Let Your Voice Be Heard

Let Your Voice Be Heard

Let your voice be heard in a positive manner that will help and influence people. Encourage people to do the best that they can every day of their life.


I was made fun of in school at a very young age. My teacher and the students would laugh at me when I talked. So I grew up feeling that silence was golden as far as I was concerned. If I did not speak, no one would laugh at me. It took over half of my life to overcome not talking to people more than necessary to get by.

I especially had trouble visiting with women since it was mainly the girls that laughed at me years ago. I was blessed to meet a unique and outstanding group of women in my blogging group. They were kind and considerate, and very outgoing. I am now comfortable with visiting all people.

I have finally found my voice in life. I have learned never to let anyone have so much control over you that they take your voice away. Do not let the bullies in your life take over your life. Always remember there are more kind and considerate people in the World than bad people. Evil people always seem to make the news, and good people are not mentioned much in the report. God is always watching and knows when you have done good deeds.

You learn a lot by visiting and conversing with people. One conversation can make or break a deal, keep a Company in business, or close its doors forever. Remember to use your voice positively that will help people and do not put people down. Converse and spread your knowledge to make the World a better place for everyone.

Copyright 2017. Not to be reproduced in any form.


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Let Your Voice Be Heard
