Cats Christmas Presents That They Love

Cat Christmas Presents That They Love

New Cat Toys

I purchased some cat tooth-cleaning toys for my cats that are filled with catnip for my cats. The toy’s exterior has little spots that stick up, which will help clean their teeth when they chew on the toy. I gave it to my cats early; they love it and will have pearly whites for Christmas. I purchased more catnip mice, singing birds, balls, and crinkle toys. My carts next door use their exercise wheel, and I see cat prints on it, and some of them have shed those unwanted pounds. All cats seem to love the circle ball toy. They bat the ball around the circle for some time before they rest.

New Litter Boxes

I purchased two Famree litter boxes, and my cats love them. The litter boxes tell me the weights of my cats and how long they were in the litter box. The waste is easy to remove as the plastic bag fits on top of the unit, and you pull out the old bag and place a new bag in it. I found an Elspet on the internet that was marked down in price considerably. I hope my cats will like it. I have a LitterMaid box that has been working perfectly for at least eight years, along with a PetSafe one. I have a couple of litter robots that lasted four years before I had to have them rebuilt.

Heated  Cat Beds And Cozy Beds Cats

Cats love heated beds and nice, plush, cozy beds to curl up in as the weather gets cold. I like the round or rectangle-shaped beds that are extra plush for my cats as they seem to be their favorite ones to curl up in. When the weather is quite cold, my cats next door go into their little heated buildings and snuggle up together. I have a round plastic bed in my house that Conrad and Cali love to sleep in. Garfunkel prefers the cozy rectangle bed. My cats next door have heated windowsill beds and boxes with soft towels. I have purchased new towels for them and also a new heated little building.

Hammocks With Scratching Post

I ordered three of these, and they already use two. They love these as they can curl up in the hammock in a little ball. The hammocks have little balls that hang down that your cat can bat around for entertainment.

Cat Towers

Cats love cat towers. I love the tall ones, as my cats can look out of the windows at the birds and anything that piques their interest in the great outdoors. Most cat towers have hammocks, scratching posts, and an area they can hide in.

GPS Tracker

I purchased two of these to put on any cat that wants outside for a while. Your cat can take off running even if you are watching and hide from you; with the GPS device, you should be able to find him quickly, and he will be glad you did, and so will you.

Cat Food And Treats

Buy your cat some of his favorite wet food, some cat treats, and maybe a cat treat ball or two.

Cat Computer Games

I put a cat game on my smartphone, and Cali and Garfunkel kept touching the mice, and they would vanish until a new mouse appeared. Put that app on your phone, and your cats will have a Merry Christmas or Birthday and keep playing that game.

Copyright 2023.   Not to be reproduced in any form.

What I Think My Cats Dream About

What I Think My Cats Dream About

Cat Food

I think they dream about food most of the time. One time, my cat woke up from a nap licking his lips. Cats believe they will starve if you forget to fill their food dish to the top. One of my cats kept sniffing the air after waking up from a nap. He could tell I had baked a piece of salmon in the oven, and he wanted to be my food tester. My cats love Hartz squeezable. My house cats love them tremendously. I think my cats dream about being able to get cat treats out of their treat ball dispenser. Cats are obsessed with catnip, and if you lay some down in the bed where they are sleeping, they wake up and start chewing away at the catnip. The catnip makes them roll around and act like a kitten full of energy. They dream about catching an excellent plump mouse for an afternoon snack.

Garfunkel Woke Up After He Had Been Running In His Dream

I assumed he was fighting another cat much larger than he was and running to get away from the gigantic cat that was after him. In his dream, his front legs were moving back and forth quickly. He may have been chasing a rodent, or a coyote was after him. When he woke up, he looked shocked but relieved.

Sleeping In A Cozy New Cat Bed

Cats dream about a new bed they may receive for a present. They will have a unique, plush, luxurious cat bed until another cat in the household tries to claim it. My cats especially love the heated cat beds I have purchased for them. They can curl up in the cozy bed in their old age, and the heat helps with any joint pain that they may have. Conrad loves the heated bed I have in the dining room, and Cali takes the one in the kitchen occasionally. Garfunkel likes the plush and cozy beds.

Warm Places

I am sure my cats think of warm places to take a nap. The blanket that you have on your couch is too tempting. They dream about kneading on it and curling up in the lovely, fluffy new blanket. Your winter coat is laid out on a chair. My Siamese cat got in the coat and had her head sticking out of a sleeve in the jacket. Cali has slept in front of the fireplace, purring away in her sleep. She also sleeps by the heat register in the dining room.

