Cats That Are Happy

Cats That Are Happy

Cats Purr A Lot When They Are Happy

When my cats sit on my lap and purr away or lie next to me while I sleep, and they keep purring, I know that they are content and pleased. Cats purr when they receive new cat toys that they like or if they just received a lovely new heated cat bed. One of my cats with asthma loves to sleep in a heated bed; I think it helps his asthma to have lots of heat on his body. The minute I opened the door next door, 6 of my cats met me at the door, started purring away, and waited to be the first one to get my attention. My cats love to follow me, which usually pays off as they receive a pet treat.


The Great Outdoors

In the summer and early fall, my cats purr in their outdoor cat playpen, which is up high and next to my house. When some of my cats want to go outdoors, I follow them everywhere they go so no harm will come to them. You never know what animal could attack them if you left them unattended. Cats love to look at birds and watch the squirrels. I have a squirrel that comes next to my house every day at the same time, and he looks at the cats and watches TV for a while before he scampers away.

One On One Time With Your Cat

Cats vie to be the center of attention, and when you have a toy on a string filled with catnip and play with them, they are pleased indeed. Cats love to have you throw a toy mouse or singing bird in their direction. They will toss the toy around in the air and sometimes bring it back to you so you can toss it to them again. Cats get jealous quickly if you do not share the attention equally. My cats take turns sitting on my lap, which works well for us all.

Grooming Your Cat

My cats love to be combed out. Conrad will purr away loudly when I goom him with a special cat brush. Cali will arch up her back as if to say do not miss this part of my back. Mr. Gray, Faith, Hilford, Winchester, Addi, and Lizzie loved to be combed out with a cat brush. Addi would like it if I combed her out all day along with Faith. Grooming relaxes your cat and makes their coat nice, bright, and shiny at the same time.

Cats That Are Well Cared For Our Very Happy Cats

Anyone well cared for is happy and content, and so is your feline friend. Vet care keeps your cat in tip-top condition. If any disease or illness is treated quickly enough, it could save your cat’s life. Make sure your cat has fresh water and wet food every day. Cats are happy when their litter box and bedding are clean. I hope you and your cats are happy and healthy for at least nine lives.

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Cats Christmas Presents That They Love

Cat Christmas Presents That They Love

New Cat Toys

I purchased some cat tooth-cleaning toys for my cats that are filled with catnip for my cats. The toy’s exterior has little spots that stick up, which will help clean their teeth when they chew on the toy. I gave it to my cats early; they love it and will have pearly whites for Christmas. I purchased more catnip mice, singing birds, balls, and crinkle toys. My carts next door use their exercise wheel, and I see cat prints on it, and some of them have shed those unwanted pounds. All cats seem to love the circle ball toy. They bat the ball around the circle for some time before they rest.

New Litter Boxes

I purchased two Famree litter boxes, and my cats love them. The litter boxes tell me the weights of my cats and how long they were in the litter box. The waste is easy to remove as the plastic bag fits on top of the unit, and you pull out the old bag and place a new bag in it. I found an Elspet on the internet that was marked down in price considerably. I hope my cats will like it. I have a LitterMaid box that has been working perfectly for at least eight years, along with a PetSafe one. I have a couple of litter robots that lasted four years before I had to have them rebuilt.

Heated  Cat Beds And Cozy Beds Cats

Cats love heated beds and nice, plush, cozy beds to curl up in as the weather gets cold. I like the round or rectangle-shaped beds that are extra plush for my cats as they seem to be their favorite ones to curl up in. When the weather is quite cold, my cats next door go into their little heated buildings and snuggle up together. I have a round plastic bed in my house that Conrad and Cali love to sleep in. Garfunkel prefers the cozy rectangle bed. My cats next door have heated windowsill beds and boxes with soft towels. I have purchased new towels for them and also a new heated little building.

Hammocks With Scratching Post

I ordered three of these, and they already use two. They love these as they can curl up in the hammock in a little ball. The hammocks have little balls that hang down that your cat can bat around for entertainment.

