Cats That Are Bullies

Cats That Are Bullies

My New Cat is bullying my cat.

My cat Cali was the head cat of my other house for years. My new cat Winchester wanted to be the head cat. He would slap at Cali with his paws and upset her terribly. He then trained Mr. Gray to do the same thing he did. Cali got, so she was losing weight and did not want to eat much anymore. I tried various things to no avail to get Winchester to act like a gentleman. I locked Mr. Gray in the bathroom when he slapped Cali. Winchester knows how to open doors and had his friend Mr. Gray sprung from the toilet in about 20 minutes. Cali would eat squeeze-able tuna cat treats and not much of anything else. I took her into my house with my three gentle cats, and she has improved dramatically. She now weighs 10 lbs., She loves being in my home and sitting on my lap. She likes being a hairdresser as she rubs my head with her feet and pulls her feet through my hair like a comb. I soon put an end to that as a little of that goes a long way. She is once again a happy and healthy cat.

Separating Your Cat Bully From Your Other Cats

Suppose you can put your cat bully in another room, let him out later, and see how they interact. You can try to reintroduce your cats. Lock up the cat that is the bully in a small room in your house and let him out in about a week and see how he behaves then. You may have to keep your cats separated if all else fails. The cat that is being bullied will get stressed out, and she will stop eating, using the litter box, and more, perhaps. If we were put in a house full of strangers, all of a sudden, we would also be a bit stressed out,

 Create A Calm Area Or A Pleasant Area For Your Cat To Be Alone

Cats like to lay away from the other cats in your home when they can—cats like areas that are not noisy and do not like loud noises. Place different cat beds around your house, and your cat will find them and take many relaxing cat naps in them. Cats want to have cat toys to play with as this will take their mind off of other problems they may have. We want to read a good book, watch TV, or eat when stressed out. Talk to your cats, pat them on the head often, and keep them entertained with interactive cat toys. Ensure you pay more attention to your old cat than your new cat. You do not want your senior cat to get jealous, which will cause many problems. Pat, you’re a new cat when your old cat is not watching. Be patient with your cat bully, as it will take time for him to realize that you also love him if he is jealous. I hope you and your cats will live together in perfect harmony for many years.

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How To Treat Your Cat That Has A Cold

How To Treat Your Cat That Has A Cold

Cat Sneezing And Coughing

Some of my cats get colds in the winter months. It generally starts with my cat sneezing a lot, and they are very lazy. Most of my cats get over their cat colds in about four days with no treatment. Suppose your cat does not want to eat with his cold; feed him canned tuna in water. He will be able to smell the tuna. Run a humidifier in your home for a little extra moisture in your air will help your cat’s congestion. Let your cat in the bathroom while you shower, as the steam, will help open up his plugged sinuses. Ensure your sick cat has plenty of fresh water to drink, which will help with their congestion and dry throat. My cat Garfunkel caught a cold and started coughing and wheezing. I gave him some antibiotics from my Vet, and he is no longer sleepy now and is back to his old self again. Keep an eye on your cat for trouble breathing if his lungs are expanding up and down too quickly; Your cat may need an inhaler to help him live. Take him to your Vet ASAP. Cats’ colds can be viral but can soon turn into bacterial illnesses. If left untreated, your cat could die.

Respiratory Problems In Cats

A cat can get so congested that he has to breathe through his mouth. My cat Kohl was born with respiratory problems and had to get an antibiotic shot about once every five weeks. If he did not get his shots, he would be sleeping constantly and unable to walk far without lying started his antibiotic attempts when he was 11.5 years old. Kohl is thirteen years old now. When Kohls’s nose gets crusted over, and he sneezes constantly, I know it is time for another antibiotic shot.

Cat Colds With Several Cats In Your Home

If one cat gets a cold in your home, some other cats will also get a cold. My cat Maggie next door is 13 years old, and she caught a cold she was not getting over; I took her to my Vet, and he gave her an antibiotic shot, and she was over her cold in about four days. Cali caught a cold later but recovered in only four days without treatment.

Keep Your Sick Cat Warm

Keep your cat out of any drafty areas in your home. If you have a heated cat bed, let your cat sleep in it. Lay out some thick terry towels for your cat to curl up in. If you have a little heater, plug it in, and your cat will enjoy the extra warmth. Let your cat lay on your nice warm lap. Cats like lying beside fireplaces and curling up in a tight little ball. Lay out some cat blankets, and your cat can make a lovely little nest. I hope your feline friends quickly get over their colds and are healthy and happy again soon.

