Stay Open To Possibilitities

Stay Open To Possibilities

Some many opportunities or possibilities will come your way in life. Sometimes you will not be ready to take that leap of faith into a new job or opportunity. When opportunity knocks on your door, embrace the chance to move forward and enhance your horizons. If someone tells me I can’t do a particular thing, I am more determined than ever to prove them wrong. I have been open to new possibilities and have,e not been disappointed yet. Not trying to broaden your horizons is the biggest disappointment you will ever make in life. You will never know what you could have achieved or accomplished if you had been open to a new and better improved you.

Job changes or moves can be scary. To have a job that does not excite you or get your creative juices following stagnant s you. I want a job that will test and take me to the next level. We wear many hats in life. We do volunteer work which helps those who need help the most. Parents raise their children with the values and work ethics they have learned. Pastors remind us of our Christian values, how to act as God’s flock, and much more. We can learn a lot from Bible Scriptures and Bible study groups and by studying the Bible on our own. Treat people as you would have them treat you.

Job changes are necessary when your health will no longer allow you to do a particular job. There are many paths you can walk down in life. I enjoy visiting and helping others who are part of God’s flock. Embrace an illness and empower the disease and move forward in life. They are rewarding jobs for us in all life stages if we stay open to possibilities.

Copyright 2018. Not to be reproduced in any form.


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Stay Open To Possibilities