Cat Towers

Cats love cat towers. I love the tall ones, as my cats can look out of the windows at the birds and anything that piques their interest in the great outdoors. Most cat towers have hammocks, scratching posts, and an area they can hide in.

GPS Tracker

I purchased two of these to put on any cat that wants outside for a while. Your cat can take off running even if you are watching and hide from you; with the GPS device, you should be able to find him quickly, and he will be glad you did, and so will you.

Cat Food And Treats

Buy your cat some of his favorite wet food, some cat treats, and maybe a cat treat ball or two.

Cat Computer Games

I put a cat game on my smartphone, and Cali and Garfunkel kept touching the mice, and they would vanish until a new mouse appeared. Put that app on your phone, and your cats will have a Merry Christmas or Birthday and keep playing that game.

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What I Think My Cats Dream About

What I Think My Cats Dream About

Cat Food

I think they dream about food most of the time. One time, my cat woke up from a nap licking his lips. Cats believe they will starve if you forget to fill their food dish to the top. One of my cats kept sniffing the air after waking up from a nap. He could tell I had baked a piece of salmon in the oven, and he wanted to be my food tester. My cats love Hartz squeezable. My house cats love them tremendously. I think my cats dream about being able to get cat treats out of their treat ball dispenser. Cats are obsessed with catnip, and if you lay some down in the bed where they are sleeping, they wake up and start chewing away at the catnip. The catnip makes them roll around and act like a kitten full of energy. They dream about catching an excellent plump mouse for an afternoon snack.

Garfunkel Woke Up After He Had Been Running In His Dream

I assumed he was fighting another cat much larger than he was and running to get away from the gigantic cat that was after him. In his dream, his front legs were moving back and forth quickly. He may have been chasing a rodent, or a coyote was after him. When he woke up, he looked shocked but relieved.

Sleeping In A Cozy New Cat Bed

Cats dream about a new bed they may receive for a present. They will have a unique, plush, luxurious cat bed until another cat in the household tries to claim it. My cats especially love the heated cat beds I have purchased for them. They can curl up in the cozy bed in their old age, and the heat helps with any joint pain that they may have. Conrad loves the heated bed I have in the dining room, and Cali takes the one in the kitchen occasionally. Garfunkel likes the plush and cozy beds.

Warm Places

I am sure my cats think of warm places to take a nap. The blanket that you have on your couch is too tempting. They dream about kneading on it and curling up in the lovely, fluffy new blanket. Your winter coat is laid out on a chair. My Siamese cat got in the coat and had her head sticking out of a sleeve in the jacket. Cali has slept in front of the fireplace, purring away in her sleep. She also sleeps by the heat register in the dining room.

Having A Loving Owner

My cats love to sleep and dream away on my lap or bed. Cats dream about an owner who will look after their well-being and take them to the Vet when sick. Cats depend on their owner to be loving, kind, compassionate, and caring. My cats dream that they will get the perfect Christmas present this year. Our cats give us joy, and they love us dearly. Cats dream about their cat friends and their good times together. Dream only the best dreams possible, my Dear feline friends.

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Cats And Playtime

Cats And Playtime

Cats That Want You To Interact With Them

Some cats will bring a sponge, rubber band, thread spool, or whatever they may find lying around in your home to you. Your cat wants you to throw the item in their direction, and they may bring it back to you to start the game again. One of my cats loved to get the Brillo pad my way, and I would toss it up in the air, and my cat would pounce on it with delight. Cats love to chase Laser lights. I pointed a laser light toward my ceiling and moved the light around the ceiling in that room, and my cat went wild, trying to keep up with that light. I would let my cat catch the laser light with his paws as I pointed it toward the floor now and then.