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In Memory Of My Cat Maggie

In Memory Of My Cat Maggie

Maggie, My Loving Cat

I adopted Maggie after her owner had died. She was an indoor-outdoor cat. Maggie started as an outdoor cat on my farm. She was very loving and affectionate and would follow me all over the farm. She got along fine with my other cats, and they also seemed to like her. She had fresh water to drink every morning and a heated cat bed to sleep in in the winter months. She would get canned cat food, and extra cat treats in the winter.

Maggie By My Side

If I were working in the garden, Maggie would lie on the rows so she could see that I planted my garden seeds on the row. If she noticed me digging in the garden, she would also. She would lay on the garden seed packets for me so they would not blow away on windy days. She would watch me mow my yard and move my snow in the winter. If I lay in my hammock, she would lay underneath me or curl up on my lap for a while. One time outdoors, she caught a Blue Jay, and I told her to let go of it, and she did immediately, and the Blue Jay flew away unharmed.

Maggie Was An Excellent Huntress

She was very good at ridding the farm of mice and gophers. She was quick and agile, and the mice did not stand a chance. One time she caught a rabbit and shared it with the other outdoor cats. I would see her walk to the field early in the morning, and she would generally come home with a mouse in her mouth. Maggie would crunch low in the ditches and catch a few mice there.

Maggie Has Relatives In My Other House

As Maggie grew older and thinner, I put her in my heated house next door. She had three other cats I adopted to keep her company. Maggie loved to sleep in the heated windowsill cat bed or a bed with her sister. She enjoyed catnip mice and singing bird cat toys. She liked the hammock cat beds with the scratching post as she had all her claws. Her sister had gotten pregnant with my outdoor cat Onyx, and she had three kittens that lived. Her son Peter got my cat Addi pregnant, and she had five kittens. I gave two of her kittens to a loving home and saw pictures of them on Facebook. Nicole and Conrad are Peters’s sister and brother. Conrad is one of my house cats. Addi’s grown kittens are Mr. Gray, Sherlock, and Hilford.

Maggie In Her Golden Years

Maggie was plump until she was about ten and kept losing weight. I took her to my Vet for a blood test and to check for cancer, and all of her tests returned fine. She would eat all of her food, and she drank her water. She continued to hold her own. The last time I took her to my Vet, she had lost more weight. Maggie enjoyed scrambled eggs, tuna canned water, cat snacks, and cat food. In the last week, Maggie’s hair was thinning out, and she had mates of loose hair and has lost more weight. I am taking her to my Vet early Monday morning to have her put to sleep. Maggie was almost fourteen years old. I cannot stand to see a Dear pet cat suffer. She will be in heaven with her cat relatives that have gone on before her. She was a Dear and loving cat that was always by my side. I will miss Maggie Dearly, but I know she is in God’s loving arms now.

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The Holidays And Your Cats

The Holidays And Your Cats

Cats Cannot Eat Some People’s Food.

Never let your cat eat chocolate, as chocolate can kill your cat. Turkey bones are not a good idea as a bone may get lodged in your cat’s throat and cause him to die if he cannot cough it up. Never give your cat any alcoholic beverage, as it can kill him quickly. If your cat is not used to eating human food, do not let him have table scraps on the Holidays, as he will become ill and start vomiting in front of your guest. Cats like to eat turkey, squash, or pumpkin. Feed your cat in moderation. If you are unsure about feeding your cat something, do not feed it to him until you have asked your Vet.

Cat Proof Your Home For The Holidays

Do not put Christmas tree preservatives in the water under the tree, as the preservative will kill your cat if he drinks it. If your cat likes to climb your Christmas tree, I suggest you take it down. If the tree topples over, your cat might try to eat a broken decoration or tree light bulbs. Never put tinsel on your tree, as many cats have died over the years by consuming tree tinsel. Do not put up lights that your cat can easily chew. If your cat chews into a cord, he may be electrocuted. Do not put mistletoe or poinsettias in your home. Mistletoe will kill your cat if he eats any of it, and if your cat chews on the poinsettia plant, he will lose his voice for at least one week. Do not leave the ribbon lying around; your cat could choke on it if he tries to swallow some. If you doubt a plant or a tree, do not put it in your home so your cat will have Happy Holiday Memories.

