Their Are Vultures Among Us

Their Are Vultures Among Us

I have heard and seen many almost unimaginable things go on in families. I have seen people try to take advantage of sick people. Remember, someday, the ball will land in your court. Do you want your children to become greedy little vultures after all they learn from the examples you set for them?

I saw someone try to take advantage of a person that had just had surgery two hours ago and was still not out from under the effects of the sedative. They said they had a check for them, but they tried to get money from them. If they ever wrote a review to this party,  this person told their lawyer to make the bill null and void.

One party told someone they would give their items a good home if they would give them to them. Nothing says you are entitled to receive something when someone dies. The more greedy someone is to another person, the more likely they will get nothing from them when they die.

One party asked a family member for a copy of her father’s will before he was even cold on the ground. I saw one party sell a relative’s house right in front of her casket in the church on the day of her burial service. When given a family heirloom, someone said, ” If you have any more, provide them to me.

Children have told a parent that they are selling things in their house when they are in the rest home or selling their house. Do not be disrespectful to your parents. They worked hard for what they had, and it was theirs to do what they wanted to do with it.

If you want vultures in your family and you act like a vulture, you will raise a family of bloodthirsty, uncaring, greedy, and manipulating vultures.

God sees and knows your every mood, action, thought, and what makes you tick. Strive to do the right and caring thing with everyone facing death or health issues. Money is truly the root of all evil. You, too, will face health issues and die sooner than you think; it does not overlook anyone.

Copyright 2018. Not to be reproduced in any form.


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Their Are Vultures Among Us