Cats That Play With Each Other

Some cats will catch and release mice. Once one cat lets it go, the other cat grabs it, and the game continues back and forth until one cat decides to have an appetizer. Once, a cat played that game with my pet dog, and my dog had the appetizer. Mother cats will catch and release the mouse so that their kittens may see it and eventually kill and eat the mice. I had one kitten that would let the mouse go right away, and the Mother cat was very patient with her kitten, and her kitten became an excellent mouser. Cats love to play with each other’s tails or clean and bite them too much for their liking.

Young Kittens Playing Outdoors In Mother Nature

Young kittens could play in a pile of leaves forever and never tire of it. I have witnessed young kittens pouncing on leaves and moving around on the ground on windy days. Yong kittens have wrestling matches, play with each other’s tails, and nip at each other. One of my kittens found an old lid from a pop bottle, and they kept batting that around until it finally got lost. They love to play with balls, toy mice, cat treat dispensers, crinkle balls, catnip filled toys; I had placed the toys in a building so they did last for a long time before they had to be replaced.

Cats Always Want To Play While You Are Trying To Work On A Project

When I am talking on the phone, my cats seem to be jealous of the phone. Cali will start throwing toy mice or other cat toys up in the air. Garfunkel starts meowing loudly at me. Conrad will purr or stare at me as he thinks, why is she talking to that piece of plastic while I am in the room with her? When I write a blog post, Garfunkel will lie on my bed and stare at me as he must think, what is she doing now? I give them cat treats, and they are happy and content again. I give them a little scratch under the chin and a pat on the head.

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Cats And Their Everyday Routines

Cats And Their Everyday Routines

Cat Toys

I put all my cat toys away at the end of the day. Cali starts her morning by picking out the cat toys she wants to play with for the day. She picks out small stuffed animals and toys that have catnip in them. She loves to carry the smaller ones in her mouth and meow loudly. She wants you to see her catch of the day. Conrad likes the toy mice and will toss them around in the air for a long time. The singing birds get all of my cats very excited and worked up. Garfunkel likes to play with the toys my other two cats have set out for the day. Garfunkel will toss some of the toys up and act like a young kitten again’. Play with your cats one-on-one with a line with a bird or fish on the end. Your cat may learn to fetch with training and treats for a reward.


My indoor cats let me give them their medicine without a fuss. Naturally, they do not like it, but they seem to understand that they must put up with it to improve. The outdoor cats that have been strays over the years that I have nursed back to health go to live with my neighbors once they get better. They think I am cruel and do not understand that I helped them back to health.

Cat Food

I give all of my cats the best cat food that I can afford to buy. I also occasionally give them top-quality soft cat food and tuna canned in water. My cats like chicken flavor, tuna, shrimp, chicken, and vegetables pouched or canned cat food. If your cat does not like what you give him, replace it with what he wants.

Lap Time

My cats delight in taking catnaps on my lap whenever I take time to rest and relax. Conrad and Garfunkel will lay side by side, purring away contentedly. Cali meows loudly, and my other two cats jump off, and she takes her turn on my lap.

Recliner, Cat Bed, Or Hammock Time

Conrad loves to sleep on his recliner or pet hammock. Cali sleeps on another recliner or in a heated cat bed. Garfunkel rests on my recliner or in the hallway on a cat bed. Cats know how to get the best set in the house.

Contented Cats

I want my cats to be contented. I want to make sure my cats are happy and healthy. A contented cat is comfortable and not afraid. Cats have to have things to entertain them to put them in a reasonable frame of mind. My cats have cat toys that stimulate their minds. I have several treat ball dispensers; the cat treat will not come out until they have masted the dispenser. Never have loud music in your home; it could ruin your cat’s hearing. Their hearing is way beyond our hearing as it is handy for catching prey or being prey to a coyote. I hope your feline friends are content in their nine cat lives with you.