The Best Presents For Cats

Being in a loving and caring home is present with no price tag attached. Cats are like cat treats for the holidays. My cats like a pumpkin-flavored cat treat over the holidays. Buy some canned cat food. I buy chicken, turkey, squash, and various canned foods for my cats. My cats love heated cat beds to curl up in on cold winter nights, even when it is not so hard. I have 12 heated cat beds and three windowsill heated beds. Cats love automatic litter boxes, heated water bowls, and pet feeders. Most all cats love cat toys. My cats like catnip cat toys, squeaking mice, crinkle balls, singing birds, rubber balls, balls with bells in the middle and small animal toys, rubber reptiles, cat treat balls, circle track toys with a mouse or hop in the center of it, rubber frogs and rabbits that have a string that pulls out, and then it dances across the floor. Your cat will have blessed, happy and healthy holidays with your loving care. God bless you and your feline companions.

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Cats And Cold Weather

Cats And Cold Weather

Cats Do Not Like Cold Drafts

My house cats love to curl up on a blanket over my chair or couch. I have also noticed my cat Kohl sleeping in front of my electric fireplace. I have two heated cat beds in my house. I have a heated water dish in my other home and one in my outdoor cat building. Your cat’s health needs to have fresh water every day. Conrad loves to curl up and sleep in a covered circular heated cat bed. My outdoor cat sleeps in a heated small dog house on a bench in the outdoor building. My cat’s next door has a small heater that heats the house. They have heated windowsill cat beds, heated tiny dog houses, covered heated beds, and beds with large towels to lay on. If any of my cats feel a draft, they immediately go to a wild area out of the draft. Never put a cat bed on the ground; it will be cold and drafty. Always place the cat bed on a sturdy bench or on shelving where the bed cannot slip or fall off. I remember my cat beds away from doors and areas that get a lot of foot traffic—cats like a quiet area where they can rest without being awakened by you moving around.

Taking Care Of Feral Cats In Cold Weather

Buy a small heated dog house and a heated water dish and place them in an area that is draft free. Be sure you make a clear path for them to enter and exit the house after it snows. Put some cat food in a bowl for them and ensure it has not frozen at night. Put out fresh water for them every day. Give them canned food in the morning, as it will add more nourishment to their diet to help them maintain their body temperature. Take the feral cats to your Vet for shots if you can safely catch and transport them. Your feral cats should be able to withstand the cold weather if they have these provisions.

Never Let Your Cat Outdoors In The Winter Months Unless You Have Them On A Cat Harness

People have told me they have seen cats outdoors in horrible snow storms. One woman rescued a cat that had his paws frozen to the sidewalk. She had to pour hot water on his feet to free him from the sidewalk. She took him to the Vet and had his feet treated for frostbite. Luckily, he recovered and could walk and move around well. Cats originally came from Africa and cannot survive in cold weather without shelter. If your cat ran away from you, if you let him out in the winter, he could die from exposure to the elements. One woman found a cat almost completely frozen one winter morning. She placed the poor cat in front of her furnace, and he began to move. She saved his life, luckily. Keep your cats warm, healthy, safe, and happy this winter.

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I have 11 Cats That Live In A House All Of Their Own

I Have 11 Cats That Live In A House Of Their Own

My Cats Get Along With Each Other Beautifully

If you introduce cats correctly to each other, they should become friends rather quickly. I always put the newcomer in the bathroom with his food dish, water, and litter box. My other cats and he can smell each other from under the door. They can growl at each other with the safety of the door separating them. Remember not to pay too much attention to the new cat when your others cats are watching, as they are just like jealous children. Place your new cat in a room with your other cats and observe how they get along. The head of the household male cat will let the new cat know he is in charge. He may growl at him and try to get in a fight with him. Let them work it out if there is just a little spat. If you see that they will have a no-hold-barred fighting, separate your new cat again before you place them all together. They should all live in perfect harmony within a week.


Fall Cleaning Next Door

I wash all of the cat’s towels that they have for bedding. I scrub the floors with Lysol disinfectant cleaner, and I do a thorough cleaning of the house. I clean up all of the food dishes and the water bowl. I wash and clean out the litter robots and the other cat litter boxes. I make sure my heated cat beds, water dish, and electric heater are working. Now is an excellent time to throw out old cat toys or replace beds that have worn out. Order new heated beds now before the prices go up. I stock up on kitty litter and ensure I have plenty of cat food and treats. Wash your cat toys and beds that are washable. Once your heated cat beds are seven years old, replace them, as the heated pad probably does not release as much heat as it used to.


Cat Trees And Cat Hammocks

My cats love to sit high in the top tier of their cat trees and look out the windows at birds and other animals that may pass by. The cats love to curl up and fall asleep in their cat hammocks with scratching posts. I like sturdy well, constructed cat trees that have carpet on them, as they are also easier to clean with carpet on them.


