Diseases Your Cats Can Catch

Diseases Your Cats Can Catch

If you have more than one cat, they can catch diseases from each other if the sick cat is not quarantined. They can see an infection from another ill cat sneezing, coughing, or sharing the same litter box they use. When you bring a new cat into your household, put it in quarantine for at least seven days before you let it loose with your other cats. Also, take the newcomer to your Vet for a complete checkup from head to tail.

Cats with a respiratory infection can pass on that infection to your cats. Even though the cat may have recovered completely, it remains a carrier of the feline respiratory virus even though they present no symptoms.

Distemper in cats can be very deadly as they become dehydrated quickly. Cats sneeze, cough, have runny eyes, and have constant diarrhea. Your cat’s fur will look scruffy, and it will be very passive. Cats can recover in five days if they have an excellent immune system. Very young and old cats may succumb to the disease. I always make sure my cat’s distemper shots are up to date.

Cats can get worms from each other by eating small mammals and birds. Worms will cause weight loss, diarrhea, vomiting, and inflection around the anus. Cats may slide their derriere across your floor. You may see small fragments of worms in your cat’s litter box or stool. Remember to give your cat worm medicine to prevent this problem.

Cats can get fleas, and they will itch miserably. A good flea medicine will prevent that problem for you and your cat. Cats can get feline leukemia which is blood cancer, feline aids, renal failure, feline influenza, and Toxoplasmosis, and a few cats have contracted the COVID-19 virus. Do not let your cats outdoors, and always wash your hands before you touch your house cats to avoid giving them COVID-19 virus. If your cat is sick, always take them to your Vet as soon as possible, as it may be a matter of life or death. I hope you and your cat stay well and have many happy years together. God bless you and all of your feline friends.


6 replies on “Diseases Your Cats Can Catch”

At first experts were saying that animals can’t get the Corona, but now they are saying they can. Can’t forget about our furbabies too!

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Diseases Your Cats Can Catch