Having A Loving Owner

My cats love to sleep and dream away on my lap or bed. Cats dream about an owner who will look after their well-being and take them to the Vet when sick. Cats depend on their owner to be loving, kind, compassionate, and caring. My cats dream that they will get the perfect Christmas present this year. Our cats give us joy, and they love us dearly. Cats dream about their cat friends and their good times together. Dream only the best dreams possible, my Dear feline friends.

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Cleaning In The Summer Months

Cleaning In The Summer Months

Garden and Power Tools

I take the trimmers into the house and place them on a piece of newspaper to sharpen and lubricate the blades. I have taken my chainsaws in the house to clean them and to replace the dull chainsaw blade with a nice sharp one. Change the oil in your mowers in the early hours before the heat gets the best of you.

Cleaning Your Basement

Cleaning your basement in the summer is the perfect place to clean since the basement is nice and cool. I burn old boxes and things I do not use that have seen better days. You can sell stuff in your basement that is clean and useable. If you have not used an item in ten years, you might as well sell it. Take old paint to a recycling center. Wash and mop your basement floor and clean your rafters and don’t forget to clean out the dryer vent and replace your furnace filter.

Cleaning Up Outdoor Buildings

I have sold or taken almost all my items from my outdoor building. I have burned many of the items in a burn pile. In the summer, I burn any old cardboard and debris that I might find in a building. I like clean and orderly facilities. I have donated good usable items to charity or sold them to get the unneeded item out of the way.

Cleaning Up Your Home In The Summer

If you have a painting project, working on it in an air-conditioned house is lovely. It is an excellent time to replace your carpet, as you can set items outdoors to get them out of the way while the carpet installers are at work. I have stained or painted my deck and outdoor buildings in the early morning hours. Mowing your yard and weed whacking is necessary for the early morning or late hours. I like cleaning the refrigerator and stove and defrosting the freezer. I wipe down the sleeves in the fridge, clean up the oven and racks, defrost the freezer, and put the food with ice in coolers. I like clean appliances as they can harbor germs if left unattended and not thoroughly cleaned.


Put wood chips around your garden plants so you will not have to weed much in the summer. Sprinkle natural pest control powder on your squash and potato plants. You may need to water your plants with a mixture to prevent blight. Work in the garden before the mosquitoes commence to eat you alive. Do not be afraid to spray Off or Cutter on yourself to prevent mosquito bites.

Clean Up Your Pets Beds, Dishes, Bird Baths, and More

I like to scrub out my bird bath with a Brillo pad, rinse it thoroughly, and put nice fresh water in it. It is also a good idea to clean out your bird feeders. Clean or replace pet dishes and bowls. I wash my cat’s bedding, toys, and towels in a washing machine just for my cats. Clean up your automatic and other litterboxes to prevent fleas and sickness in your cats. I have burned most of my old plastic litterboxes, bowls, and other pet dishes and replaced them with stainless steel or Pyrex containers. I buy new litterboxes when the old ones get, so you cannot clean them anymore. Clean early or later in the day to beat the dog days of summer if you must work outdoors cleaning. Cleanliness is next to Godliness.

Copyright 2022. Not to be reproduced in any form.

I Adopted Two Cats Tammy And Tigress

I Adopted Two New Cats Tammy And Tigress


It is a beautiful bi-colored black and white cat. Her Mother was one of my cats years ago, and her Mother lived to be 23 years old. I hope Tammy has that gene for longevity in her DNA makeup. Tammy lived outdoors on a farm, and she was an excellent huntress. I would see Tammy walking around on the farm where she used to live, her owner could no longer care for her, so I adopted her. I took her to my Vet, and he gave her all of her shots, wormed her, checked her feline leukemia, spayed her, got rid of her ear mites, and had her front feet declawed. She has tamed considerably in ten days; she will let me pat and touch her without making a single sound. She and her daughter Tigress sleep next to each other. They have a blanket and towels to curl up in. I have been feeding them canned cat food daily, and they seem very contented. Tammy used my litter box for her in the room with no problems.


Tigress is one year old, and she did not want to be touched or handled at all when I first got her home. She would try to claw you, and she would hiss at you. After she started getting canned food to eat every day, she became a very affectionate young female cat. She always sleeps next to her mom for comfort in her new surroundings. She had the same treatments at my Vet as her Mother did. She let me pat her on the head today, and she was not bothered by my touching her on the head whatsoever. Tigress is a light gray colored tuxedo cat with a little pink nose; she is a very attractive-looking young female cat. Tigress knew what the litter box was for immediately.

