Embrace Your Illness Do Not Let It Empower You

Embrace Your Illness Do Not Let It Empower You

Illness comes to knock on all of our doors eventually. Illness does not care if your door is locked. It just bursts at the moment. You do not expect it. Be ready for disease in your life and embrace it. You take control of your illness to the best of your ability. Find things you like to do, travel, and get out, as that will occupy your mind and give you new things to think about.



Never sit around and concentrate on the illness that you have, as that is when it will empower you. Try to get out and live your life the best you can with your disease, and then you will assign your condition. Never think of poor me; we all have health battles to empower.

Find new hobbies and things to do when you cannot possibly do everything you used to do. Read books, enjoy the great outdoors, write, surround yourself with friends, and let God guide you. Find a cause to support and help others who are fighting health battles.


Only you can take control of your life. If you tell yourself you cannot win, you won’t. Make positive changes in the World every day and embrace your illness as you may find a new you that is also an improved you. You may find yourself to be more outgoing or more creative.

God is always by your side, even when you think he is not. God does not want any of his children to suffer. God will help you embrace your illness if you let him. Please go out and help others embrace their illness and not let them get empowered by it. God Bless You and strengthen you every day.


Copyright 2017. Not to be reproduced in any form.


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Embrace Your Illness Do Not Let It Empower You