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My cats Are Enjoying Their New Pat Baw Beds And Toys

My Cats Are Enjoying Their New Pat Baw Beds And Toys


New Pat Baw Pet Beds

My cats Are sleeping like babies in their new pat baw beds. Garfunkel and Cali sleep in their pat baw beds every night and for cat naps in the afternoon. Garfunkel prefers the gray square, and Cali likes the round blue one. I never see them sleeping in any of their other beds since I purchased the pat baw beds. The pat baw beds are orthopedic and machine washable. Cats always go for soft, comfortable, cozy, plush beds to sleep in. My cats keep on enjoying their early Christmas presents of pat baw pet beds.

Cat Toys

My cats received catnip-stuffed mice. Conrad ran off with it the minute I put it on the floor. Next door, Mr. Gray ran off with one. I gave the cats next door a mouse with a tail that they pull on, making the mouse dance across the room. I think that will be very popular with them. My house cats have two, and they love them. I gave my house cats a giant green caterpillar made from yarn. The cats next door received several brightly colored yarn balls that quickly disappeared. I also gave them a little toy monkey about the size of a kitten, and Winchester ran off with it. Catnip mice, crinkle balls, singing toy birds, and balls seem to be their favorites. Most of my cat’s toys come from, TSC, Mills Fleet Farm, or vacations.

Christmas Lunch

My house cats ate Hartz squeezable and Purina one dry cat food. My cat next door ate two cans of Fancy Feast turkey canned cat food and Purina one dry cat food. My cats also received cat treats the night before Christmas. My cats get clean, fresh water every day.


Old Toys From Christmas Past That Still Delight My Cats

Conrad still loves the Hallmark rabbit. He hops across the floor when you pull out his little round tail. Conrad discovered how to work the rabbit all on his own. They still have a toy skunk I see lying next to one of the cat beds now and then. Cali has discovered every singing bird cat toy in the house; I had not seen some of them for two years. She is an excellent huntress. My cats love their crinkle balls and their sparkling glitter balls for cats. Kohl used to play with plastic frogs, and when he died, I had most of the frogs buried with him. I always see a catnip mouse lying on the floor in my house and next door. Cats love circle ball toys. The singing bird cat toys last for years before the battery finally dies. Wash up your old cat’s toys that you can wash so they will be sanitary for your cats to play with. Throw away old cat toys that are falling apart so your cat will not ingest something that may kill your beloved cat. I hope you and your cat had a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

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A Cat Lovers Christmas Present

A Cat Lovers Christmas Present

Pet Beds

My cats love their Pat Baw cat bed. Their beds are cozy and plush for the most discerning cat. Garfunkel slept in his bed the minute the bed was unwrapped from Pat Baw’s pet beds. He stretches way out at night and does not get out of it until 6 AM. My cats also liked heated pet beds in the winter. The Pat Baw beds are machine washable, saving you money as they clean up and look new if the kitty vomits on their bed. Pat Baw pet beds help an older cat with arthritis as they are well-padded and extra plush. Any cat person reeving one of these fine beds for their pet would have a happy and healthy cat at Christmas and the rest of the year.

Cat Toys

My cats love to play with old thread spools, wine corks, and other things they may find in your home. My cats mainly love catnip-filled toys and circle ball toys. The catnip singing bird is always one of their favorite picks. Crinkle ball toys attract Cali every time she sees one as she tosses it in the air and runs after it like she is a kitten again. My cats love a squeaking mouse with a large red nose as all fourteen of my cats have played with one of those and a yellow singing bird cat toy. My cats also love playing with aluminum ball toys I have made for them. I have made dryer lint ball toys for them, and they love them. I shape the lint into a ball or mouse, and I sew it together with thread. Cali and Garfunkel love them. Conrad loves to play with a Hallmark rabbit that you pull his tail out, and he dances across the room. He figured out how it worked ASAP. All of my cats love tossing catnip mice in the air. Cali will bring one to me and meow just like she would if she had killed a live mouse. If cat lovers cats are happy, they are so glad, also.