Tammy And Tigress Are In a Small Room For The Introduction Period

Both newcomers are in a small room where my other cats can smell them under the door. You never want to just let your new cat family members into your group of older cat family members. If cats are not introduced slowly, fights will break out, and it will not have a good outcome for one or more of your cats. Cats are territorial creatures, and every cat must figure out their place in the household so no one steps on someone else’s boundaries. Another cat might claim a particular chair in your house, and if the newcomers sit in that chair, they will have a rude awakening. Some cats have a unique cat hammock that is theirs or a specific toy and is unwilling to share it with anyone. Cats have sure heated cat beds they will share with a particular group of cats, and no one else may enter through that door. It takes a while for the cats to become one happy cat family. Spend much time patting your older cat family, so they feel left out. Spend a lot of time loving your new cat family where your older cats cannot see you doing so, Be patient with your cats; they will be one big happy cat family with the time and loving care. I have a total of 14 cats altogether. I have 3 in my house and eleven in another place. Adopt a cat, save a life today, and have a fabulous feline friend for many years.

Copyright 2022. Not to be reproduced in any form.

Do Cats really Like The Gadgets We Buy For Them?

Do Cats Really Like The Gadgets We Buy For Them?

Cat Toys

My cats love to play with circle toys with a ball to spin around. My cats prefer cat toys that you can add catnip to. The cat toys that you cannot add catnip to get played with less as the catnip smell begins to fade away. My cats love to play with singing birds or squeaking mice toys. My cats love to toss small mice toys in the air and catch them. My cats will play with crinkle toys for a while and soon become tired of them. Cats love to play with aluminum foil balls and your old sponges. Some cats like to play with the plastic lids of food containers. Ensure the covers are large enough that the kitty will not choke to death on them. Lazar lights appeal to cats until they figure out you control the lazar. Cats like to leap at catnip-filled fish on the end of a wooden stick.

Cat Beds

My cats love their cat beds. They love heated cat beds from K and H products. My older cats love orthopedic beds as they help them with their joints, and they have an extra restful and relaxing night. My cats adore hammock cat beds as they curl up for a cozy evening or an afternoon nap. My cats love to sleep in small dog beds that are extra plush. Meofia handmade wool beds are great cat beds for long winter nights. I have ordered wicker beds with a small circle pad in the middle. The residence in the cat bed falls apart quickly, but cats like to sleep on an extra fluffy towel placed in the bed. Make sure it is machine washable when you buy a small dog bed. I wouldn’t say I like cat beds that you have to spot clean, especially if my cat throws up in the bed. I want my cat beds to be sanitary and hygienic.


Cat Feeders

I especially like the cat feeders that record your voice. When you are away from home, your cat can hear your voice from the cat feeder, prompting your cat to eat when they hear your familiar voice. I have also had luck with the circular cat feeders that have no voice recorders; however, I do not think my cats eat as much as usual with those. I had never had one breakdown when I purchased new from Amazon, Chewy: Com, or E bay. My cats love heated stainless steel water bowls in winter as they always have water to drink.

Automatic Litter Boxes

I like my two litter robot litter boxes the best. I have had them for three years, and they have been trouble-free. I have one pet-safe litter box that I have had for four years with no problems whatsoever. I am using one litter maid litter box and have used it for one year in my home. I had a litter maid litter box in my other house, which broke down in a year and a half. The rail system stopped moving altogether.  I hope this blog post helps you purchase gadgets and cat toys that your cats will adore for years.

Copyright 2021. Not to be reproduced in any form.

Cleaning Your Cats Living Area And More

Cleaning Your Cats Living Area And More

Scrubbing Floors

I scrub the tile floors next door. I use a combination of Liquid Lysol and Tide, which kills any germs on the feet and make them sparkling clean. I use a bucket and a mop which works well. I also have a small floor steam cleaner that sanitizes my floors ideally. Some areas require a little scrubber to clean them area.

Counter Tops, Sleeves, And Tables Next Door

I use Lysol and soap on the countertops and the table next door. I also use a soft scrubber or a brush on the countertops. Wooden tables get cleaned with a wood cleaner, and then I apply some lemon oil to the wood tables. My cats sleep on sleeves that have cat beds and towels. The sleeves get cleaned with soap and water since they are plastic.

Cleaning The Dreaded Litter Boxes

I disassemble my litter boxes and then take them outdoors for a thorough scrubbing. I use a toilet brush only for cleaning my litter boxes and a 3 M scrubber. I put rubber gloves on before I start cleaning the litter boxes. I put dish soap in the litter box with the other parts of the litter box, and then I scrub them with the toilet brush. I let the litter box and parts air dry.

