approval then. If you have workers in your home remodeling, make sure your cats cannot escape, as the sound of the power tools will scare them to death.


Thunderstorms storms and fireworks frighten pets. Hold your cats and reassure them that things will be OK if they let you hold them. Some cats will hide under the bed, in your shower, or other places in your home. Intense wind noises also frighten pets.

Loud Music

Cats like soft relaxing music. Loud music sets them on edge as it most likely hurts their eardrums since they have such a keen hearing scene—cats like classical or easy-listening music. Scary TV programs will also scare your cat, who may run and hide.

A New Pet

If not introduced right, a new pet in the family will upset them to no end. Your old cats may start marking your furniture to show the new cat that this is their turf and to back off. Put the new cat in a small room with the door shut for at least one week so they can smell each and get familiar with each other gradually. I have always had success with this introduction method.


Cats do not like a change in their cat food. If you want them to eat a different brand of cat food, leave the old one out for them. Some cats will stop eating altogether if they do not like their cat food. If you have a cat food they love, stick with that brand and that kind; why upset a good thing?


Cats will hide if a new person stays with you in your home. Generally, after about a week, they will come out of hiding and check out the unique person in your home. Talk to your cat, hold him to comfort, and show him you love him.

Scents and Perfume

Cats do not like the scent of some air fresheners and will avoid that room until the smell clears. Cats do not want certain perfumes, either. Cats like fresh towels to sleep on that are fuzzy and soft to the touch. Some cats only like one particular cat bed and nothing else will satisfy them.

If your cat is irked by something, figure out what it is and correct the problem ASAP, and you will live in perfect harmony together for many years.

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What Irks My Cats