Fall Health Care

I take my cats to the vet for their shots early in the spring. Suppose your cat has developed a cough or seems to have a cold. Take him to the vet ASAP before it becomes life-threatening. A minor illness can become a significant disease as the weather gets colder and colder. Ensure all your cats are warm and cozy as the colder weather sets in. We all want a happy and healthy cat for our feline friends.

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Cats And Upset Stomachs And More

Cats And Upset Stomachs And More

If My Cats Eat Too Fast Or Too Much

Changing cat food brands is not a good idea when your cat is used to a certain brand and kind of cat food. When my cats eat too fast, they tend to vomit up what they just ate. When cats overeat, they tend to gain too much weight or have issues keeping their food down. Most cats eat what is set in front of them and do so in excess. Cats do not like any changes whatsoever in their life. Changing things around in your house could cause major digestive issues in some cats. Cats are very picky about what they will and will not eat also. I have read that some cats would rather starve to death than eat something that they do not like. If your cat refuses to eat a particular brand or kind of cat food, throw it out and buy the tried and actual cat food they love.

Digestive Issues In Cats

Cats tend to get diarrhea if they eat a mixture of cat foods they are not used to. Cats will also vomit if used to certain kinds of cat food. Sticking to dry cat food is best if you have been feeding your cats all along. If you introduce wet canned food all at once, they may have major digestive issues that day or the next. If the ash content is too high in the wet cat food, this can cause your cat to become very ill, and they may have to go to their Vet. Be leery of giving your cat different flavors of cat food. I tried a bag of salmon cat food once instead of chicken, and my cats refused to eat it. I threw the bag of unwanted food into my field for fertilizer. Remember, the food you may be trying to feed your cat may be spoiled or unfit for them to eat. You do not eat food that does not taste right, so do not expect your cat to.

Worms In Cats

If you have an indoor-outdoor cat, he may have picked up worms while he was outdoors. You may see worms in his bowel movements, or he may be losing weight and have diarrhea. A cat’s coat with diarrhea will look unruly and not have a nice shine. If you do not treat a cat with worms, he will lose weight and most likely die from the worms overtaking his body. You can buy worm pills for your cat online or at a pet store or have your Vet treat your cat for worms. Your cat will Thank you for looking after his well-being with purrs and sitting on your lap.

Remember Cats Like Their Same Routine Day After Day

Cats hate changes, and they have delegated digestive systems. Keep your cats on the tried and true cat foods in their life and pay attention to any changes in their appearance. Keep regular visits with your Vet for your cat so you can have many beautiful moments together in optimum health.

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Giving Your Cat Medicine

Giving Your Cat Medicine

 Dealing With Cats That Know Its Time For Their Medicine

Your cat will probably try to hide when it sees you coming with its pill. Start giving your cat his pills at a different time every day. If you wait only twenty minutes, your cat may not realize it is time for his medication again. Do not look at your cat before you get his medicine ready. Cats seem excellent mind readers, and it is hard to fox them out. Mix his pills with some tuna canned in water, and he may swallow them right down. Some cats will pick through the food and spit the pill out. Make sure your cat has swallowed his pill before you leave the room. I like to use a pill gun for cats. It looks like a syringe with rubber grips instead of a needle on the end of it. It fits in your cat’s mouth perfectly, and you can push the pill down so he can swallow it easily. Always give your cat treats when they take their medicine without a fuss.

Give Your Cat His Medicine After His Catnap

A cat that just woke up from a nap is not 100 % alert yet; therefore, they are easy to catch. I have had excellent luck giving a liquid cat medicine that has just awakened from a restful and relaxing catnap. Pills are also easier to give to your cat after his nap. Fully alert cats may scratch and bite you to get out of taking their medicine.

Outdoor Cats And Medicine

I had sickly cats come to my farm years ago. You have to grab them from the nape of their neck and ensure you have complete control over them before giving them a shot. I have caught wild cats in a fish net and given them the necessary antibiotics to help them recover. I doctored one cat for an entire winter, and then he went to live at my neighbor’s house. He thought I would escape that mean woman and her wicked syringe, not realizing I had saved his life.

Flea Bath

Most cats hate baths. I adopted a young cat that had fleas. I took her down to my basement, and she had a flea bath shampoo treatment with warm water in a baby tub. I had to hold her just right so she could not claw me up with her claws. I had her by the nape of her neck while I held down her back end so she could not wiggle out of my control and harm me. She looked like a different cat after her bath. She was a very loving cat and my house cat for 18 years. They now make a net bag that contains your cat except for his head which sticks out of the mesh bag. I would recommend one of these for bathing your cat, trimming his claws, and giving medicine to difficult cats, no matter how easy you try to make it for your cat. Some cats do not realize we are trying to help them feel better. We will do anything for the health of our dear feline friends.