Cleaning Food Dishes And Water Bowls

I use glass or metal food dishes and water bowls since they are easy to clean and sanitary. Never buy plastic food or water bowls since they are a magnet for germs. The plastic gets scratched, and then it is impossible to sanitize them. I use dish soap to clean the water and food bowls.

Cat Bedding And Towels

I spot clean cat beds that cannot be washed in the washing machine. If the beds look bad, I remove them and replace them with a new ones. I use an old washing machine just for cleaning cat bedding. I use hot water and laundry soap on my cat towels. When washing cat beds, use the gentle and bulky cycle.

Cat Carriers

Remember to clean your cat carriers with Lysol and put new paper in them so you are always ready to transport your cat in a clean, sanitary pet carrier. Window cleaner comes in handy to clean the metal doors on the airlines. Cloth carriers will have to be spot cleaned with laundry soap.


Cat Toys

I wash my cat toys in my washing machine with laundry soap; they look and smell new. Some cat toys must be spot cleaned or replaced due to years of use. Sanitize your cat items to help you keep a healthy cat for many years.

Medicine Dispensers

If you have a pill gun, an Inhaler, a medicine cup, and more, remember to keep them sanitized so your cat won’t get sick from some virus living on the dispenser. Rubbing alcohol or soap and water works well. We all want our cats to be with us for many years. Keep their supplies and living area as clean as possible.

Copyright 2021. Not to be reproduced in any form.

How My Three House Cats Spend Their Day

How My Three House Cats Spend Their Day

Cats get to know your schedule very quickly. When I wake up in the morning, my cats are ready for me to attend to their needs, such as freshwater cat food and fresh kitty litter. Before I go to bed in the evening, two of my cats will already be camped in my bed for a long night’s rest.

Lap Cats

My cats love to sit in my lap when I read a book or watch TV. They all take turns sitting in my lap, which works well for all concerned. I fill three treat balls for them, and they have mastered all cat treat dispensers. Garfunkel loves to watch birds from the headrest on my recliner. Conrad has a recliner that he takes long cat naps in. Kohl has a heated bed that he loves to rest in, or he is in a round fluffy cat bed.

Cat Toy Box

They like to look through their toy box and take out what catches their fancy for the day. Kohl always has at least one green plastic frog to play with. Conrad likes a bat that lights up and cat toy mice and singing birds for cats. Garfunkel seems to like metallic balls and toy mice. Conrad will meow loudly as he carries a toy mouse through the house like it is his catch of the day. My cats take many catnaps during the day. Garfunkel is on my bed watching me type this post.

Cats Do Not Like Changes To Their Daily Routines

If my cats see me packing a suitcase, they instantly know I will be gone for a while and voice their complaints loudly. They can spend their day. However, they want to while I am not home. When Kohl was young, he would knock over things while I was gone. I guess he figured he would get even for me leaving him. Friends would always take care of my cats while I was gone. When I returned from a vacation, they would not greet me immediately because they were mad that I had left them alone. Kohl tends to forgive me first, followed by Garfunkel and then Conrad.

I hope you and your cats have many relaxing and enjoyable days together. Cats adapt quickly to our schedules; we care for them deeply and love them unconditionally. Cats bring joy into our hearts and our souls.

Copyright 2020. Not to be reproduced in any form.

Where I Buy My Cats Accessories

Where I Buy My Cats Accessories

I order my cat accessories online or buy them at local stores. I do a lot of comparison shopping as I want the best quality items for a reasonable price. Compare the online prices to your local store prices. If you can shop locally, remember those dollars go back into your community. Online shopping is lovely when they offer free shipping. It is nice to have cat food and cat litter delivered right to your door in the cold winter months.

I buy my cat’s toys from e bay, amazon, grocery stores, and My cat litter is from Menards, Mills Fleet Farm, and Chewy.Com. My cat food comes mainly from and Menards. I prefer K and H heated cat beds as they tend to last a long time. My heated cat beds come from e bay and My cats love their Meowfia cat beds from Chewy.Com. I purchased my cat’s playpen from Amazon.Com.

I just purchased an excellent plastic folding step made by Frisco and sold by for my cat Kohl. Kohl has trouble jumping into my bed as he ages, and his new actions make life much easier. Kohl also likes orthopedic cat beds that I have purchased from Aldi’s grocery store.