Gift Certificates

If I receive a gift certificate for cat food, cat toys, cat beds, or a certificate I can use at my Vet, I am thrilled. All cats love good quality pet food, cat toys, cat beds, and the gift of good health. Cat lovers love to pamper their cats with the best of everything. Cats and their owners love self-cleaning litter boxes. Cats are part of our family. I love it when people give money to organizations that feed cats in developing countries and provide free medical care. Give money to spay and neuter clinics that spay, neuter, and release cats back into their feral communities. Help cats that have been abused find love in their life by being adopted into a loving and caring family home. I want all pets to have a loving and caring home for Christmas and after Christmas. Help God protect all creatures, great and small. May all of God’s creatures know love, happiness, peace, and love in their lives.

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Creative Cats

Creative Cats

Cats That Make Their Cat Toys

One of my cats used to play with old sponges that I had cleaned my kitchen sink. She would toss them up in the air and carry them around the house like she had caught a prized mouse. Some of my cats have played with the empty toilet paper rolls. Most of my cats like to play with small aluminum balls made out of aluminum foil. My cats have played with a lid from a small bottle as if it were a hockey puck. I have placed empty spools of thread on the floor, and my cats have rolled that around on the floor for hours upon end. My cats also enjoy playing with old wooden corks. Some cats like to take my ink pens and play with them. I once had a cat that would roll a lead pencil under my door, and he would wait until I rolled it back to him, and we repeated the process several times. One of my cats managed to get the clothespins off the clothesline, and he would take them apart and play with the pieces. I had one cat that would watch the pool balls go into the pool table’s pockets. I had a pet parakeet that my Siamese cat loved, and she would listen to him sing for hours. My outdoor cats have played with leaves as they blow around in the wind. Cats love to play with each other’s tails until one cat gets tired of it.

Cats With Creative Talents

I have one cat that drowns any mice he may see. I once had a cat that would walk along the curtain rod, and he would never lose his balance. Cats are excellent climbers but sometimes forget how high up they have ventured. My cats have always managed to get down again, but not nearly as gracefully as they did climb up. I have one cat that can open doors. He stands on his hind feet, uses his front paws to turn the doorknob, and goes off. I had one cat that left my farm for ten years, and then she returned home. I wish I could have asked her about her adventures while she was gone. I had a female cat that had our small dog babysitting her kittens for her while she went off hunting for the catch of the day. I have had outdoor cats stand by my door in the winter months, knowing I would let them become house cats because I could not see them shivering in the elements.

Never Underestimate The Intelligence Of Your Cat

I had a cat rent a house for me once. She turned on the answering machine, and that party left a message, and they ended up renting our home. A cat dialed 911 and saved his owner’s life. His owner had taught the cat how to dial 911, thinking the cat would not be able to, and the cat proved him wrong. A cat saved his family by alerting them to a dangerous gas leak outside their home. Cats awakened their owners when there was a fire in their home, and they got out safely. I had an outdoor cat come to the door that was having trouble delivering her kitten. I helped her, and all was well. God bless the beast and the children.


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Cats At Play And More

Cats At Play And More

Playful Kittens

Kittens love to play with their mother’s tail. Their mother will put up with it for a long time before she gives them a little tap on their nose. Kittens love to romp around and wrestle with each other. Kittens especially love to bounce around and get into things while you are sleeping or not watching them closely. Kittens will test their boundaries by jumping on your table, scratching your furniture, knocking things over, climbing your drapes, and more. Kittens will play with almost anything desirable to play within your home. Keep plastic bags, choking hazards, medicine, and poisons out of reach, as your kitten may play with them or swallow them and end up dying. Kittens love to play with small bright colored cat toys. Kittens are fun to have around; with your tender, loving care, you will have a loving feline companion.

Grown Cats At Play

Grown cats love to play with a live mouse by tossing it around before they kill it and eat it. My adult cats love to play with each other’s tails. My cats love it when one of my other cats licks and grooms his head for him. Adult cats love to get into mischief and run away quickly while your young cat is standing there, and you end up blaming the young cat, which is what they wanted all along. Cats are very jealous creatures and enjoy all of your attention, even if it is negative. My cats tend to act up when I am talking on the phone because they want my attention. I finally kept quiet as I stopped scolding them when they did that, and they soon stopped that annoying behavior. Grown cats love to get into hissing contests now and then, as that is one of their ways of declaring that they are the top cat in your house. Any cat that is part Siamese loves to pick a fight with any other cat in your house that they feel is a treat to their top cat ranking in your home.

