

What does it mean to have respect for someone? You care about the person and treat them as you would want to be treated. Respect is a two-way street. If someone does not respect you, it is tough to respect them. You must have consideration and honor for a person’s well-being as one aspect of the standard of respect. Sometimes respect has to be learned through your actions to treat others honorably and with complete and total respect toward themselves and others. Your actions speak louder than words.


Do you feel compassion, love, joy, and hope around a person you respect? If not, is there no respect in your relationship with that person? By addressing a person as Doctor or Mr. or Mrs., etc. Shows a sign of respect for that person. A simple act of holding a door open for a person shows a sign of respect. To offer a sign of concern for people’s well-being, visiting the sick, and helping the poor is respectful and shows the sign of a good steward.


I have always found it easy to respect my elders and others in authority. I respect other people’s property and treat it as if it were my own. If you borrow something from someone, give it back to them in the same condition as when you borrowed it or return it in a better shape.

Do not take people for granted. Show appreciation often. Do not make snap judgments about people, as you may have the same fault yourself and not even see it in you. Always remember that respect will get you much farther in life than disrespect. Respect God, property, animals, and people, and always be truthful, compassionate, loving, and caring.

Copyright   2017. Not to be reproduced in any form.


