True Wealth

True Wealth

Ecclesiastes   5: 12 – 13

The sleep of a laboring man is sweet, whether he eats little or much: but the abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep.

There is a sore evil that I have seen under the sun. Namely, riches kept for the owners thereof to their hurt.

A man’s true Wealth is what he has left behind when he dies. A wealthy man will have helped as many people as possible in his lifetime. He should be a giving and caring, and compassionate man. A rich man will have many friends and family members that he respects and cares for, and they care for him, also.


A wealthy man will have an excellent relationship with God and do his absolute best to follow The Ten Commandments every day of his life. He will remember the Golden Rule – Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You. He will place the Sabbath Day and live in a Christian manner every day of the week. He will be a good steward of the land, be good to God’s creation and give freely.

True Wealth is not about money. Friends and Family are the True Wealth of any man. Without friends or Family, you are the poorest man in the World. To be content and pleased, you need love, joy, hope, peace, and caring people. Money will not buy you happiness. Sometimes the wealthy are the unhappiest people.

A truly wealthy man will have people at his funeral who will say he sure helped many people in his lifetime. He was a wonderfully caring and compassionate person. This is what a genuinely wealthy man will have left behind when he dies.

Strive to be a truly wealthy man in your lifetime.

Copyright 2016. Not to be reproduced in any form.


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True Wealth