Cats And Toys And Beds

Cali went through my house and picked out any toys my other cats had not played with, and she declared them as her toys. Cali is part Siamese and loves letting that shine through when she wants to. She has said herself the top cat in my house. My cat’s next door do not mind sharing their toys. My cats have picked out the beds they want to sleep in, and no other cat may enter but them or their select group. Some cats wish to have windowsill beds, heated small building beds, towels with cushions, or cat hammock scratching post beds with a ball attached. Circle game toys, catnip mice, bright colored balls,  small stuffed animals, and cat treat dispenser toys are their favorites. Cats are very playful, fun, and relaxing to watch. God bless our wonderful and loving feline friends.

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In Memory Of My Cat Kohl

In Memory Of My Cat Kohl

Kohls Kitten Years

Kohl started with respiratory problems as a kitten. His Mother was a first-time Mother cat, and she did not know how to care for Kohl. She left him on a heated mat in the cat building. Kohl became one of my housecats on Christmas night in 2008. I put him in a massive cage with a litter box, food, and water. He was old enough to survive with my help. He had significant respiratory problems. One of my Vets gave me antibiotics for Kohl. Kohl also had to have Pediasure for one month, which he drank from a kitten bottle. He also had exceptional cat food with added vitamins and minerals that he needed to survive. I let him out of the cage in one month, and my other cats got along fine.

Kohls Young Cat Years

He loved playing with plastic frogs. He also liked bright-colored balls and yellow mice. Kohl wanted to wrestle with my cat Sebastian and Sebastian would let him know he was still the top cat. Kohl spent many hours watching birds from my picture window. Garfunkel and Kohl would wrestle, also. He loved exercising by running up and down my steps. He loved sleeping in any warm heated area and sunbathing by the picture window. Kohl liked to help me with my bookwork as he would throw it on the floor when I was gone. He let me know what he thought of the bookwork.

Kohl Had Several Mishaps In His Life

He did not want to land on my new housecat Garfunkel. As he was jumping down, Garfunkel was right in the area where he would land. Kohl flipped his body to avoid landing on Garfunkel and broke his back leg at 8 PM. I rushed him to my Vet, and he sat his leg the best he could. Kohl had a pink cast on, and he hated that cast. He did not want to walk again. I kept working with him, and finally, he started to walk again. He would rest with the broken leg sticking up from his cat bed. He would run down the steps, and you could hear the cast bumping on every step. He had a sizeable noncancerous tumor above his eye that was removed. Cancer would have grown over his watch if it had not been released. Kohl made a full recovery from his ordeals.


Kohls Wonderful Personality

He was a very gentle and loving cat. He had a very mild temperament, and he never did anything wrong except play with the bookwork when he was young. My carpenter told me he would have a cat if it were as laid back as Kohl always was.

Kohls Older Years

He would sleep more, and he was not as active anymore. Kohl would sit in my lap for a little while and want down. He has been on antibiotics for his respiratory problems for the last two years. I took Kohl to one of my Vets for surgery to remove a tumor from his nostril, causing his eye to bulge. I had just noticed the look four days ago. She said she could hardly remove any of the tumors. She told me the cancer was vast and cancerous and would be painful for him to live on. I told her to put him to sleep. I put several of Kohls’s’s favorite toy frogs in his burial box. Kohl was the last cat that I had that was related to my original cats on the farm. He was part Himalayan, Siamese, and domestic shorthair. Kohl was put to sleep on Feb. 15, 2022; he was 13 and .4. God bless my sweet Kohl in cat heaven. Kohl will be greatly missed as he had the personality of Saint. Thank you, God, for letting me have Kohl in my life.

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