My Former Doctor Told me He Was Overwhelmed

My Former Doctor Told Me He Was Overwhelmed

2  Timothy    4: 5

But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

marblehead photo

I don’t know about you, but I do not want to go to an overwhelmed doctor. I want my Doctor to be on top of all of my health issues and listen to all of my health concerns and problems and address my health issues quickly and efficiently. If your Doctor falls short of a correct diagnosis for you, it may be a matter of life or death.

I went to the ER several times with health problems, and he thought all of my concerns were just in my head. My trip to the ER did not help me out whatsoever.

Suppose you have an illness that your Doctor seems overwhelmed with; go to as many doctors as it takes to get the correct diagnosis and treatment for your condition. Always remember not to let your Doctor play with your life expectancy. Keep going to Doctors until you feel satisfied that the Doctor you picked can understand and treat your illness correctly. Pick a doctor who has read up on your condition and understands your need in every manner possible for optimal health.

I am fortunate to have found a doctor who is very knowledgeable, caring, and concerned about treating and caring for me correctly. He even calls me in the evening to talk about my health and how I am coming along with my health concerns. My Doctor is proactive and very knowledgeable in his field of medicine.

My local Doctor has read up on my illness and understands what treatment is necessary for optimal health.

Please do not keep a doctor who wants to get unto his next patient and hardly gives you the time of day when you try to talk to him about your health problems. You have one life to live, so have a doctor who genuinely cares for you, and your health or life span may be shortened considerably. I wish all of you the best of health possible.

Copyright  2016. Not to be reproduced in any form.


6 replies on “My Former Doctor Told Me He Was Overwhelmed”

First of all—I love the picture of Marblehead Lighthouse! Second of all–you are so right. No one should have to settle for less than full attention and dedication to their medical concerns when they go to see a doctor. I am so grateful that you have found one that listens and puts you first and foremost.

Laura, I could not agree with you more. We have searched for answers for Mark’s stomach issues for eleven years. No one had answers. He finally started seeing a chiropractor that encouraged him to get Lymes disease testing. He is now on a diet that we have seen slight changes in only a few short days and we look forward to seeing more results as he stays consistent with the diet. He is getting tested for Lymes and the doctor is pretty sure it will come back positive. I will continue praying for you as you continue your healing journey.

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My Former Doctor Told Me He Was Overwhelmed