I have purchased flea treatment products from my veterinarian. You can buy distemper shots for your cats at Mills Fleet farm. I take my cats to my veterinarian for all of their images. Do research on flea treatment products before you buy them to ensure they are effective and safe for your cat, depending on size, age, and overall general health.

I purchased my metal heated water bowls from Menards as they last a long time compared to plastic heated water bowls. My grooming tools were purchased at my local stores. I have purchased many litter boxes over the years. I like a litter box that sifts the litter clean, as you do not waste as much cat litter.

I love the Litter Robot. It is more costly than other brands, but my cats and I love it. It smells nice and fresh, and the dirty litter is dumped in a plastic bag in the tray below the unit. The Litter Robot even has a night light in it for your cat. The Litter Robot is automatic. All you have to do is put fresh clumping litter in, remove the dirty trash, and put a new bag in, and you are all set.

Your cat will be happy with his new accessories, and his nine lives will be blessed by you caring for and loving him every day unconditionally. God Bless you and your feline friends.

Copyright 2019. Not to be reproduced in any form.

My Cats Favorite Kitty Litters

My Cats Favorite Kitty Litters

My cats prefer clumping cat litter that does not get stuck to their paws. Clumping cat litter tends to smell better for longer than non-clumping cat litter. Cats are very meticulous, and they love clean and fresh-smelling litter boxes.

My cats like Tidy Cats Kitty litter. The Tidy Cats litter smells suitable for a very long time. Tidy Cats also comes in a lightweight cat litter that is much easier to carry and transport. My cat next door also likes the Tidy cat’s disposable litter box. I have used Tidy Cats litter for many years with no issues whatsoever.

My cats like the World’s Best Cat litter with a pleasant corn smell. They also like Arm & Hammer cat litter, which is straightforward to remove from the litter box. My cats also like Mills Fleet Farm’s lightweight kitty litter. Wheat Scoop cat litter is an Eco-friendly cat litter that smells like freshly harvested corn. They like Fresh Step cat litter also.

My Pet Safe litter box uses crystal cat litter which my house cats like. The debris lasted for about 20 days with my three house cats. I use Tidy cat’s lightweight clumping litter in my Litter – Robot litter box. I use a variety of kitty litter in my Catit litter boxes.

I used some Mills Fleet Farm kitty litter today, and all my cats deposited that litter box. I also put Worlds Best Cat litter in my house’s cat litter ox, and my cats used that litter box in short order. I always use Tidy Cats’ lightweight kitty litter in the Litter-Robot. My house cats always use the Pet Safe litter box, also with the crystal kitty litter.

My cats like their favorite kitty litter and never have any litter box issues when I use their favorite cat litter.

Cat Toys And More That Your Cat Will Enjoy For Years

Cat Beds, Cat Toys And More That Your Cat Will Enjoy For Years

My cats like plush comfy cat beds, which are extra soft the older they get. My cats also enjoy the Meowfia wool cat beds. They curl up in or sleep on top of their Meowfia cat beds. I purchased two Serta orthopedic cat beds that my older cats like. I have purchased K & H heated cat beds that are a tremendous hit with my cat family next door.

I have two Frisco cat trees. My cats in the other house sit on the high perch and watch birds outdoors. Addi slept in the little built-in padded box cat bed on the cat tree. My three cats that are not declawed love to claw away at the burlap columns. Faith loves to play with the attached rope and ball on the cat tree. Russ, Mr. Gray, Hilford, Addi, Maggie, Cali, Peter, and Faith use the cat trees weekly.


Cat toys are a must for all cat owners. My cats go crazy for any toy that contains catnip. My cats love a toy that lights up when it is batted around. Toy mice and singing birds are an all-time favorite. Treat balls that dispense wonderful cat treats to give your cat exercise and a nice reward.

My cats love their Catit, Litter Robot, and Scoop Free litter boxes. Cats are very fastidious, and all litter boxes measure up to their high standards. Cali fell in love with the Litter Robot ASAP. She loves to watch it operate; it is the only litter box she uses now. Mr. Gray and Peter love the Litter Robot, also. All of these litter boxes work well, and my cats love them. My cats love Tidy Cats Litter, Arm and Hammer, Worlds Best cat litter, and Scoop Free debris.

My cats love various cat treats and canned cat food with tuna, salmon, turkey, pumpkin, carrots, and more. Their favorite cat food is Purina and Taste of the Wild. My cats love canned tuna packed in water. My cats like to eat a bit of fresh catnip now and then.

I hope your cat will enjoy these items for many years to come. I hope you and your cat or cats have many pleasant years ahead.

Copyright 2019. Not to be reproduced in any form.
