Living Your Life As God Intended

Living Your Life As God Intended

Living your life as God intended is what life is all about on Earth. Live your life in a gracious, faithful, caring, loving, joyful, hopeful, peaceful, kind, and giving manner every day that you are on Earth. Do your best to pass along God’s message to others entering your life. Be kind to others and thank them when they are kind to you.

God wants us to help each other as we journey through life on Earth. Check on your loved ones often and help those who need a little extra boost. If someone makes a mistake, forgive them and move forward in your relationship. God forgives us for our sins, so we should not do any less for others. Holding a grudge destroys you and not the other person, as they will not even give it another thought.

God wants us to protect and help others that we meet in our lives. Visit and talk with others as often as you can. Being around others is good for your mental health, as those who socialize tend to live longer. Join a group of people with the same interest as you, and all of you will reap the benefits.

God wants us to learn something new daily, so we don’t stagnate. Travel and enjoy unique sights and sounds and discover no matter where you go; we all want the same things out of life in general principles. We want to be happy and safe, and secure in our life. We want someone to care about us. We cherish our time with our families.

W want to be children of God and live in his flock. We need to let others know what God has done for us. God is a beautiful guide and role model for all of us to live a life that serves God and helps others on their path with their trials and tribulations. Lift those who are down and heavily trodden-ed. Live life with a purpose that exemplifies God’s values and teachings.

Copyright 2019. Not to be reproduced in any form.


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Living Your Life As God Intended
