Cats and Accidents

Cats and Accidents

I have had many cats get run over by cars throughout the years. Most of the time, it has been young kittens. Kittens will sit on a car’s tires shortly after the vehicle has been driven. The tires on the vehicle are still warm, and the kitten thinks it has a warm area to take a long nap. I have also had cats sleep on the motor of a car.

We had a tenant run over four of our lovely kittens simultaneously. There was a kitten on each one of his tires. My Mother gathered the dead kittens, and my Father gave them a burial service.

An older or sickly cat will also sleep on tires or in the engine compartment of a car. The engine is warm, and they are cold from an illness. When someone starts the car, the unfortunate cat will suffer the consequences.

Several outdoor cats were run over shortly after I had them neutered. They got run over about three months after they were fixed. I never had another outdoor Tom sterilized again after that experience.

Manx cat

I had a Mother cat by the name of Trisha. Trisha was a perfect and intelligent Mother cat. All of the kittens Trisha had in her life never got run over. Before Trisha crossed to the other side of the road, she would look both ways at least three times and then cross over to the other side. Trisha taught all of her kittens her road-crossing skills.

I watched Elite, one of Trisha’s kittens, crossing the road. She used all of the skills of road crossing that her Mother had taught her.

Several generations later, I gave Trisha’s kittens to a friend who lives on a busy highway. I am glad to say they also have learned Great Grandma Trisha’s road-crossing skills.


I hope none of your cats ever get run over by a car.

Copyright 2015. Not to be reproduced in any form.


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Cats and Accidents