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Having A Feral Cat

Having A Feral Cat

Catching Your Feral Cat

I prefer using a live animal trap baited with tuna canned in water. Place your tuna in the web, and you should have your feral cat captured in two days unless she is familiar with live animal traps. I have also used a heavy-duty fishing net with extra thick leather gloves to capture the cat. Persistence pays off when trying to catch a feral cat. Humans have mistreated some wild cats, so they are suspicious of all humans until trust gets established again.

What To Do With Your Just Captured Feral Cat

Isolate your new cat from your other cats, as she may be sick or have fleas. Put her in a small room with litter, food, and water. Take her to your Vet ASAP to have her checked for a microchip and spayed flea bath, and shots if no microchip is found. Approach her on her terms only until she realizes you do not want to harm her. She may jump at the windows and more if she has lived in the wild for a long time. Make up a cozy place for her to sleep. A box with an extra thick towel will be good, to begin with. Talk gently to her and never yell at her, as she will get frightened very quickly. After your cat returns from the Vet, please give her a cat treat, so she will see that going to the Vet can be a rewarding and good outing.

Spend Time With Your Feral Cat

Talk to her gently and make her feel that you love her. Your feral cat will not sit on your lap or lie on your bed anytime soon. It could take six months or more for your adult wild cat to trust you 100 %. Feral kittens generally warm up to you sooner. Some feral cats remain aloof their entire lives. Some feral cats will want to give you a little nip now and then as a warning. Plenty of toys for your cat to play with will help her with boredom. Have toys that you and your cat can interact with together. Your feral cat may see you in a new light the more time you spend together with things she likes to do. Give treats when she acts extra good or sits on your lap.


Your Feral Cat Has Now Become Your Pet Cat

She may never be a lovey-dovey cat, but she is your pet cat. Feral cats can make good house cats if you let them come to you on your terms. They do not care to be captured and held if they do not jump in your lap alone. Feral cats will generally end up being one-person cats. Feral cats often only trust their owner and no one else. Be patient with a wild cat; you can have a  fine feline friend for many years. All cats deserve a second chance to have a happy and rewarding life with someone who loves them just as they are.

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Cat Help Tips

Cat Help Tips

Putting Your Cat In A Pet Carrier

Never stick your cat’s head in the carrier first; he will likely bite or scratch you. Trim your cat’s claws before putting him in a carrier. Put your cat’s buttocks on the page first for a fast and safe loading experience. Give your cat a cat treat once he is in the carrier safely so he thinks of the page as a place to go where he will be rewarded.

Taking Your Cat For A Ride In Your Car

Place him in a pet carrier, as he may be frightened to ride in your car. Some cats have gotten down by the brake in the vehicle, almost making it impossible for you to stop your vehicle in a hurry safely. Your cat may be climbing all over you, distracting your eyes from the road. I had an older Siamese cat trained to sit on one’s lap in the car. She sat on my lap and was perfectly behaved. I adopted her when she was eight years old. Take your cat for a ride as a young kitten so she will get used to the car rides.

Why Did My Cat Wet On That

Some cats will wet on a stranger’s clothing in your home. They may not like the newcomer in your home, which is their way of showing disapproval. Cats do not like changes at all. If you switch to a new kitty litter, ensure you still have the old brand out, as they might refuse to use the new brand of litter. If you do not change your kitty litter often enough, they may use your house plant for their litter box. A female cat may wet something because you decided to add another female cat to your household. Toms spray furniture if they smell a female cat in the season to mark their territory.


Some cats may eat so fast that they may vomit later on. Cats can be nighttime eaters and will pack on the pounds then. Take their food away from them at night and put it back for them first thing in the morning. Buy cat food for weight control and senior cat food for your older cat. Cut down on cat snacks and treats.

Some Cats Do Not Like To Be Held

I have discovered over the years that female cats do not want to be held or petted on the head for long. Male cats are very tolerant of being stored and rubbed most of the time; Feral cats seem never to like being kept unless they jump on your lap on their own. Never force a cat to let you have or pet them, as they will become less tolerant.

Feral Or Scared Cats

Let a feral or scared house cat come when they choose to go to you. Feed them cat treats and talk gently to them. It could take six months, but they will eventually warm up to you. One of my cats finally trusted me enough to sleep at the foot of my bed at night and let me hold him and pat him on the head. Trust has to be earned between you and your cat.

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