The Beacon In The Lighthouse

The Beacon In The Lighthouse

May every day of your life have a beacon shining brightly in it as the beacon in the lighthouse does to protect and guide you every day of your life. God is a beacon that shines brightly in our lives every single day of the year.

Be a beacon in people’s lives. Help keep people on the right path by setting good examples for them to follow. Guide young people early on to be nice to each other and respect others.

A beacon leads the ships to shore safely so they won’t get destroyed by the storms in the seas. The lighthouse beacon has saved many sea-faring people. Be a beacon to others and lead them to safety in the storms of life. There are many storms in life, just as there are at sea. Be a good guide, and don’t let any of your followers get lost in the shuffle. The shepherd guides his sheep and watches over them so they won’t get eaten by wolves or wander off and get lost completely.


A lighthouse beacon is a guide at night so no one will get lost at sea. It keeps everyone safe at sea and is like a night watchman. The lighthouse bacon protects the ships from being torn from stem to stern. Without our friends acting as lighthouses, we can get pulled from limb to stern. Be that beacon friend that others will turn to in the storms of their life.

door county lighthouse

Always let the light in your heart shine thoroughly so that others may see it and project it onto the world. Without light, we would be in total darkness to the needs of the people we love or like, cherish, honor, respect, and wish to comfort, support, and help in the storms of life.

Copyright 2019. Not to be reproduced in any form.


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The Beacon In The Lighthouse
